1/12 ÖÖ 0:00 00:00
Alert Status Jawa Timur Floods inundated most of the streets and settlements.; Large-scale and long-term disruptions in clean water, electricity, and gas sevices.; Large-scale and long term disruptions to school and hospital operations.; Transportation routes are disrupted and very difficult to cross.; Roads and bridges were heavily damaged or washed away.; Flood flows endanger community.; Communication facilities and infrastructure are severely damaged so the community was isolated.; Houses and other buildings are severely damaged.; Most people lose their livelihoods and livestock.; Landslides, rock, or soil erosion occur on a large scale.; Damages occurs to most plants.; A widespread outbreak of infectious disease.; Large scale flow of debris, lava, or mud.; Closure of airport.; River embankments are damaged.; Dam walls are damaged.; Water pool occur in coastal areas or lowlands on a large scale. Stay calm and alert.; Share / exchange information with neighbors around the house.; Be careful when doing activities outside the home.; Updating information through mass media and social media.; Looking for information through parties related to disaster.; Do not move outside the house if it is not urgent.; Coordinate with disaster related parties.; Securing important documents.; Conditioning things to be safe from disaster.; Take refuge in a permanent building.
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