- Abbey
- Abbott Island
- Aberdeen
- Abernethy
- Abram Island
- Ada
- Adams Island
- Adams Island
- Adams Peninsula
- Adanac
- Adelaide Park
- Admiral
- Ahtahkakoop 104
- Air Ronge
- Akimau Island
- Alameda
- Albatross
- Albert
- Albert Park
- Albert Park South
- Albertville
- Aldina
- Alexander Island
- Algrove
- Alice Beach
- Alida
- Allan
- Allan Hills
- Allan Hills
- Allan Island
- Allan Island
- Allen Island
- Allen Peninsula
- Alsask
- Alta Vista
- Alticane
- Alvena
- Amazon
- Amiens
- Amisk Lake 184
- Amisk Lake Recreation Site
- Amiskit Island
- Amsterdam
- Amuchewaspimewin Cliff
- Amulet
- Ancrum
- Anderson Island
- Anderson Island
- Anderson Island Protected Area
- Anderson Peninsula
- Anderson Peninsula
- Anderson Peninsula
- Anderson Peninsula
- Anderson Point
- Andrews Island
- Andrews Lake Game Preserve
- Anerley
- Aneroid
- Angell Island
- Anglia
- Anglin Lake
- Anglin Lake Recreation Site
- Anglo-Rouyn Mine Site
- Annaheim
- Antelope
- Antelope Lake Regional Park
- Antelope Wildlife Management Unit
- Antler
- Antoine Point
- Anxiety Butte
- Apex Island
- Appleby Island
- Aquadell
- Aquadeo
- Arabella
- Arborfield
- Arbury
- Arbuthnot
- Arcand Island
- Archer Island
- Archer Ridge
- Archerwill
- Archibald Island
- Archive
- Archydal
- Arcola
- Arctic Butte
- Ardath
- Ardill
- Arelee
- Argue Peninsula
- Argyle Park
- Arlington Beach
- Arm River Recreation Site
- Armit
- Armit River Recreation Site
- Armley
- Armstrong Island
- Armstrong Point
- Arnheim Place
- Aronson Island
- Arpiers
- Arran
- Arrowhead Island
- Artland
- Ashfield Island
- Ashley Peninsula
- Asimakaniseekan Askiy 102A
- Aspen Cove
- Asquith
- Asquith
- Assaf Islands
- Assiniboia
- Assiniboia Airport
- Assiniboia East
- Assiniboia Regional Park
- Assiniboine 76
- Atchison Island
- Athabasca Sand Dunes Provincial Park
- Atton's Lake Regional Park
- Atwater
- Auburnton
- Auriat Island
- Avalon
- Avebury
- Avonhurst
- Avonlea
- Aylesbury
- Aylsham
- B-Say-Tah
- Baby Gull Islands
- Backes Island
- Backes Island Wildlife Refuge
- Badger Island
- Badgerville
- Bag Island
- Baildon
- Bailey Island
- Baker Island
- Balcarres
- Bald Butte
- Baldwinton
- Balgonie
- Baljennie
- Ball Island
- Ballentin Island
- Baller Island
- Balone Beach
- Bangor
- Bankend
- Bapaume
- Baptiste Island
- Barber Point
- Bard Island
- Baring
- Barker Island
- Barnes Island
- Barnett Ridge
- Barrett Island
- Barrier Ford
- Barthel
- Barvas
- Basinand Middle Lakes Bird Sanctuary
- Bateman
- Bateman Island
- Batoche
- Batoche National Historic Site of Canada
- Battle Creek
- Battle Heights
- Battle of Fish Creek National Historic Site of Canada
- Battleford
- Battrum
- Bay Island
- Bay Trail
- Bayard
- Bayard Islands
- Bayview Heights
- Bazentin
- Bazill Wildlife Refuge
- Beacon Hill
- Beaconsfield Island
- Beadle
- Bear Creek
- Bear Island
- Bear Island
- Bear Point
- Bear Point
- Beardy's 97 and Okemasis 96
- Beartooth Island
- Beaton Island
- Beatty
- Beatty Island
- Beatty Island
- Beatty Island
- Beatty Lake Recreation Site
- Beatty Point
- Beaubier
- Beaufield
- Beaupré Creek Recreation Site
- Beauval
- Beaver Creek
- Beaver Dale
- Beaver Flat
- Beaver Hills
- Beaver Island
- Beaver Point
- Beaver Point
- Beaver River Recreation Site
- Beaver Valley
- Beaver/Cowan Rivers Recreation Site
- Beaverlodge Island
- Beaverlodge Mountain
- Bechard
- Beck Island
- Bedard Island
- Bedford Island
- Beechy
- Bekevar
- Belanger
- Bélanger
- Belanger Island
- Belanger Point
- Belbutte
- Bell Butte
- Bell Island
- Bell Island
- Bell Peninsula
- Belle Plaine
- Bellegarde
- Bells Island
- Belous Island
- Bemersyde
- Ben Butte
- Bender
- Bengough
- Bengough Regional Park
- Benito Beach
- Bennett Island
- Bensham
- Benson
- Bentley Peninsula
- Bents
- Beresina
- Bereskin Island
- Bergheim
- Berglund Island
- Bernard
- Bernier Island
- Berston Island
- Bertwell
- Berube Lake Game Preserve
- Besant Recreation Site
- Besnard Lake Recreation Site
- Bethune
- Bethune Recreation Site
- Bettin Island
- Betts Island
- Beverley
- Bickleigh
- Biden Island
- Bienfait
- Big Baldy Hill
- Big Beaver
- Big Beaver Regional Park
- Big Buffalo Beach Recreation Site
- Big Island
- Big Island
- Big Island
- Big Island
- Big Island Point
- Big Muddy
- Big River
- Big River 118
- Big River 118A
- Big River Regional Park
- Big Sandy Lake Recreation Site
- Big Shell
- Big Shell Lake Recreation Site
- Bigfowl Island
- Biggar
- Biggar and District Regional Park
- Bighead 124
- Bigstone Cutoff Recreation Site
- Billimun
- Billings Island
- Birch Hills
- Birch Hills
- Birch Point
- Birch Point
- Birch Portage
- Birch Portage 184A
- Birch Rapids
- Birchbark Lake Recreation Site
- Bird Island
- Bird Island
- Bird Island
- Bird's Point
- Bird's Point Recreation Site
- Birmingham
- Birsay
- Birson
- Bishopric
- Bisson Island
- Bittern Lake 218
- Bjorkdale
- Bjornson Island
- Black Island
- Black Island
- Black Lake
- Black Point
- Blackman Island
- Blackstrap Provincial Park
- Blackwood
- Blackwood Islands
- Bladon Island
- Bladworth
- Blaine Lake
- Blaine Lake Game Preserve
- Blais Island
- Blanchard Island
- Blondeau Island
- Blucher
- Blue Bell
- Blue Heron
- Blue Island
- Blue Jay
- Bluebird Island
- Blumenheim
- Blumenhof
- Blumenort
- Blumenthal
- Blyth Island
- Boddy Point
- Bodmin
- Boggy Creek Game Preserve
- Boharm
- Bokitch Island
- Bolney
- Bolster Peninsula
- Bonanza Point
- Bond Island
- Bonnycastle Island
- Borden
- Borden Bridge Recreation Site
- Borderland
- Boucher Island
- Boundary Dam Reservoir Recreation Site
- Boundary Island
- Boundary Plateau
- Bounty
- Bourgeau Peninsula
- Bournemouth
- Bow Valley Regional Park
- Bowering Island
- Box Point
- Boyce Island
- Boyd Island
- Boyes Island
- Boyle Island
- Braaten Island
- Brabant
- Bracken
- Brackenridge Island
- Brada
- Braddock
- Bradley Island
- Bradshaw Island
- Bradwell
- Bradwell National Wildlife Area
- Brancepeth
- Brandser Island
- Bratton
- Bray Island
- Brebber Island
- Bredenbury
- Bremen
- Brenton Island
- Bresaylor
- Brevoort Park
- Brewer
- Briarlea
- Bridgeford
- Briercrest
- Bright Sand
- Brightholme
- Brightsand Lake Regional Park
- Brink Island
- Brinson Point
- Broadacres
- Broadview
- Broadview Recreation Site
- Brock
- Brockelbank Hill
- Brockelbank Hill Protected Area
- Brockington
- Broderick
- Broders Annex
- Brokenshell Wildlife Management Unit No. 1
- Brokenshell Wildlife Management Unit No. 2
- Bromhead
- Broncho
- Bronson Forest Recreation Site
- Brooking
- Brooks Island
- Brooksby
- Brora
- Brown Island
- Brown Island
- Brown Islands
- Brown Islands
- Brown Peninsula
- Brown Peninsula
- Brown Peninsula
- Brown Point
- Brown Point
- Brown Point
- Browning
- Brownlee
- Bruno
- Brunskill
- Bryant
- Bryer Island
- Buchanan
- Buchanan Peninsula
- Buck Island
- Buckland
- Buckland Wildlife Management Unit
- Budd Island
- Budd's Point 20D
- Budds Point
- Buena Vista
- Buena Vista
- Buffalo Gap
- Buffalo Horn
- Buffalo Narrows
- Buffalo Narrows Airport
- Buffalo Point
- Buffalo Pound Lake Recreation Site
- Buffalo Pound Provincial Park
- Buffalo Rubbing Stone Historic Site
- Bug Lake Recreation Site
- Bulls Forehead
- Bulyea
- Bunn Island
- Burdick Range
- Bures
- Burgis
- Burgis Beach
- Burman Island
- Burnard Island
- Burnham
- Burns Island
- Burnt Island
- Burr
- Burr Island
- Burrows
- Burstall
- Burt
- Burton Island
- Burton Lake
- Burton Peninsula
- Bushell
- Bushell Park
- Busteed Island
- Butler Island
- Butte-St-Pierre
- Butterton
- Buzzard
- Cabana
- Cabin Point
- Cable Point
- Cabri
- Cabri Regional Park
- Cactus Lake
- Cadillac
- Cairns Island
- Calder
- Calder Island
- Calderbank
- Caldwell Peninsula
- Callaghan Island
- Calley
- Cameo
- Cameron Island
- Cameron Island
- Camerons Slough
- Camp 10 Lake Recreation Site
- Camp Dundurn
- Camp Island
- Campbell Island
- Campbell Island
- Campbell Island
- Campbell Island
- Campbell Islands
- Campbell Peninsula
- Campbell Point
- Camsell Point
- Camsell Portage
- Camsell Portage
- Cana
- Canadian Forces Base Moose Jaw
- Canadian Forces Station Flin Flon
- Candiac
- Candle Lake
- Candle Lake Provincial Park
- Cando
- Cannington Lake
- Cannington Manor Provincial Park
- Canoe Lake 165
- Canoe Lake 165A
- Canoe Lake 165B
- Canoe Lake Recreation Site
- Canoe Narrows
- Canoe River
- Canopus
- Canora
- Cantal
- Cantuar
- Cantyre
- Canuck
- Canwood
- Canwood Provincial Forest
- Canwood Regional Park
- Capasin
- Caplette Islands
- Cardross
- Carey Island
- Caribou Heights
- Carievale
- Carlea
- Carleton Island
- Carlton
- Carlton Trail Regional Park
- Carlyle
- Carlyle Lake Resort
- Carmel
- Carmichael
- Carmody Island
- Carnagh
- Carnduff
- Caron
- Caronport
- Carpenter
- Carpenter Island
- Carr Island
- Carragana
- Carrot River
- Carrot River 29A
- Carruthers
- Carson Peninsula
- Carswell Peninsula
- Casey Island
- Castle Butte
- Caswell Hill
- Caswell Island
- Cater
- Cateran Island
- Catherwood
- Cattle Island
- Cavalier
- Cavell
- Ceba
- Cecil
- Cedar Villa Estates
- Cedoux
- Celtic
- Central Business District
- Central Butte
- Centre Island
- Ceylon
- Ceylon Regional Park
- CFB Moose Jaw
- Chagoness
- Chamberlain
- Chambers Island
- Chamney Island
- Champ de tir Burdick
- Champ de tir Prince Albert
- Champagne Island
- Champagne Island
- Channel Point
- Chaplin
- Chapman Island
- Charbonneau Island
- Charlot Island
- Charlot Peninsula
- Charron Lake Game Preserve
- Chartier Island
- Chartier Point
- Chartrand Point
- Chase Island
- Cheesman Island
- Chelan
- Chemong
- Cherry Ridge
- Chervek Island
- Chicken 224
- Chicken 225
- Chicken 226
- Chief Poundmaker Hill
- Chimney Coulee Historic Site
- Chipman Portage
- Chitek
- Chitek Lake
- Chitek Lake 191
- Chitek Lake Recreation Site
- Choiceland
- Chorney Beach
- Chortitz
- Chortitz
- Christie Island
- Christie Island
- Christopher Lake
- Church Island
- Churchbridge
- Churchill
- Churchill Downs
- Churchill Lake 193A
- Churchill Park
- Churchman Island
- City Park North
- City Park South
- City View
- City View
- Clair
- Clair Lake Regional Park
- Clare Point
- Clarence - Steepbank Lakes Provincial Park
- Clark Bridge
- Clark Island
- Clark Island
- Clark Island
- Clark Peninsula
- Clarke Island
- Clarke Island
- Clarke Point
- Clashmoor
- Clavet
- Clay Island
- Claybank
- Claydon
- Clayridge
- Claytonville
- Clear Lake Regional Park
- Clearsand Beach
- Clearwater Lake Regional Park
- Clearwater River
- Clearwater River
- Clearwater River Dene Band 221
- Clearwater River Dene Band 223
- Clearwater River Provincial Park
- Cleeves
- Clemenceau
- Clements Island
- Cleveland Island
- Climax
- Cloan
- Clouston
- Cluff Lake
- Cluff Lake Airport
- Co Op Point
- Coalfields
- Coates Island
- Cochin
- Coderre
- Codette
- Cody Island
- Coffee Point
- Coldwell Park Recreation Site
- Cole Bay
- Cole Island
- Cole Island
- Colesdale Park
- Coleville
- Colfax
- Colgate
- College Park
- College Park East
- Collins Bay Airport
- Collins Island
- Collins Island
- Colmer
- Colonsay
- Common Island
- Condie Nature Refuge Recreation Site
- Coney Island
- Confederation Park
- Congress
- Connell Creek
- Connell Island
- Conquest
- Constance
- Consul
- Cook Island
- Cook Island
- Cook Peninsula
- Cooke Island
- Cookson
- Cookson Wildlife Management Unit
- Copeland
- Coriander
- Corinne
- Corman Island
- Corneille Portage
- Corning
- Coronach
- Coronation Park
- Cosine
- Coté
- Cote 64
- Coteau Beach
- Cotham
- Course Island
- Courtenay Lake Recreation Site
- Courval
- Coventry Place
- Cow Island
- Cowan Dam Recreation Site
- Cowan Island
- Coward Island
- Cowessess 73
- Cowie Island
- Cowpack Island
- Coxby
- Crackingstone Peninsula
- Crackingstone Point
- Craddock Island
- Craig Island
- Craig Island
- Craik
- Craik and District Regional Park
- Craik Island
- Cramersburg
- Crane Island
- Crane Valley
- Crater Island
- Craven
- Cree Lake
- Creelman
- Creighton
- Creighton Island
- Crescent Heights
- Crescent Lake
- Crescent View
- Crestwynd
- Creswell Island
- Crichton
- Crooked Lake Provincial Park
- Crooked River
- Cross Island
- Crossing Island
- Crow Island
- Crowe Island
- Crozier Island
- Crump Island
- Crutwell
- Crystal Bay-Sunset
- Crystal Beach
- Crystal Beach Game Preserve
- Crystal Beach Regional Park
- Crystal Hill
- Crystal Lake
- Crystal Springs
- Cub Hills
- Cub Hills Game Preserve
- Cudsaskwa Beach
- Cudworth
- Cuffley
- Culdesac Lake Recreation Site
- Cullen
- Cumberland 100A
- Cumberland 20
- Cumberland House
- Cumberland House Provincial Park
- Cumberland Island
- Cumines Island
- Cupar
- Curly Islands
- Currie Heights
- Currie Island
- Cut Knife
- Cutbank
- Cuvier
- Cymric
- Cypress Hills
- Cypress Hills Provincial Forest
- Cypress Hills Provincial Park
- Cypress Lake Recreation Site
- D. Gerbrandt Recreation Site
- D'Arcy
- Dafoe
- Dafoe Game Preserve
- Dagg Creek Recreation Site
- Dahinda
- Dahl Island
- Dahl Point
- Dahlton
- Dale Peninsula
- Dalmeny
- Dalton Island
- Daly Island
- Damour
- Dana
- Dana Recreation Site
- Danbury
- Danielson Provincial Park
- Daphne
- Dardier Island
- Darlings Beach
- Darmody
- David Island
- Davidson
- Davidson Island
- Davidson Island
- Davie Island
- Davies Island
- Davin
- Davin Lake Recreation Site
- Davis
- Davis Island
- Davis Island
- Davis Island
- Davyroyd
- Day Star 87
- Day's Beach
- Daylesford
- Daysville
- Deacon Island
- Deadcree Point
- Debden
- Deer Creek Recreation Site
- Deer Ridge
- Deer Valley
- Delaronde Island
- Delaronde Lake (Zig Zag Bay) Recreation Site
- Delisle
- Delmas
- Delorme Beach
- Delorme Beach
- Delworth Hill
- Demaine
- Denare Beach
- Dendron
- Denholm
- Dennis Island
- Denzil
- Dernic
- Dernière-Montagne, Refuge d'oiseaux de la
- Deschambault Lake
- Deschambault Lake (South East Arm) Recreation Site
- Descharme Lake
- Devil Lake Recreation Site
- Devlin Island
- Dewar Island
- Dewar Lake
- Dewdney Island
- Dewdney Island
- Diabase Peninsula
- Dickens Lake Recreation Site
- Dickin Island
- Dickson Island
- Dickson Peak
- Dieppe Place
- Dilke
- Dillabough
- Dillon
- Dingley
- Dinner Point
- Dinsmore
- Dipper Rapids 192C
- Disley
- Disraeli Island
- Ditton Park
- Divide
- Dixon
- Dixon Island
- Dixon Island
- Dneiper
- Doake Island
- Dodds Island
- Dodsland
- Dog Island
- Dollard
- Dominion Heights
- Dominion Point
- Domremy
- Domremy Beach
- Donald Gunn
- Donaldson Island
- Donavon
- Doncrest
- Donwell
- Doonside
- Dore Lake
- Dore Lake Recreation Site
- Dorintosh
- Dorval Islands
- Dot Island
- Doucet Island
- Dougan Ridge
- Douglas Place
- Douglas Provincial Park
- Douglaston
- Dragline Channel Recreation Site
- Drake
- Dransfield Island
- Drever Island
- Drinkwater
- Driscol Lake
- Driscoll Island
- Driver
- Drobot
- Droxford
- Druid
- Drumming Hill
- Dubinak Peninsula
- Dubuc
- Duck Lake
- Duck Mountain
- Duck Mountain Provincial Forest
- Duck Mountain Provincial Park
- Duck Mountain Regional Park
- Duck Point
- Duff
- Duff Recreation Site
- Duffy Island
- Dumas
- Dumble
- Dummer
- Dunand Island
- Dunbar Point
- Dunblane
- Duncairn
- Duncairn Reservoir Bird Sanctuary
- Duncan Island
- Dundonald
- Dundurn
- Dunelm
- Dunfermline
- Dunkirk
- Dunleath
- Dunlop Island
- Dunmore
- Dunn Island
- Dunnet Regional Park
- Duperow
- Duval
- Dwyer Island
- Dysart
- Eagle Creek Regional Park
- Eagle Hills
- Eagle Hills Escarpment
- Eagle Island
- Eagles Lake 165C
- Earl Grey
- Earnscliffe
- East Anglia
- East Fairwell
- East Lloydminster
- East Poplar
- East Trout-Nipekamew Lakes Recreation Site
- Eastend
- Easter Head
- Eastleigh
- Eastview
- Eastview
- Eaton Island
- Eatonia
- Ebenau Island
- Ebenezer
- Echo Bay
- Echo Valley Provincial Park
- Eckman Island
- Edam
- Edenwold
- Edgar Island
- Edgeley
- Edgell
- Edgeworth
- Edmore
- Edna Island
- Edwards Island
- Edzell
- Efraimson Island
- Ehnisz Island
- Eichler Island
- Elaine Lake Recreation Site
- Elaine Lake Road Corridor Game Preserve
- Elak Dase 192A
- Elbourne
- Elbow
- Elbow Harbour Recreation Site
- Elbow Lake
- Elbow Lookout
- Elbow Wildlife Management Unit
- Eldersley
- Eldorado
- Eldred
- Elfros
- Eliason Island
- Elizabeth Portage
- Elk Hill
- Elliot Point
- Elliott Island
- Ellis Island
- Ellis Peninsula
- Ellisboro
- Elm Portage
- Elm Springs
- Elmhurst
- Elmore
- Elrose
- Elrose Regional Park
- Elstow
- Elto Island
- Emerald Lake Regional Park
- Emerald Park
- Emma Lake
- Emma Lake (Murray Point) Recreation Site
- Emmaville
- Emmerson Island
- End Island
- Endeavour
- Englefeld
- Englewood
- Enid
- Ens
- Environ
- Erinferry
- Ernfold
- Erwood
- Esk
- Eskbank
- Esme
- Espeseth Cove
- Esterhazy
- Esterhazy Regional Park
- Estevan
- Estevan Airport
- Estevan Island
- Estevan Park Game Preserve
- Estevan Regional Aerodrome
- Estevan-Cambria Wildlife Management Unit
- Estlin
- Eston
- Eston Riverside Regional Park
- Estuary
- Ethelton
- Etomami
- Etter's Beach Recreation Site
- Etters Beach
- Ettington
- Evans Island
- Evergreen Acres
- Evergreen Brightsand
- Evesham
- Exhibition
- Expanse
- Eyebrow
- Eyebrow Hills
- Eyinatik Island
- Eyinew Island
- Eyre
- Fair Point
- Fairhaven
- Fairhead Island
- Fairholme
- Fairlight
- Fairmount
- Fairview
- Fairy Glen
- Fairy Hill
- Fairy Island
- Fairy Island Wildlife Refuge
- Falcon
- Farmingdale
- Farrerdale
- Fawley Island
- Feather Peninsula
- Feaviour Peninsula
- Feldman Island
- Fennell Island
- Fenton
- Fenton Island
- Fenwood
- Ferguson Island
- Ferguson Point
- Ferland
- Ferrie Peninsula
- Fertile
- Feudal
- Fidlers Island
- Fielding
- Fife Island
- Fife Lake
- File Hills
- Fillmore
- Findlater
- Findlay Island
- Fines Island
- Finger Peninsula
- Finlayson Island
- Finlayson Island
- Finlayson Island
- Fir Island
- Fir Mountain
- Fir Ridge
- Fir River Road Recreation Site
- Fireguard Slough
- First Portage
- Fish Creek
- Fisher
- Fisher Island
- Fisher Peninsula
- Fisher Peninsula
- Fishing Lake 89
- Fishing Lake 89A
- Fishing Lake Regional Park (Golf Course)
- Fishing Lake Regional Park (KC Beach)
- Fishing Lake Regional Park (Leslie Beach)
- Fishing Lake Regional Park (Saskin Beach)
- Fishing Lake Wildlife Refuge
- Fiske
- Fitzmaurice
- Five Islands
- Flat Rock Island
- Flat Valley
- Flatland Island
- Flaxcombe
- Fleming
- Fleming Island
- Fletcher Island
- Flett Springs
- Fleury Point
- Flintoft
- Flowing Well
- Flying Dust First Nation 105
- Foam Lake
- Foeda
- Fogg Island
- Fold Island
- Fond du Lac 227
- Fond du Lac 228
- Fond du Lac 229
- Fond du Lac 231
- Fond du Lac 232
- Fond du Lac 233
- Fond-du-Lac
- Fond-Du-Lac Airport
- Fonehill
- Fontaine Island
- Foot Point
- Forbes Island
- Ford Island
- Forest Bank
- Forest Farm
- Forest Gate
- Forest Grove
- Forest Island
- Forgan
- Forgan Flats
- Forget
- Forsyth Island
- Fort à la Corne Provincial Forest
- Fort Battleford National Historic Site of Canada
- Fort Black
- Fort Carlton Provincial Park
- Fort Espérance National Historic Site of Canada
- Fort Livingstone National Historic Site of Canada
- Fort Pelly
- Fort Pelly National Historic Site of Canada
- Fort Pitt
- Fort Pitt Provincial Park
- Fort Qu'Appelle
- Fort Qu'Appelle-Touchwood Hills Trail Historic Site
- Fort San
- Fort Walsh
- Fort Walsh National Historic Site of Canada
- Fort-à-la-Corne Wildlife Management Unit
- Forward
- Fosston
- Foster Island
- Foster Island
- Fosterton
- Four Corners
- Four Islands
- Four Portages 157C
- Fowler Island
- Fowler Lake Recreation Site
- Fox Hills
- Fox Island
- Fox Island
- Fox Point
- Fox Point
- Fox Point 157D
- Fox Point 157E
- Fox Valley
- Foxdale
- Foxford
- Francis
- François-Finlay Dam
- Frankslake
- Fraser Island
- Fraser Peninsula
- Fraser Point
- Freeman Island
- Freemont
- Freeston Island
- Frenchman Butte
- Frenchman Butte
- Frenchman Butte National Historic Site of Canada
- Frenchman River Wildlife Refuge
- Frenchville
- Frobisher
- Frog Portage
- Frontier
- Frost Island
- Froud Island
- Froude
- Frys
- Fulcher Point
- Fulda
- Fuller Island
- Fulton Island
- Fur Lake Recreation Site
- Furdale
- Furness
- Fusilier
- Gainsborough
- Galilee
- Gallivan
- Gapview
- Garden Head
- Gardiner Dam
- Gardiner Heights
- Gardiner Park
- Garner Island
- Garrick
- Garson Lake
- Garthland
- Gascoigne
- Gatehouse Island
- Gatehouse Island Wildlife Refuge
- Gauthier Island
- Gawthrop Island
- Geese Island
- Geikie River Recreation Site
- George Island
- George Island
- George Island
- Gerald
- Gergovia
- German Hill
- Gibbons Ridge
- Gibbs
- Gibson Island
- Gibson Islands
- Gilchrist Island
- Giles Island
- Gillies Island
- Gillies Peninsula
- Gillis Island
- Gilroy
- Girvin
- Gladmar
- Gladmer
- Gladue Lake 105B
- Glamis
- Glaslyn
- Glasnevin
- Gledhow
- Glen Ewen
- Glen Harbour
- Glen Kerr
- Glen McPherson
- Glenavon
- Glenbain
- Glenbogie
- Glenbrea
- Glenburn Regional Park
- Glenbush
- Glencairn
- Glencairn Village
- Glenellen
- Glenelm Park
- Glenn Island
- Glenside
- Glentworth
- Glidden
- Glover Peninsula
- Golburn
- Golden Prairie
- Golden Ridge
- Goldenvale
- Goldfields
- Good Spirit Acres
- Good Spirit Lake Provincial Park
- Goodeve
- Goodsoil
- Goodwater
- Goose Island
- Gordon 86
- Gordon Lake Recreation Site
- Gorlitz
- Gouldtown
- Gouverneur
- Govan
- Govenlock
- Gow Island
- Graham Islands
- Grainland
- Gramiak Island
- Grand Coulee
- Grand View
- Grandmother's Bay 219
- Grandora
- Grandview Beach
- Granite Lake Recreation Site
- Grant Island
- Grass Island
- Grasslands National Park of Canada
- Grasswood
- Gravelbourg
- Gray
- Gray Lookout
- Grayson
- Great Bend Game Preserve
- Great Deer
- Great Sand Hills
- Green Canyon
- Green Island
- Green Lake
- Greenan
- Greenbrier
- Greenbush River Recreation Site
- Greenfeld
- Greenstreet
- Greenwater Lake
- Greenwater Lake Provincial Park
- Greenway Island
- Greenway Peninsula
- Gregherd
- Greig Beach
- Greig Island
- Greig Lake
- Grenfell
- Grenfell Beach
- Grenfell Beach
- Grenfell Regional Park
- Grennan Island
- Grey Island
- Grey-Noble Island
- Greystone Heights
- Greywillow Point
- Gribbage Island
- Griffin
- Grizzly Bear Hills
- Grizzly Bear's Head 110 and Lean Man 111
- Gronlid
- Grosswerder
- Grosvenor Park
- Grouse Island
- Grouse Point
- Grove Park
- Gruchy Point
- Gruenthal
- Guernsey
- Guises Beach
- Gull Lake
- Gull Lake Recreation Site
- Gunnar
- Gurney Island
- Gus Island
- Hackett Lake Recreation Site
- Hadley Island
- Hafford
- Hagen
- Hagerty Island
- Hague
- Hail Point
- Halbrite
- Halfburnt Island
- Halfmoon Island
- Halfway House Recreation Site
- Halfway Island
- Halfway Point
- Halfway Point
- Halifax Island
- Hall Island
- Hall Point
- Hallonquist
- Halvorgate
- Ham Island
- Hamlin
- Hamona Historic Site
- Hamton
- Handel
- Handsworth
- Hanley
- Hannay Island
- Hanson Island
- Hanson Lake Recreation Site
- Harbour Point
- Hardy
- Harkness Islands
- Harlan
- Harman Island
- Harmon Island
- Harper Island
- Harptree
- Harrington Island
- Harris
- Harris Islands
- Harrison Island
- Harrison Island
- Harrison Peninsula
- Hart
- Hart Point
- Hartwell Peninsula
- Hatchet Lake Airport
- Hatfield
- Hatherleigh
- Hatton
- Haultain
- Hawarden
- Hawkeye
- Hawkins Peninsula
- Hay Island
- Hay Island
- Hay Point
- Hayes Island
- Haylands 75A
- Hayworth Island
- Hazel Cliffe
- Hazel Dell
- Hazelwood
- Hazenmore
- Hazlet
- Hazlet Regional Park
- Healy Island
- Hearne
- Heart Hill
- Heart's Hill Wildlife Management Unit
- Hearts Hill
- Hebert Island
- Heglund Island
- Heglund Island Wildlife Refuge
- Helena Lake
- Helene Lake Recreation Site
- Hemsworth Island
- Hendersons Beach
- Hendon
- Henribourg
- Henry and Harry's Butte
- Henry Island
- Hepburn
- Herbert
- Herbert Ferry Regional Park
- Herbert Island
- Heritage Lake Recreation Site
- Herrick Island
- Herschel
- Herzel
- Heward
- Hewitt Landing
- Hicks Island
- Hickson Island
- Hidden Valley Wildlife Refuge
- High Hill
- High Hill
- High Island
- High Park
- High Point
- High Tor
- High Twin Island
- Highgate
- Highland Park
- Highway 155 Road Corridor Game Preserve
- Hill Crest
- Hill Island
- Hill Point
- Hillandale
- Hillis Island
- Hillman Island
- Hillmond
- Hills Point
- Hillsdale
- Hillside
- Hillside
- Hilyard Island
- Hinchliffe
- Hindmarsh Island
- Hirsch
- Hitchcock
- Hitchcock Bay
- Hochstadt
- Hodgeville
- Hodgson Island
- Hoey
- Hofer Island
- Hoffer
- Hoffman Island
- Hog Island
- Holbein
- Holdfast
- Holiday Park
- Holliston
- Hollowell Island
- Holukoff Island
- Holy Trinity Anglican Church/Stanley Mission Historic Site
- Homefield
- Honeymoon
- Honeymoon Point
- Hooge Island
- Hoosier
- Hope Island
- Hopkins Peninsula
- Hopton Island
- Horizon
- Horn Island
- Hornet Point
- Horse Butte
- Horse Creek
- Horse Head
- Horsehide Lake Wildlife Management Unit
- Horseshoe Bay
- Horseshoe Island
- Horseshoe Lake Wildlife Refuge
- Horsham
- Horton Island
- Houghton Island
- Hourd Island
- Hourston Island
- Houseman Island
- Hovdebo Island
- Howard Island
- Howard Island
- Howlett Island
- Hubbard
- Hudson Bay
- Hudson Bay Airport
- Hudson Bay Park
- Hudson Bay Point
- Hudson Bay Regional Park
- Hugh Island
- Hughes Island
- Hughton
- Hugonard
- Humboldt
- Hume
- Humphrey Butte
- Hungry Island
- Hunt Island
- Hunter Island
- Hunter Point
- Huntoon
- Hurl Island
- Huronville
- Hyas
- Hyde
- Hydichuk Island
- Ibbotson Island
- Ibstone
- Iffley
- Ile a la Crosse 192E
- Ile aux Trembles
- Illerbrun
- Illingworth Island
- Imperial
- Imperial Beach
- Inchkeith
- Indian Head
- Indian Head Bird Sanctuary
- Indian Point - Golden Sands
- Ing Island
- Ingvald Opseth Wildlife Refuge
- Inkster
- Inkster Island
- Innes
- Insinger
- Instow
- Invermay
- Irvine Island
- Isbister Island
- Isbister Island
- Isham
- Iskwasoo Island
- Iskwasoo Island
- Island Falls
- Island Hill
- Island Lake Recreation Site
- Island Portage
- Island View
- Isle Brochet
- Isle of Bays
- Isle of Bays Wildlife Refuge
- Ispatinow Island
- Ituna
- Ituna and District Regional Park
- Jack Island
- Jackfish Lake
- Jackpine Island
- Jackson Islands
- Jacques Point
- James Island
- James Smith 100
- Jameson
- Jan Lake
- Jan Lake Recreation Site
- Janow Corners
- Jans Bay
- Jansen
- Janusson Wildlife Refuge
- Jasmin
- Jayjay Lake Recreation Site
- Jean Louis Legare Regional Park
- Jedburgh
- Jewell Point
- Johns Island
- Johnsborough
- Johnson Hill
- Johnson Island
- Johnson Island
- Johnson Island
- Johnson Peninsula
- Johnson Peninsula
- Johnston Island
- Johnston Island
- Johnston Peninsula
- Johnston Point
- Jolly Peninsula
- Jones Island
- Jones Island
- Jones Peak
- Jones Peninsula
- Jones Peninsula
- Jones Peninsula
- Jordan River
- Joseph Point
- Jubilee Beach
- Juniata
- Junor
- Kahkewistahaw 72
- Kalyna
- Kamsack
- Kamsack Beach
- Kamsack Beach
- Kandahar
- Kannata Valley
- Karcza Island
- Katepwa Beach
- Katepwa Point Provincial Park
- Katepwa South
- Kathrintal Colony
- Kayville
- Kazan Island
- Keatley
- Kedleston
- Kedleston Beach
- Keeler
- Keeler Peninsula
- Keeping Island
- Keeseekoose 66
- Keeseekoose 66-Ca-01
- Keeseekoose 66-Ca-02
- Keeseekoose 66-Ca-04
- Keeseekoose 66-Ca-05
- Keeseekoose 66-Ca-06
- Keeseekoose 66-Ch-01
- Keeseekoose 66-Ch-03
- Keeseekoose 66-Ch-04
- Keeseekoose 66-Co-01
- Keeseekoose 66-Co-02
- Keeseekoose 66-Ke-02
- Keeseekoose 66-Ke-04
- Keeseekoose 66-Ke-05
- Keeseekoose 66-Sa-01
- Keeseekoose 66-Sa-02
- Keeseekoose 66-St-01
- Keeseekoose 66-St-02
- Keeseekoose 66-St-03
- Keeseekoose 66A
- Kegworth
- Kelfield
- Keller Island
- Kelliher
- Kellough Island
- Kelly Island
- Kelly Peninsula
- Kelso
- Kelstern
- Kelvington
- Kemoca Regional Park
- Kenaston
- Kenaston Recreation Site
- Kendal
- Kendal Game Preserve
- Kendel Island
- Kenderdine Island
- Kenlis
- Kennedy
- Kennedy Islands
- Kennell
- Kenosee Lake
- Kenosee Park
- Keown Island
- Keppel
- Kerrobert
- Kessock
- Ketchen
- Key Lake Airport
- Key West
- Keystown
- Khedive
- Kidd Island
- Killaly
- Killdeer
- Kilronan
- Kilwinning
- Kimosom Pwatinahk 203
- Kinapik Island
- Kincaid
- Kindersley
- Kindersley Regional Airport
- Kindersley Regional Park
- King Island
- King Island
- King Island
- Kingsland
- Kingsway Park
- Kinistin 91
- Kinistin 91A
- Kinistino
- Kinley
- Kinloch
- Kinoosao
- Kipabiskau
- Kipabiskau Regional Park
- Kipling
- Kirk Island
- Kisbey
- Kistapisk Island
- Kitchimanitou Beach
- Kitsakie 156B
- Kitsakie Island
- Kittle Slough
- Kivimaa-Moonlight Bay
- Kiyanaw Island
- Klein Island
- Klintonel
- Knee Lake 192B
- Knight Island
- Knox Island
- Konsmo Island
- Kookoos Island
- Kopp's Kove
- Krasne
- KrauchiPeninsula
- Kristnes
- Kroeker Islands
- Kronau
- Krydor
- Kubian Island
- Kukelko Island
- Kuroki
- Kutawa
- Kyle
- Kylemore
- La Loche
- La Loche West
- La Plonge 192
- La Roche Percee Historic Site
- La Ronge
- La Ronge
- La Ronge (Barber Field) Airport
- Lab Island
- Labby Island
- Lac Eauclaire Recreation Site
- Lac Île-à-la-Crosse (South Bay) Recreation Site
- Lac la Hache 220
- Lac La Ronge 156
- Lac La Ronge Provincial Park
- Lac Pelletier
- Lac Pelletier Regional Park
- Lac Vert
- Lacadena
- Lacordaire
- Ladder Valley
- Lady Lake
- Lafleche
- Laing Island
- Laird
- Laird Island
- Lajord
- Lake Alma
- Lake Charron Regional Park
- Lake Four
- Lake Island
- Lake Lenore
- Lake Park
- Lake Valley
- Lake View Beach
- Lakenheath
- Lakeridge
- Lakeview
- Lakeview
- Lakeview
- Lakewood
- Lamb Island
- Lamont Island
- Lampard
- Lampman
- Lanceley Island
- Lancer
- Landis
- Lang
- Langbank
- Langenburg
- Langenburg Recreation Site
- Langford Peninsula
- Langham
- Langham and District Regional Park
- Lanigan
- Laniwci
- Lanz Point
- Laporte
- Larkhaven
- Larsen Island
- Larson Island
- Larva Point
- Lashburn
- Last Mountain
- Last Mountain
- Last Mountain House Provincial Park
- Last Mountain Lake 80A
- Last Mountain Lake Bird Sanctuary
- Last Mountain Lake National Wildlife Area
- Last Mountain Lake Wildlife Management Unit
- Last Mountain Regional Park
- Laturnus Island
- Laura
- Laurie Island
- Laurier Island
- Laventure
- Lawrence Island
- Lawrence Point
- Lawson
- Lawson Heights
- Laxdal Island
- Layton Hills
- Leach Island
- Leacross
- Leader
- Leader Airport
- Leaf Lake Wildlife Management Unit
- Leaf Rapids Recreation Site
- Leakville
- Leask
- Leblanc Island
- Leboldus Islands
- Lebret
- Lebret Recreation Site
- Lechowicz Island
- Lecuyer Island
- Ledingham Peninsula
- Lefurgey Island
- Leinan
- Leipzig
- Lejour Island
- Lemberg
- Lemsford
- Lemsford Ferry Regional Park
- Leney
- Lenore Lake Bird Sanctuary
- Lenore Lake Wildlife Refuge
- Lens
- Lenvale
- Lenz Island
- Leofnard
- Leoville
- Leoville Hills
- Lepine
- Lepus Island
- Leross
- Leroy
- Leroy Leisure Land Regional Park
- Leslie
- Leslie Beach
- Leslie Beach
- Lestock
- Levuka
- Lewvan
- Liberty
- Liebenthal
- Lieu historique national du Canada de Batoche
- Lieu historique national du Canada de Frenchman Butte
- Lieu historique national du Canada de la Bataille-de-Fish Creek
- Lieu historique national du Canada du Fort-Battleford
- Lieu historique national du Canada du Fort-Espérance
- Lieu historique national du Canada du Fort-Livingstone
- Lieu historique national du Canada du Fort-Pelly
- Lieu historique national du Canada du Fort-Walsh
- Lieu historique national du Canada du Homestead-Motherwell
- Lightwoods
- Lilac
- Lillestrom
- Lily Plain
- Lilydale
- Limerick
- Limestone Lake Recreation Site
- Linacre
- Lindner Point
- Lindskog Island
- Linn Island
- Lintlaw
- Lipp's Beach
- Lipsett
- Lipton
- Lisieux
- Little Amyot Lake Recreation Site
- Little Bear Lake Recreation Site
- Little Black Bear 84
- Little Bone 74B
- Little Buffalo
- Little Fishing Lake
- Little Gravel Point
- Little Gribbage Island
- Little Hills 158
- Little Hills 158A
- Little Hills 158B
- Little Hungry Island
- Little Island
- Little Loon Lake Regional Park
- Little Pine 116
- Little Red River 106C
- Little Red River 106D
- Little Rock Portage
- Little Swan River
- Little Touchwood Hills
- Little Woody
- Livelong
- Lizard Lake
- Lobstick Island
- Lobstick Point
- Lockwood
- Loehr Island
- Loewen Island
- Log Valley
- Lomond Wildlife Management Unit
- Lone Rock
- Lone Spruce
- Lone Tree Island
- Lonesome Butte
- Long Island
- Long Island
- Long Island
- Longhope
- Lookout Hill
- Lookout Island
- Loomis
- Loon Lake
- Loon River
- Lorado
- Loranger Island
- Loreburn
- Lorenzo
- Lorlie
- Lost Horse Hill
- Lost River
- Lothian
- Love
- Love Island
- Loveridge Island
- Lovering Lake Recreation Site
- Loverna
- Lowe Island
- Lower Potato Point
- Lowther Island
- Lucien Lake Regional Park
- Lucky Lake
- Lucky Man
- Lumsden
- Lumsden Beach
- Lunch Island
- Lurgan
- Luseland
- Lussier Island
- Lyle Point
- Lynbrook Heights
- Lyons
- Macauley Island
- MacAuley Point
- Macdonald Island
- MacDonald Island
- MacDonald Peninsula
- MacDonald Point
- Macdonell Island
- Macdowall
- Macfarlane Island
- MacKay Island
- MacKay Lake Recreation Site
- Macklin
- Macklin Game Preserve
- Macklin Lake Regional Park
- MacLean Islands
- MacLean Peninsula
- MacLennan River Recreation Site
- MacNab Park
- MacNair Island
- MacNutt
- Macoun
- Macpherson Island
- Macrorie
- Macworth
- Madison
- Madrid
- Magyar
- Mahood Island
- Maidstone
- Main Centre
- Main Island
- Mainprize Regional Park
- Mair
- Major
- Makaoo 120
- Makwa
- Makwa Island
- Makwa Lake 129
- Makwa Lake 129A
- Makwa Lake 129B
- Makwa Lake 129C
- Makwa Lake Provincial Park
- Malcolm Island
- Mallory Island
- Malmgren
- Manatinaw Hill
- Mandel Island
- Manitou Beach
- Manitou District Regional Park
- Manitou Island
- Manitou Island
- Mankota
- Manor
- Mantario
- Mantario Wildlife Management Unit
- Maple Creek
- Marcelin
- Marchant Island
- Marchantgrove
- Marchwell
- Marean Lake
- Marengo
- Marg Island
- Margo
- Margo Recreation Site
- Maria Point
- Maria Point
- Marie Hill
- Marienthal
- Marieton
- Marieval
- Mariposa Wildlife Management Unit
- Markinch
- Marlin
- Marquis
- Marriott
- Marsden
- Marsden Game Preserve
- Marshall
- Marshall Island
- Martensville
- Martin Island
- Martin Island
- Martins Lake Regional Park
- Martinson's Beach
- Maryfield
- Marysburg
- Maryville
- Masefield
- Maskwa Hill
- Mason Island
- Massey Place
- Matador
- Matador Grasslands Protected Area
- Matheson Island
- Matheson Island
- Mathison Island
- Mattes
- Maurice Point
- Maurice Street Protected Area
- Mawer
- Maxim
- Maxstone
- Mayberry
- Mayfair
- Mayfair
- Maymont
- Maymont Beach
- Mayview
- Mazenod
- McAra Island
- McBeth Island
- McBride Lake Recreation Site
- McCallum Island
- McCann Peninsula
- McCannel Island
- McCarthy Park
- McClellan Island
- McCord
- McCrea Island
- McCulloch Island
- McCusker Island
- McDonald Hills
- McDonald Peninsula
- McDonell Point
- McEachern
- McElhanney
- McGee
- McGown Island
- McGugan Island
- McIntosh Peninsula
- McIntosh Point
- McIntyre Island
- McKague
- McKay Island
- McKay Island
- McKee Island
- McKell Island
- McKenzie Island
- McKenzie Point
- McLaren
- McLaren Lake Game Preserve
- McLaren Lake Regional Park
- McLean
- McLean Island
- McLean Islands
- McLean Point
- McLean Recreation Site
- McLennan Lake
- McLennan Lake Recreation Site
- McMahon
- McMillan Island
- McMillan Point
- McMorran
- McNab Regional Park
- McPhail Cove
- McRae Island
- McTaggart
- McTaggart Island
- Meacham
- Meadow Green
- Meadow Lake
- Meadow Lake 105A
- Meadow Lake 105C
- Meadow Lake Airport
- Meadow Lake Lions Regional Park
- Meadow Lake Provincial Park
- Mealing Point
- Meath Park
- Medstead
- Meeting Lake
- Meeting Lake Regional Park
- Meetoos
- Mehan
- Melaval
- Melfort
- Melfort and District Regional Park
- Melville
- Melville Beach
- Melville Beach
- Melville Game Preserve
- Melville Regional Park
- Memorial Lake Regional Park
- Mendham
- Mennon
- Meota
- Meota Regional Park
- Meraste Point
- Merid
- Meridian Creek Recreation Site
- Merle
- Merritt Island
- Merryflat
- Mervin
- Meskanaw
- Metinota
- Mewasin Beach
- Meyers Island
- Meyronne
- Michaud Islands
- Michel Point
- Michel Village
- Mid Island
- Midale
- Middle Lake
- Middleton Island
- Midge Islands
- Midge Point
- Midnight Lake
- Mikado
- Mikisi Island
- Milden
- Mildred
- Miles Island
- Milestone
- Miller Island
- Miller Island
- Miller Island
- Miller's Hill
- Millerdale
- Milleton
- Milliken Island
- Milly
- Milton Island
- Min-a-he-quo-sis 116C
- Minard
- Minichinas Hills
- Ministik Beach
- Ministik Beach
- Ministikos Island
- Ministikwan 161
- Ministikwan 161A
- Miniwatin Island
- Minnehaha
- Minoahchak 74C
- Minowukaw Beach
- Minton
- Mirond Lake 184E
- Miseyao Island
- Misikitew (Big) Island
- Missi Island
- Missinipe
- Mistahi Wasahk 209
- Mistatim
- Mistawasis
- Mistawasis 103
- Mistik
- Mistusinne
- Mitchell Island
- Mitchell Island
- Mitchell Peninsula
- Mitchellton
- Mitchellview
- Moberly Point
- Moffat
- Mohr's Beach
- Molanosa
- Molewood
- Mollard Island
- Molloy Island
- Monarchvale
- Monchy
- Mondou
- Mont Nebo
- Montgomery Place
- Montmartre
- Montmatre Eiffel Tower
- Montreal Lake
- Montreal Lake 106
- Montreal Lake 106B
- Montreal River Recreation Site
- Mooney Island
- Moore Island
- Moore Peninsula
- Moore Point
- Mooscana
- Moose Bay
- Moose Island
- Moose Island
- Moose Jaw
- Moose Mountain
- Moose Mountain Provincial Forest
- Moose Mountain Provincial Park
- Moose Point
- Moose Point
- Moose Portage
- Moose Range
- Moose Range
- Moose Valley
- Moosomin
- Moosomin 112A
- Moosomin 112B
- Moosomin 112E
- Moosomin 112F
- Moosomin 112G
- Moosomin 112H
- Moosominand District Regional Park
- Moreland
- Morin Creek
- Morin Island
- Morin Lake 217
- Morin Lake Regional Park
- Morningside
- Moroz Peninsula
- Morris Island
- Morrison Island
- Morrison Island
- Morse
- Mortlach
- Morton Islands
- Mosquito 109
- Mosquito Island
- Mosquito Point
- Mossbank
- Mossyvale
- Mostoos Hills
- Motherwell Homestead National Historic Site of Canada
- Mount Blackstrap
- Mount Carmel
- Mount Hope Wildlife Management Unit
- Mount Pleasant
- Mount Royal
- Mount Royal
- Mount Royal West
- Mountain Cabin
- Mountain Cabin Recreation Site
- Mountain Portage
- Moysey Island
- Mozart
- Muchaye Island
- Mud Lake Wildlife Refuge
- Mudford Island
- Mudie Lake
- Muenster
- Mullen Islands
- Mullingar
- Munro Island
- Munroe Peninsula
- Murphy Creek
- Murphy Islands
- Murray Island
- Murray Island
- Murray Islands
- Murray Lake Bird Sanctuary
- Murray Point
- Murray Point
- Murraydale
- Muscow
- Muscowpetung 80
- Muskeegan
- Muskeg Lake 102B
- Muskeg Lake 102D
- Muskeg Lake 102E
- Muskeg Lake 102F
- Muskeg Lake Cree Nation 102
- Muskeg Portage
- Muskeg River 20C
- Muskiki Springs
- Muskoday First Nation
- Muskowekwan 85
- Muskowekwan 85-1
- Muskowekwan 85-10
- Muskowekwan 85-11
- Muskowekwan 85-12
- Muskowekwan 85-13
- Muskowekwan 85-14
- Muskowekwan 85-15
- Muskowekwan 85-16
- Muskowekwan 85-17
- Muskowekwan 85-22
- Muskowekwan 85-24
- Muskowekwan 85-25
- Muskowekwan 85-26
- Muskowekwan 85-27
- Muskowekwan 85-2A
- Muskowekwan 85-3
- Muskowekwan 85-30
- Muskowekwan 85-32
- Muskowekwan 85-4
- Muskowekwan 85-5
- Muskowekwan 85-6
- Muskowekwan 85-7
- Muskowekwan 85-8
- Muskowekwan 85-9
- Muskowekwan 85A
- Mutchler
- Mutrie
- Nadeauville
- Naheyow Island
- Naicam
- Nairn Island
- Naisberry
- Narrow Hills Provincial Park
- Narrow Island
- Naseby
- Nashlyn
- Natukam Peninsula
- Neeb
- Needle Portage
- Neelby
- Neely
- Neely Lake Bird Sanctuary
- Neely Lake Game Preserve
- Neesokat Island
- Neidpath
- Neilburg
- Nekaneet Cree Nation
- Nelan Island
- Nelson Beach
- Nelson Island
- Nelson Island
- Nelson Peninsula
- Neptune
- Nesbitt Island
- Ness Lake Recreation Site
- Nesset Lake Recreation Site
- Nesslin Island
- Nesslin Lake
- Nesslin Lake Recreation Site
- Nestledown
- Netherhill
- Netherton
- Neuanlage
- Neudorf
- Neuhoffnung
- Neuhorst
- Neville
- New Currie
- New England
- New Osgoode
- Newby
- Newcombe Wildlife Management Unit No. 1
- Newcombe Wildlife Management Unit No. 2
- Newfoundland Island
- Neyabiskaw Point
- Nichol Island
- Nicholson Island
- Nickle Lake Regional Park
- Nicol Island
- Nies Beach
- Nimrod Hill
- Nimrod Hills
- Nipawin
- Nipawin Airport
- Nipawin and District Regional Park
- Nipekamew Sand Cliffs Protected Area
- Nisbet Provincial Forest
- Nisbet Trails Recreation Site
- Nisku Wildlife Refuge
- Nistewuk Islands
- Nobleville
- Nokomis
- Nolan Island
- Nollet Lookout
- Nora
- Norbury
- Norge
- Normandy Heights
- Normanview
- Normanview West
- Norquay
- North Battleford
- North Battleford Airport
- North Colesdale Park
- North Grove
- North Island
- North Maskepetoon Point
- North Park
- North Point
- North Porcupine Point
- North Portal
- North Shore Fishing Lake
- North Star
- North Weyburn
- Northern Light
- Northern Pine
- Northern Provincial Forest
- Northgate
- Northside
- Northway
- Nottingham
- Notukeu Regional Park
- Nowosad Island
- Nut Island
- Nut Mountain
- Nut Mountain
- Nut Point
- Nut Portage
- Nutana
- Nutana Park South
- Nyberg Point
- O'Brien Island
- O'Donnell Island
- Oakshela
- Oban
- Ocean Man 69
- Ocean Man 69A
- Ocean Man 69B
- Ocean Man 69C
- Ocean Man 69D
- Ocean Man 69E
- Ocean Man 69F
- Ocean Man 69G
- Ocean Man 69H
- Ocean Man 69I
- Ochankugahe Island
- Ochapowace 71
- Ochapowace 71-10
- Ochapowace 71-11
- Ochapowace 71-12
- Ochapowace 71-13
- Ochapowace 71-14
- Ochapowace 71-15
- Ochapowace 71-16
- Ochapowace 71-17
- Ochapowace 71-18
- Ochapowace 71-19
- Ochapowace 71-20
- Ochapowace 71-23
- Ochapowace 71-24
- Ochapowace 71-25
- Ochapowace 71-26
- Ochapowace 71-29
- Ochapowace 71-34
- Ochapowace 71-35
- Ochapowace 71-36
- Ochapowace 71-37
- Ochapowace 71-38
- Ochapowace 71-39
- Ochapowace 71-40
- Ochapowace 71-41
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- Ochapowace 71-43
- Ochapowace 71-44
- Ochapowace 71-45
- Ochapowace 71-46
- Ochapowace 71-47
- Ochapowace 71-48
- Ochapowace 71-49
- Ochapowace 71-5
- Ochapowace 71-50
- Ochapowace 71-51
- Ochapowace 71-55
- Ochapowace 71-56
- Ochapowace 71-57
- Ochapowace 71-59
- Ochapowace 71-6
- Ochapowace 71-60
- Ochapowace 71-61
- Ochapowace 71-62
- Ochapowace 71-63
- Ochapowace 71-7
- Ochapowace 71-71
- Ochapowace 71-72
- Ochapowace 71-77
- Ochapowace 71-78
- Ochapowace 71-8
- Ochapowace 71-9
- Odessa
- Ogema
- Ogema Regional Park
- Ogilvy Island
- Okanese 82P
- Okanese 82
- Okanese 82A
- Okanese 82B
- Okanese 82C
- Okanese 82D
- Okanese 82E
- Okanese 82F
- Okanese 82G
- Okanese 82H
- Okanese 82I
- Okanese 82J
- Okanese 82K
- Okanese 82M
- Okanese 82N
- Okanese 82O
- Okanese Indian Reservation
- Okema Beach
- Okla
- Old Fort 157B
- Old Fort Point
- Old Main Centre
- Old Man On His Back Plateau
- Old Wives
- Old Wives Lake Bird Sanctuary
- Old Woman Point
- Oldman Island
- Oldroyd Beach
- Olga
- Olson Island
- Olson Peninsula
- One Arrow 95
- One Arrow 95-1A
- Onikup Island
- Onion Lake
- Opaskwayak Cree Nation 27A
- Opawakoscikan
- Opuntia Lake Bird Sanctuary
- Orcadia
- Ordale
- Orkney
- Orley
- Ormeaux
- Ormiston
- Oro Lake Regional Park
- Orolow
- Orr Island
- Orr Peninsula
- Osage
- Osage Wildlife Refuge
- Oscar Lake
- Osler
- Otapasoo Trails Recreation Site
- Otosquen
- Otthon
- Ottman - Murray Beach
- Oungre
- Oungre Memorial Regional Park
- Outlook
- Outlook and District Regional Park
- Outlook Game Preserve
- Outram
- Overflowing River Recreation Site
- Oxarat
- Oxbow
- Oyama Regional Park
- Pacific Heights
- Pacific Park
- Paddling Lake
- Paddockwood
- Pagan Lake Recreation Site
- Page Island
- Pahonan
- Paisley Brook
- Pakwaw Lake
- Palliser Heights
- Palliser Regional Park
- Palmer
- Palo
- Pambrun
- Pangman
- Parada Island
- Paradise Hill
- Paradise Hill
- Parc national du Canada de Prince Albert
- Parc national du Canada des Prairies
- Park Avenue Tower
- Park Bluff
- Park Island
- Park Valley
- Parkbeg
- Parkdale Boulevard
- Parker Island
- Parker Island
- Parker Point
- Parker Slough
- Parkerview
- Parkhurst Peninsula
- Parkland Beach
- Parkman
- Parkridge
- Parks Island
- Parkside
- Parkview
- Parkville Manor - Retirement Community
- Parliament Place
- Parr Hill Lake Recreation Site
- Parry
- Partridge Island
- Pas Trail
- Pascal
- Pasqua
- Pasqua 79
- Pasqua Lake
- Pasquia Hills
- Pasquia Hills North Recreation Site
- Pasquia Regional Park
- Pasquia River Recreation Site
- Paswegin
- Pathlow
- Patmore Island
- Patterson Island
- Patterson Lake Game Preserve
- Patterson Peninsula
- Patuanak
- Paul Island
- Paul Island
- Pawistik Island
- Paynter Island
- Paynton
- Pearson Islands
- Pebble Baye
- Pebble Island
- Pechey Island
- Peddie Island
- Pedersen Island
- Peebles
- Peepeekisis 81
- Peerless
- Peesane
- Pelican Cove
- Pelican Lake 191A
- Pelican Lake 191B
- Pelican Lake 191C
- Pelican Narrows
- Pelican Narrows 184B
- Pelican Narrows 206
- Pelican Point
- Pelican Point
- Pelican Point
- Pelican Pointe
- Pelletier Island
- Pelltier Island
- Pelly
- Pemmican Point
- Pemmican Portage
- Penn
- Pennant
- Penner Island
- Pense
- Penzance
- Pepaw Lake Recreation Site
- Perch Point
- Percival
- Percy Island
- Perdue
- Perron Island
- Petaigan
- Peter Pond Lake 193
- Peter Pond Point
- Peters Island
- Peters Island
- Peterson
- Petrofka
- Petrofka Recreation Site
- Phantom Beach
- Pheasant Forks
- Pheasant Hills
- Pheasant Rump Nakota
- Phillips Grove
- Phillips Island
- Phillips Peninsula
- Phippen
- Piapot
- Piapot 75
- Pick Island
- Pickerel Point
- Pickerel Point
- Pickett Island
- Pierceland
- Pike Island
- Pike Lake
- Pike Lake Provincial Park
- Pikes Peak
- Pikoos Island
- Pilger
- Pilot Butte
- Pilot Butte
- Pinaskau Island
- Pine Bluff 20A
- Pine Bluff 20B
- Pine Cove
- Pine Cree Regional Park (Eastend Division)
- Pine Cree Regional Park (Pine Cree Section)
- Pine Island
- Pine Portage
- Pine River
- Pine Woods Recreation Site
- Pinehouse
- Pinehouse Lake Airport
- Pinkham
- Pinto Butte
- Pioneer Village
- Pipestone Islands
- Piprell Lake Recreation Site
- Pis{21}w{21}min{21}w{14}tim 207
- Pitman
- Piwei River Recreation Site
- Pixley Island
- Plain View
- Plassey
- Plato
- Plaxton Island
- Pleasant Hill
- Pleasant Hill West
- Pleasant View
- Pleasantdale
- Plenty
- Plunkett
- Pluto Point
- Point Island
- Pointe Ennuyeuse
- Points North Landing Airport
- Polwarth
- Ponteix
- Pontrilas
- Poorman 88
- Poplar Grove
- Poplar Hill
- Poplar Island
- Poplar Point
- Popplewell Island
- Porcupine Hills
- Porcupine Island
- Porcupine Plain
- Porcupine Provincial Forest
- Portage La Loche
- Porter
- Portreeve
- Potato Point
- Potato Point
- Potato River 156A
- Pottle Island
- Poundmaker 114
- Poundmaker 114-2A
- Poundmaker 114-2B
- Poundmaker 114-2C
- Poundmaker 114-3A
- Poundmaker 114-3B
- Pow Island
- Powm Beach
- Prairie Butte
- Prairie Heights
- Prairie Lake Regional Park
- Prairie National Wildlife Area
- Prairie River
- Prairie View
- Pratt Island
- Pré-Ste-Marie
- Preeceville
- Prelate
- Prestfoss
- Preston Lake Wildlife Refuge
- Price Island
- Priest Point
- Priestly Island
- Primate
- Prime Island
- Primeau Lake 192F
- Prince
- Prince Albert
- Prince Albert (Glass Field) Airport
- Prince Albert National Park of Canada
- Prince Albert Range
- Prince Albert Settlement
- Procter Island
- Prod Point
- Professor Island
- Progress Wildlife Management Unit
- Prongua
- Prospect Point
- Prowse Island
- Prud'homme
- Pryors Beach
- Punnichy
- Pupuskew Islands
- Puskwakau River Recreation Site
- Qu'Appelle
- Qu'Appelle Valley Dam
- Qu'Appelle Village
- Querrin
- Quill Lake
- Quimper
- Quinlan Island
- Quinton
- Rabbit Island
- Rabbit Lake
- Radisson
- Radisson Lake Game Preserve
- Radville
- Radville Laurier Regional Park
- Rainy Island
- Ralph
- Rama
- Ramstaad Island
- Ranger
- Rangeview
- Raphael Island
- Rapid View
- Ratcliffe
- Ratner
- Ratzlaff Island
- Raven Island
- Raven Island National Wildlife Area
- Ravendale
- Ravenhead
- Ravenscrag
- Ravenscrag Butte
- Raymore
- Raymore Recreation Site
- Readlyn
- Rebman Point
- Red Cross
- Red Deer Hill
- Red Deer Hill
- Red Earth
- Red Earth 29
- Red Jacket
- Red Pheasant
- Red Pheasant 108
- Redberry
- Redberry Lake Bird Sanctuary
- Redberry Lake Regional Park
- Redberry Park
- Redberry Wildlife Refuge
- Reddekopp Island
- Redfield
- Redvers
- Reed Island
- Reed Peninsula
- Reef Isle
- Refuge d'oiseaux d'Indian-Head
- Refuge d'oiseaux de Duncairn Reservoir
- Refuge d'oiseaux de Sutherland
- Refuge d'oiseaux des lacs Basin et Middle
- Refuge d'oiseaux du lac Neely
- Refuge d'oiseaux du lac Old Wives
- Refuge d'oiseaux du lac Opuntia
- Refuge d'oiseaux du lac Redberry
- Refuge d'oiseaux du lac Scent Grass
- Refuge d'oiseaux du lac Upper-Rousay
- Refuge d'oiseaux du lac Wascana
- Refuge d'oiseaux du Murray Lake
- Refuge d'oiseaux du réservoir Val-Marie
- Regal Heights
- Regent Park
- Regimbal Island
- Regina
- Regina
- Regina Beach
- Regina Beach Recreation Site
- Regina's Market Square
- Regway
- Reid Island
- Reid Island
- Reid Peninsula
- Reindeer Island
- Reindeer Lake (Norvil Olson) Recreation Site
- Reliance
- Renown
- Reserve
- Réserve nationale de faune de Bradwell
- Réserve nationale de faune de l'Île-Raven
- Réserve nationale de faune de St-Denis
- Réserve nationale de faune de Stalwart
- Réserve nationale de faune de Tway
- Réserve nationale de faune de Webb
- Réserve nationale de faune des Prairies
- Réserve nationale de faune du Lac-Last-Mountain
- Resource
- Revenue
- Reward
- Rex
- Reynaud
- Reynolds Island
- Reynolds Peninsula
- Reynolds Peninsula
- Rhein
- Rheinfeld
- Rheinland
- Rhind Island
- Rhineland
- Rhoda Island
- Riceton
- Richard
- Richards Island
- Richardson
- Richardson Island
- Richlea
- Richmond Heights
- Richmound
- Rideau Heights
- Ridgedale
- Ring Island
- River Butte
- River Heights
- River Heights
- River Park
- River View
- Riverhurst
- Riverhurst Ferry Recreation Site
- Riverhurst Point
- Riversdale
- Riversdale South
- Riverside Estates
- Roadene
- Roberts Island
- Robertson Island
- Robertson Island
- Robertson Island
- Robertson Islands
- Robertson Peninsula
- Robertson Point
- Robinhood
- Robinson Island
- Robinson Island
- Robinson Point
- Robsart
- Rocanville
- Roche Percee
- Roche Percee Recreation Site
- Rock Dell
- Rock Island
- Rock Island Wildlife Refuge
- Rock Point
- Rock Trout Portage
- Rockford
- Rockglen
- Rockhaven
- Rockin Beach Regional Park
- Rocky Islands
- Rodgers
- Rogers Island
- Rokeby
- Romance
- Romuld Island
- Roper Island
- Rosalie Hill
- Rose Valley
- Rosefield
- Rosemont
- Rosemont
- Rosengart
- Rosenhof
- Rosenort
- Roseray
- Rosetown
- Ross Island
- Ross Island
- Ross Park
- Ross Peninsula
- Rosthern
- Rothermere
- Rothesay Park
- Rothwell Place
- Rouleau
- Round Island
- Round Lake Recreation Site
- Rowan Island
- Rowan's Ravine Provincial Park
- Rowatt
- Rowe Island
- Royal Island
- Royal Lake
- Rubin Island
- Ruby Beach
- Ruby Lake Recreation Site
- Ruddell
- Runciman
- Runnymede
- Rush Lake
- Rushmer Peninsula
- Rushville
- Russell Island
- Rutan
- Ruthilda
- Rutland
- Ryan Island
- Ryerson
- Sagathun
- Sagehill
- Saginas Lake Recreation Site
- Saint Cyr Hills Trails Recreation Site
- Saint Hippolyte
- Saint Victor Petroglyphs Provincial Park
- Saint-Front
- Sakamayack
- Sakimay 74
- Sakimay 74-1
- Sakimay 74-2
- Sakimay 74-3
- Sakimay 74-4
- Sakimay 74-6
- Sakimay 74-7
- Sakimay 74-9
- Saltcoats
- Saltcoats Game Preserve
- Saltcoats Regional Park
- Salvador
- Samburg
- Sampson Island
- Sanctuary
- Sand Bar Island
- Sand Beach
- Sand Hills
- Sand Point Beach
- Sanderson Island
- Sandford Island
- Sandomirsky Island
- Sandwith
- Sandy Bay
- Sandy Beach
- Sandy Beach Regional Park
- Sandy Island
- Sandy Islands
- Sandy Lake
- Sandy Narrows
- Sandy Narrows 184C
- Sandy Point
- Sandy Point
- Sandy Point
- Santo Island
- Sareco Island
- Sarnia Beach
- Saskatchewan Beach
- Saskatchewan Beach Regional Park
- Saskatchewan Landing
- Saskatchewan Landing Provincial Park
- Saskatchewan River Forks Recreation Site
- Saskatoon
- Saskatoon John G. Diefenbaker International Airport
- Saskatoon Research and Development Centre
- Saskin Beach
- Saulteaux 159
- Saulteaux 159A
- Saulteaux 159B
- Saulteaux 159C
- Saulteaux 159D
- Saulteaux 159E
- Saulteaux 159F
- Saulteaux 159G
- Saulteaux 159H
- Saulteaux 159I
- Saulteaux 159J
- Saulteaux 159K
- Saulteaux 159L
- Saulteaux 159M
- Saulteaux 159N
- Saulteaux 159O
- Saulteaux 159P
- Saulteaux 159Q
- Saulteaux 159R
- Saulteaux 159T
- Scent Grass Lake Bird Sanctuary
- Scent Grass Lake Game Preserve
- Sceptre
- Schantzenfeld
- Scheelhaase Island
- Scheelhaase Island Wildlife Refuge
- Schellenberg Island
- Schoenfeld
- Schoenweise
- Schoenwiese
- Schwitzer Island
- Sclanders
- Scobie Peninsula
- Scotsguard
- Scott
- Scott Island
- Scott Island
- Scott Island
- Scout Lake
- Scrip
- Seaker Island
- Sebestyen Island
- Secretan
- Secretan Recreation Site
- Sedley
- Seekaskootch 119
- Seivewright Island
- Selby Peninsula
- Selenite Point
- Semans
- Senate
- Senlac
- Serath
- Shackleton
- Shady Grove
- Shaganappie Island
- Shamrock
- Shamrock Regional Park
- Shapiro Island
- Sharp Island
- Shaunavon
- Shaw Island
- Shaw Island
- Sheho
- Shell Lake
- Shell Lake Recreation Site
- Shellbrook
- Shelter Island
- Shepley Island
- Sherwood Estates
- Shesheep 74A
- Shields
- Shier Island
- Shinnan Island
- Shipman
- Shirley Lake Recreation Site
- Shnier Island
- Shoal Lake 28A
- Shooter Hill
- Shooter Hill
- Sibbald Island
- Sidewood
- Signal Point
- Silas
- Silton
- Silver Grove
- Silver Heights
- Silver Lake Regional Park
- Silver Park
- Silverwood Heights
- Simmie
- Simonson Island
- Simpson
- Simpson Island
- Singed Dog Island
- Sinnett
- Sintaluta
- Skeates Island
- Skinner's Wildlife Management Unit
- Skull Creek
- Slant Island
- Slate Island
- Slater
- Sled Lake
- Sleepy Hollow
- Sliding Hill
- Smailes Island
- Small Island
- Smeaton
- Smiley
- Smith Island
- Smith Island
- Smith Island
- Smith Peninsula
- Smith Peninsula
- Smith Peninsula
- Smith Peninsula
- Smith Peninsula
- Smith Point
- Smith Point
- Smith Point
- Smith Portage
- Smith Ridge
- Smith-Windsor Islands
- Smoking Tent
- Smoky Burn
- Smoky Ridge
- Smoothstone Lake Recreation Site
- Smuts
- Snake Point
- Snipe Lake
- Snow Island
- Snowden
- Snowshoe Island
- Soeder Island
- Sokal
- Somme
- Sonningdale
- Sorenson's Beach
- Souris Recreation Site
- Soutar Island
- South Allan
- South Arm
- South Branch House Historic Site
- South Fork
- South Gnadenthal
- South Lake
- South Lakeview
- South Maskepetoon Point
- South Porcupine Point
- South Star
- South Touchwood
- South Valley
- Southend 200
- Southend Reindeer
- Southey
- Sovereign
- Spalding
- Sparks Island
- Spear Island
- Speedwell
- Speers
- Speirs Island
- Spencer Island
- Spinney Hill
- Spirit Mountain
- Spiritwood
- Split Island
- Spot Island
- Spring Bay
- Spring Fountain Recreation Site
- Spring Point
- Spring Valley
- Springfeld
- Springside
- Springside
- Springwater
- Spruce Bay
- Spruce Home
- Spruce Island
- Spruce Island
- Spruce Lake
- Spruce Point
- Spruce Point
- Spruce Point
- Spy Hill
- Square Hill
- Squirrel Hill
- St-Denis
- St-Laurent-Grandin
- St. Alphege
- St. Antoine
- St. Benedict
- St. Boswells
- St. Brieux
- St. Brieux Regional Park
- St. Cyr Lake
- St. Denis National Wildlife Area
- St. George's Hill
- St. Gregor
- St. Hubert Mission
- St. Isidore-de-Bellevue
- St. Joseph's
- St. Joseph's Point
- St. Julien
- St. Louis
- St. Luke
- St. Peter Game Preserve
- St. Peters Colony
- St. Philips
- St. Victor
- St. Walburg
- St. Walburg Recreation Site
- Staines Island
- Stalwart
- Stalwart National Wildlife Area
- Standard Hill
- Standing Buffalo 78
- Stanger Island
- Stanley 157
- Stanley 157A
- Stanley Mission
- Stanley Point
- Stanleyville
- Star Blanket 83
- Star Blanket 83B
- Star Blanket 83C
- Star City
- Starblanket
- Starfield Island
- Station des Forces canadiennes Flin Flon
- Stauble Island
- Staynor Hall
- Ste-Marthe-Rocanville
- Stead Island
- Steeden Island
- Steele Narrows Provincial Park
- Steelman
- Steen
- Steep Rock Island
- Steep Rock Point
- Steephill Portage
- Stenen
- Stevenson Island
- Stevenson Island
- Stewart Island
- Stewart Island
- Stewart Island
- Stewart Islands
- Stewart Peninsula
- Stewart Point
- Stewart Valley
- Stickler Island
- Stinson Island
- Stockholm
- Stoik Island
- Stoll Point
- Stone
- Stonehenge
- Stony Beach
- Stony Mountain Portage
- Stony Rapids
- Stony Rapids Airport
- Stonyview
- Stork Island
- Stornoway
- Storthoaks
- Stoughton
- Stove Creek
- Stowlea
- Strangs Slough
- Stranraer
- Strasbourg
- Strathallen
- Strike Point
- Strong Island
- Strong Pine
- Strongfield
- Struan
- Struthers Lake Regional Park
- Stuart Island
- Stueck Island
- Stump Lake
- Sturdy Island
- Sturgeon Lake
- Sturgeon Lake 101
- Sturgeon Lake 101A
- Sturgeon Lake Regional Park
- Sturgeon Landing
- Sturgeon River Recreation Site
- Sturgeon Valley
- Sturgeon Weir 184F
- Sturgis
- Sturgis and District Regional Park (Site 1)
- Sturgis and District Regional Park (Site 2)
- Success
- Sucker River 156C
- Suffern Lake Regional Park
- Sugar Island
- Summerberry
- Summercove
- Summerfield Beach
- Sumner Dam
- Sun Valley
- Sunningdale
- Sunnyglen
- Sunnyside
- Sunnyside Beach
- Sunnyside Beach
- Sunset Beach
- Sunset Cove
- Sunset Island
- Sunset View Beach
- Superb
- Surprise
- Sutherland
- Sutherland Bird Sanctuary
- Sutton Island
- Swallow Beach
- Swan Plain
- Swanson
- Swanson Island
- Swanston Point
- Swarthmore
- Sweet Grass 113-C19
- Sweet Grass 113-C7
- Sweet Grass 113-N27
- Sweetgrass 113
- Sweetgrass 113-P2
- Sweetgrass 113A
- Sweetgrass 113B
- Swift Current
- Swift Current Airport
- Swift-Current Research and Development Centre
- Swimmer Islands
- Sybouts
- Sylvan Valley Regional Park
- Sylvania
- Sylvester Island
- Symons Island
- Table Mountain Regional Park
- Tadmore
- Tait Island
- Tako
- Tallman
- Talmage
- Tangleflags
- Tantallon
- Tapley
- Tarnopol
- Tate
- Tate Island
- Tatham Island
- Tatsfield
- Taylor Beach
- Taylor Island
- Taylor Island
- Taylor Lake Recreation Site
- Taylorside
- Tea Point
- Tearse Islands
- Ted Island
- Tent Island
- Tern Island
- Tessier
- Thackeray Island
- Thaxted
- The Bad Hills
- The Battlefords Provincial Park
- The Bear Hills
- The Cactus Hills
- The Coteau
- The Dirt Hills
- The Elbow
- The Key 65
- The Missouri Coteau
- The Two Rivers
- Theodore
- Thickwood Hills
- Thode
- Thomas Battersby Protected Area
- Thompson Island
- Thompson Island
- Thompson Peninsula
- Thompson Peninsula
- Thomson Island
- Thomson Island
- Thomson Lake Regional Park
- Thorson Island
- Three Bar Three Flats
- Thunder Creek
- Thunder Hill
- Thunder Hills
- Thunderchild
- Thunderchild First Nation 115B
- Thunderchild First Nation 115C
- Thunderchild First Nation 115D
- Timber Bay
- Tingey Island
- Tiny
- TipahmatoAski 95A
- Tisdale
- Tisdale Airport
- Tisdale and District Regional Park
- Titanic
- Tobey Point
- Tobin Lake
- Tobin Lake Recreation Site
- Todd Island
- Togo
- Toland Island
- Tompkins
- Tonkin
- Top Lake Recreation Site
- Topping Island
- Torch River
- Torch River Provincial Forest
- Torquay
- Torrington Island
- Totnes
- Totzke
- Touchwood Hills
- Touchwood Hills Post Provincial Park
- Touchwood Uplands
- Tower Island
- Traill Island
- Tramping Lake
- Tramping Lake Regional Park
- Transcona
- Traynor
- Treaty Four Reserve Grounds 77
- Treelon
- Tregarva
- Trevessa Beach
- Trewdale
- Tribune
- Trippe Island
- Trossachs
- Trout Portage
- Truax
- Tuberose
- Tucker Island
- Tucker Island
- Tuffnell
- Tugaske
- Tullis
- Tulloch Islands
- Turner Island
- Turnor Lake
- Turnor Lake 193B
- Turnor Lake194
- Turnor Point
- Turtle Island
- Turtle Lake Recreation Site
- Turtle Lake South Bay
- Turtleford
- Tuxedo Park
- Tuxford
- Tway
- Tway National Wildlife Area
- Tweedsmuir
- Twin Islands
- Twin Valley
- Two Islands
- Twolake Island
- Tyner
- Tyrell Lake Recreation Site
- Tyrrell Point
- Tyvan
- Uhl's Bay
- Ulley Island
- Umisk Island
- Unity
- Unity and District Regional Park
- University
- University Heights
- University Park
- University Park East
- Unwin
- Upistutik Island
- Uplands
- Upper Rousay Lake Bird Sanctuary
- Upper Rousay Lake Game Preserve
- Uranium City
- Uranium City Airport
- Uranium Point
- Uren
- Usam Island
- Usherville
- Uspikinakun Island
- Utie Island
- Vade
- Val Marie
- Val Marie Reservoir Bird Sanctuary
- Valbrand
- Valeport
- Valeport Recreation Site
- Valeport Wildlife Management Unit
- Valjean
- Valley Centre
- Valley Centre Recreation Site
- Valley Park
- Valley Regional Park (Rosthern Section)
- Valley Regional Park (Waldheim Section)
- Valparaiso
- Vances Island
- Vandura
- Vanguard
- Vanscoy
- Vanstone
- Vantage
- Vawn
- Veillardville
- Venn
- Vera
- Veregin
- Verlo
- Vermilion Hills
- Vermilion Island
- Vermilion Point
- Verwood
- Vesper
- Vibank
- Vicars Island
- Viceroy
- Victoire
- Victoria Heights
- Vidora
- Viewfield
- Viscount
- Vonda
- Wa-Pii Moos-Toosis (White Calf) 83A
- Wadena
- Wadin Bay
- Wahpeton 94A
- Wahpeton 94B
- Waitville
- Wakaw
- Wakaw Lake
- Wakaw Lake Regional Park
- Waldeck
- Waldheim
- Waldron
- Waldsea Lake Regional Park
- Walker Peninsula
- Wall Island
- Wallace Island
- Wallace Island
- Wallard
- Wallwort
- Walpole
- Walsh Acres
- Walsh Island
- Walter Island
- Wamninuta Island
- Wanahichewun Island
- Wanatan Peninsula
- Wandsworth
- Wanuskewin Heritage Park
- Wapachewunak 192D
- Wapaskokimaw 202
- Wapawekka Hills
- Wapawekka Lake Portage
- Wapawekka Road Corridor Game Preserve
- Wapella
- Wapiskaw Island
- Wapiti Recreation Site
- Wapiti Valley Regional Park
- Wapus Island
- Warburton Island
- Warman
- Warmley
- Warne Island
- Warren Islands
- Wartime
- Wascana Game Preserve
- Wascana Lake Bird Sanctuary
- Wascana Trails Recreation Site
- Waseca
- Washington Park
- Waskateena Beach
- Waskateena Beach Recreation Site
- Waskesiu Hills
- Waskesiu Lake
- Waskesiu River Recreation Site
- Waskwei Island
- Waskwei River Protected Area
- Waterhen 130
- Waterhen Lake
- Waterhen River Recreation Site
- Watertown
- Watrous
- Watson
- Watson Island
- Watt Island
- Wauchope
- Waverley Island
- Wawota
- Weaver Island
- Webb
- Webb National Wildlife Area
- Weber Island
- Weber Island
- Wee Too Beach
- Weed Hills
- Weekes
- Weirdale
- Weitzel Island
- Welby
- Weldon
- Weldon Island
- Wellesley Park
- Welsh Island
- Welsh Island
- Welwyn
- Welwyn Centennial Regional Park
- Wepuskow Sahgaiechan165D
- Wesson Island
- West Bend
- West Central Regional Park
- West Chatfield Beach
- West End
- West Plains
- West Poplar
- Western Island
- Westhazel
- Westheath
- Westlake Island
- Westmore
- Westmount
- Westmount
- Westview
- Westview
- Weyakwin
- Weyakwin Lake (Ramsey Bay) Recreation Site
- Weyburn
- Wheatland Islands
- Wheatstone
- Wheeler Peninsula
- Whelan
- Whidden Island
- White Bear
- White Bear 70
- White Butte Recreation Site
- White Cap 94
- White City
- White Fox
- White Island
- White Spruce
- White Star
- Whitebeech
- Whitecap
- Whitefish Point
- Whitesand
- Whitesand Regional Park
- Whitesand River Recreation Site
- Whiteswan Lake (Whelan Bay) Recreation Site
- Whitewood
- Whitewood Hills
- Whitkow
- Whitley Island
- Whitmore Island
- Whitmore Park
- Whittome
- Wideview
- Wilbert
- Wilcox
- Wild Rose
- Wildcat Hill
- Wildcat Hill Provincial Park
- Wilde Hills
- Wilde Island
- Wildwood
- Wilkie
- Wilkie Beach
- Wilkie Regional Park
- William Point
- Williams Island
- Williams Peninsula
- Willmar
- Willow Bunch
- Willow Bunch Game Preserve
- Willow Cree
- Willow Creek
- Willow Island
- Willow Island
- Willow Point
- Willowbrook
- Willows
- Willowvale
- Wilson Island
- Wilson Island
- Wilson Island
- Wilson Island
- Wilson Island
- Wilson Islands
- Wilson Peninsula
- Wilson Peninsula
- Wilson Peninsula
- Wilson Point
- Wimmer
- Windsor Park
- Windsor Place
- Windthorst
- Wingard
- Winn Island
- Winter
- Winterton Island
- Winthorpe
- Winton
- Wipiskaw Island
- Wiseton
- Wishart
- Witchekan
- Witchekan Lake 117
- Witchekan Lake 117-D
- Wiwa Hill
- Wolf Island
- Wolfe
- Wollaston Lake
- Wollaston Lake (Hidden Bay) Recreation Site
- Wollaston Lake Airport
- Wolseley
- Wolverine
- Wolverine Point
- Wolverine Point
- Wood Hill
- Wood Island
- Wood Meadows
- Wood Mountain
- Wood Mountain
- Wood Mountain 160
- Wood Mountain Game Preserve
- Wood Mountain Post Provincial Park
- Wood Mountain Regional Park
- Woodcock Portage
- Woodlawn
- Woodlawn Regional Park
- Woodley
- Woodrow
- Woodward Island
- Woody Lake 184D
- Woody Lake Game Preserve
- Woody River Recreation Site
- Worcester
- Worcester Peninsula
- Worden Island
- Wordsworth
- Wright Island
- Wroxton
- Wyley
- Wylie Island
- Wymark
- Wynot
- Wynyard
- Wynyard Regional Park
- Yarbo
- Yaworski Island
- Yellow Creek
- Yellow Grass
- Yellow Quill 90-8
- Yellowquill 90
- Yonker
- Yorath Island
- York Lake Regional Park
- Yorkton
- Yorkton Municipal Airport
- Young
- Young Island
- Young Island
- Young Island
- Young Peninsula