Düşük sıcaklık
26/12 ÖS 0:00 12:00
Morning minimum temperature is predicted to drop by more than 10°C than the previous day to below 3°C and lower by 3°C compared to the climatological normal year. Morning minimum temperatures of -12°C or less is expected for more than 2 days. Serious damage is expected due to rapid temperature drop.
KMAÖnümüzdeki 24 saat
Bugün dünya hava durumu
+14° 57°
+7° 45°
-3° 27°
+7° 45°
+7° 45°
+13° 55°
+7° 45°
0° 32°
+5° 41°
+23° 73°
En sıcak ve en soğuk
Bethanie, Namibie
+33.4° 92°
Oudtshoorn, Jižní Afrika
+26° 79°
Zyryanovsk, Kazachstán
-17.1° 1°
Upernavik, Grónsko
-19.8° -4°
Pond Inlet, Kanada
-32° -26°
Tosontsengel, Mongolsko
-33.7° -29°
Aliskerovo, Rusko
-36.7° -34°