2/2 ÖS 11:00 23:00
Wind speed exceeding 14m/s or wind speed of moment exceeding 20m/s are expected on land. But, wind speed exceeding 17m/s or wind speed of moment exceeding 25m/s are expected in mountain areas.
KMAKar yağışlı
4/2 ÖÖ 9:00 09:00
Snowfall is expected to be more than 5cm in 24 hours.
KMAÖnümüzdeki 24 saat
Bugün dünya hava durumu
+9° 48°
+8° 46°
+3° 37°
+3° 37°
+3° 37°
+8° 46°
-1° 30°
-2° 28°
-2° 28°
+25° 77°
En sıcak ve en soğuk
Santiago del Estero, Argentina
+42.1° 108°
Guazú-Cuá, Paraguay
+39.9° 104°
El Cubolero, Honduras
+34.1° 93°
Salto, Uruguay
+34° 93°
Somotillo, Nicaragua
+33° 91°
Savukoski, Finlanda
-27.6° -18°
Bayanhongor, Mongolia
-28.4° -19°
Pond Inlet, Canada
-35° -31°
Genhe, China
-40.7° -41°
Susuman, Federația Rusă
-50.2° -58°