A - T Seban Mesut School
A P Shaw United Methodist Church
A T Seban Mesut Child Development Center
Abner Cloud House
Abraham Lincoln Statue
Abraham Lincoln/Emancipation Monument
Abram Simon Elementary School
Abundant Life Clinic
Acacia Building
Acacia Griffins Sculpture
Academia Bilingue de la Comunidad Primary Charter School
Academia de La Porta Christian Day School
Academic Administration
Academic Center
Academy for Ideal Education
Academy for Learning Through the Arts Primary Charter School
Academy of Music Building (historical)
Achbold Parkway
Acheson Science Center
Adam Sculpture
Adams Before and After School Center
Adams House
Adams Memorial
Adams Morgan
Adams-Mason House
Adas Israel Congregation Day Care Center
Adas Israel Synagogue
Addiction Prevention and Recovery Administration Building
Addison School
Admiral David G Farragut Statue
Admiral Weaver House
Admiral's House Naval Observatory
Admirals House
Adolescent Day Program
Adventureland Day Nursery
Aeeze Bates Day Care Center
African American Civil War Memorial
African First Baptist Church (historical)
African Union Bethel Church (historical)
Agape 1 Church of Christ
Agape Baptist Church
Agape Cabbage Patch and Lemaes Early Learning Center
Aidan Montessori School
Air Mail Marker
Airlie Estate (historical)
Aiton Elementary School
Alain Leroy Locke Hall
Alban Towers Apartment Building
Albaughs Opera House (historical)
ALBB Park (historical)
Albert Einstein Planetarium
Albert Einstein Statue
Albert Gallatin Statue
Albright Memorial United Methodist Church
Alden, Babcock, Calvert Apartments
Alexander Crummell School (historical)
Alexander Graham Bell Hall
Alexander Graham Bell Vocational High School (historical)
Alexander Hamilton Statue
Alexander Melville Bell House
Alexander Memorial Baptist Church
Alexander Pushkin Statue
Alexander Ray House
Alexander Robey Shepherd Statue
Alfred Kiger Savoy Elementary School
Alger Park
Alibi Club
Alice Deal Middle School
Alice Pike Barney House
Alighieri Dan`te Statue
All Hallows Guild Traveling Carousel
All My Children Child Development Center
All My Children Child Development Center
All Nations Baptist Church
All Saints All Day Care Center
All Saints All Day Childcare Center
All Souls Church
All Souls Episcopal Church
All Souls Unitarian Church
Allan Mercer Daniel Law Library
Allen Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church
Allen Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church Child Development Center
Alma Thomas House
Almas Temple
Alumni House - Georgetown University
Alumni Square
Alumni Square (Village B)
Amazing Life Games Preschool
Ambassador Baptist Church
Ambassador Baptist Church Multi-purpose Center
Ambush School
American Association of University Women
American Bank Building
American Colonization Society Hall (historical)
American Federation of Labor Building
American Film Institute National Film Theater
American Forestry Association Building
American Hospital Association
American Institute of Pharmacy
American Legion Freedom Bell
American Meridian Memorial
American National Red Cross Building
American Nature Association Building
American Peace Society Building
American Pharmaceutical Institute
American Red Cross History and Education Center
American Security and Trust Company Building
American Theatre (historical)
American University
American University Child Development Center
American University Park
American University Washington College of Law
American Veterans Association Building
American Veterans Disabled for Life Memorial
American War Mothers Building
Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Çevre Koruma Ajansı
Amerikan Kongre Binası
Amidon - Bowen Elementary School
Amidon Before and After School Center
Amidon-Greenleaf Playground
Anacostia Annex
Anacostia Annex
Anacostia Bible Church
Anacostia Branch Library
Anacostia Branch Post Office
Anacostia Community Health Center
Anacostia Fitness Center
Anacostia Helicopter Facility
Anacostia High School
Anacostia Marina
Anacostia Methodist Church
Anacostia Methodist Episcopal Church (historical)
Anacostia Museum
Anacostia Park
Anacostia Park Fieldhouse
Anacostia Park Pavilion
Anacostia Park Section C
Anacostia Park Section D
Anacostia Park Section E
Anacostia Park Section F
Anacostia Park Section G
Anacostia Post Office
Anacostia Railroad Bridge
Anacostia Recreation Center
Analostan Boat Club (historical)
Anchor Tavern and Oyster House (historical)
Anderson Cottage
Anderson Hall
Anderson House Museum
Andrei Sakhorov Plaza
Andrew Carnegie Building
Andrew Jackson Downing Urn
Andrew Mellon Building
Andrew Rankin Memorial Chapel
Andrew W Mellon Auditorium
Annunciation Catholic Church
Annunciation School
Anthony Bowen Branch YMCA
Anthony Reintzel Building (historical)
Antioch Baptist Church
Anton Ruppert House
Apartment Building at 2225 N Street
Apex Theater (historical)
Apollo Hall (historical)
Apollo Statue
Apostles and Prophets Evangelical Church
Apostolic Faith Church
Apostolic Nunciature - The Holy See
Apple Tree Early Learning Primary Charter School
Apple Tree Institute For Education
Appleby Building
Aqueduct Bridge (historical)
Arboretum Recreation Center
Archbishop Carroll High School
Archimedes Statue
Arena Stage
Argentine Embassy Building
Ariel Rios Federal Building
Arland D Williams Junior Memorial Bridge
Arlington Bridge Equestrian Statues
Arlington Hotel (historical)
Arlington Memorial Bridge
Armed Forces Retirement Home - Washington
Armenian Earthquake Statue
Armory Square
Armory Square Hospital (historical)
Armour J Blackburn Center
Armstrong Adult Education Center
Armstrong Preparatory Center For Early Learning
Armstrong Preparatory Center Number 2
Armstrong Technical School
Army and Navy Club Building (historical)
Army Medical Museum and Library (historical)
Army War College
Arnes Dining Hall
Arnold And Porter Childrens Center
Arsenal Monument
Art Barn
Art Museum of the Americas
Arthur M Sackler Gallery
Arthur Stanley House
Arthur Vining Downing Statue
Artists Mart (historical)
Arts and Industries Building
Arts and Technology Academy Primary Charter School
Arts and Technology Public Charter School
Arts Club of Washington
Arts of Peace Statues
Asbury Building
Asbury Methodist Church
Ascension Chapel
Ascension Sculpture
Asension Episcopal Church (historical)
Ashburton House
Assembly of the Saints Child Development Center
Assemblys Church
Associates for Renewal in Education Public Charter School
Association of American Geographers Building
Association of Oldest Inhabitants Building
Assumption Elementary School
Asylum Square
Atlantic Building
Atlantic Gardens Early Childhood Center
Atlantic Shopping Center
Atlantic Terrace Day Care Center
Atlas Building
Atlas Theater
Atonement Lutheran Church
Atonement Seminary
Auditors Building Complex
Augusta Apartment Building
Augustana Lutheran Church
Auguste Montessori School
Augustinian College
Austrian Legation Building
Authority of Law Sculpture
Avalon Playground
Avalon Theater
Avenue Grand Theater (historical)
Avenue House (historical)
Aztec Fountain
B J's Learning Center
B'Nai B'Rith Klutznick Museum
Babcock-Macomb House
Bachelor Apartment House
Backus Middle School
Backus Recreation Center
Balch House
Bald Eagle Child Development Center
Bald Eagle Hill
Bald Eagle Hill
Bald Eagle Memorial
Bald Eagle Recreation Center
Ballard House
Ballard North
Ballard West
Ballou High School
Ballou Recreation Center
Ballou School To Aid Youth
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Freight Station
Baltimore Sun Building
Bancroft Before and After School
Bancroft Elementary School
Bancroft House (historical)
Bancroft Playground
Bancroft Recreation Center
Bank of Columbia (historical)
Bank of the United States (historical)
Banneker Community Center
Banneker Day Care Center
Banneker Recreation Center
Bannockburn Golf Club (historical)
Barbara Chambers Childrens Center
Barbara Jordan Primary Charter School
Barbaras Montessori School
Barber-Caperton House
Barnaby Terrace
Barnaby Woods
Barnard Elementary School
Barnard Hill Park
Barnard Hill Park
Barney Settlement House
Barney Studio House
Barry Farm Playground
Barry Farm Pool
Barry Farms
Barry Farms Child Care Center
Barry Farms Recreation Center
Barrys Wharf (historical)
Bartholdi Fountain
Basic Science Building
Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception
Batchelor Apartment House (historical)
Bathing Beach
Battelle Library
Battery Gaines (historical)
Battery Georgetown (historical)
Battery Kemble (historical)
Battery Kemble Park
Battery Kingsbury (historical)
Battery Mahon (historical)
Battery Martin Scott (historical)
Battery Morris (historical)
Battery Parrott (historical)
Battery Reno (historical)
Battery Ricketts
Battery Ricketts (historical)
Battery Rossell (historical)
Battery Sill (historical)
Battery Smeade (historical)
Battery Terrill (historical)
Battery Vermont (historical)
Battleground National Cemetery
Battlelle-Tompkins Building
Beach Parkway
Bead Museum
Beall Burying Ground (historical)
Beall-Peter-Dick House
Beall-Washington House
Bealls Express Building
Beatty-Stuart House
Beauvoir - The National Cathedral Elementary School
Beauvoir National Cathedral Elementary School
Beauvoir Nursery School
Beeghty Building
Beers Elementary School
Bell Adult Education Center
Bell Experimental School (historical)
Bell School
Bell Teen Parent and Child Development Center
Belmont Estate (historical)
Benco Shopping Center
Bender Arena
Bender Library
Benjamin Banneker High School
Benjamin Banneker Park
Benjamin Franklin Post Office
Benjamin Franklin Postal Station
Benjamin Franklin Statue
Benjamin Franklin University (historical)
Benjamin Miller House
Benjamin Ogle Tayloe House
Benjamin Orr Elementary School
Benjamin T Rome Hall
Bennett Babies Day Care Center
Benning Branch Library
Benning Bridge
Benning Elementary School
Benning Heights
Benning Park
Benning Park Child Development Center
Benning Park Community Center
Benning Park Recreation Center
Benning Post Office
Benning Power Plant
Benning Stoddert Child Development Center
Benning Stoddert Recreation Center
Benning Terrace Community Center
Benning Terrace Recreation Center
Benson Hall
Bernard Baruch Statue
Bernardo de Galvez Statue
Berrell Public School (historical)
Berret School (historical)
Berry Farms Recreation Center
Beth Shalom African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
Beth Sholom Temple
Bethany Baptist Church
Bethel Commandment Church
Bethel Penecostal Tabernacle of the Assemblies of God
Bethesda Baptist Church
Bethesda New Life Gospel Church
Bethlehem Baptist Church
Bethlehem Fire Baptized Holiness Church
Bethune Museum-Archives
Betty Ford Comprehensive Center
Beulah Baptist Church of Deanwood
Bex Eagle Statue
Beyaz Saray
Beyers Park (historical)
Bible Baptist Church of Washington District of Columbia
Bible Presbyterian Church
Big Mamas Childrens Center
Birch Undertaker Building
Birney Elementary School
Bishop Asbury Statue
Bishop John Carroll Statue
Bison Sculpture
Bistro D'OC
Black Fashion Museum
Black Horse Trail
Blagden Row (historical)
Blaine Mansion
Blair House
Blair School
Blair Shelter Clinic
Blake School (historical)
Blanche K Bruce House
Bleak House (historical)
Bles Building
Blessed Sacrament Elementary School
Blessed Sacrament School
Blind/Visually Impaired Adult Education Center
Blodgetts Hotel (historical)
Blow Elementary School
Blue Cross and Blue Shield Building
Bluff Bridge
Bobby Van's Grill
Bobby Van's Steakhouse
Bodisco House
Body of Christ Baptist Church
Bolling AFB Post Office
Bolling Air Force Base
Bolling Air Force Base (historical)
Bond Building
Book Hill Park
Booker T Washington Primary Charter School for Technical Arts
Booker T Washington Public Charter School
Born Again Community Baptist Church
Botanic Gardens (historical)
Boulder Bridge and Ross Drive Bridge
Boundary Bridge
Boundary Channel Bridge
Bowen Elementary School
Bowie-Sevier House
Boy Scouts of America Memorial
Bragadier General James B McPherson Statue
Brazilian Embassy
Bread for the City
Bread for the City
Brent Elementary School
Brentwood Building (historical)
Brentwood Maintenance Building
Brentwood Park
Brentwood Recreation Center
Brentwood Village
Brentwood Village Playground
Brentwood Village Shopping Center
Brickyard Hill House
Bridge Street Presbyterian Church (historical)
Bridgepoint Hospital - Capitol Hill Campus
Bridgepoint Hospital - Hadley Campus
Bridges Babies Day Care Center
Bridges Primary Charter School
Brigadier General Albert Pike Statue
Brigadier General Count Casimer Pulaski Statue
Brigadier General Thaddeus Kosciuszko Statue
Briggs-Montgomery School (historical)
Bright Beginnings Day Care Center
Bright Horizon Early Education and Back-Up Center
Bright Horizons Childrens Center
Brightwood Driving Park (historical)
Brightwood Education Campus
Brightwood Park
Brightwood Park United Methodist Church
Brightwood Post Office
Brightwood Recreation Area
Brightwood Recreation Center
British Embassy Building
British School of Washington
Broadcast Center
Broadcasters Child Development Center
Brodhead-Bell-Morton Mansion
Bronaugh-Bibb-Libbey House
Brook Hill Park
Brookings Institution Building
Brookland Baptist Church
Brookland Elementary School
Brookland Manor Community Safety Office
Brookland Methodist Church
Brookland Post Office
Brookland Union Baptist Church
Brooks Mansion
Brown Memorial African Methodist Episcopal Church
Browne Center
Browne Education Campus
Brownley Confectionary Building
Browns Hotel (historical)
Browns Marlile Hotel (historical)
Bruce - Monroe Elementary School
Bruce-Monroe Recreation Center
Bryan School
Bryant Memorial
Bryce Park
Buchanan Secondary Learning Center (historical)
Buckley Upper Cardoza Health Center
Buehler-Sullivan House
Buena Vista
Buena Vista Academy
Buffaloes Statue
Building D
Bulter Pavilion
Bundles of Joy Day Care Center
Bundy Playground
Bundy School
Bunker Hill
Bunker Hill Elementary School
Bunn Intercultural Center
Burdick Adult Education Center
Burdick Career Development Center
Bureau Annex Building
Bureau of Engraving and Printing Building
Bureau of Fisheries Building (historical)
Bureau of Indian Trade Building (historical)
Burnes House (historical)
Burnham Barrier
Burr Annex
Burroughs Elementary School
Burrville Elementary School
Business and Finance Academy School Within a School at H D Woodson Senior High S
Business and Finance School-within-a-School Charter - Woodson
Business Library
Bussard-Newman House
Butler House (historical)
Butler Instructional Center
Butt-Millet Memorial
Buzzard Point
Buzzard Point
Buzzard Point
Buzzard Point Heliport
Buzzard Point Marina
C B Powell Building
C G Woodson Junior High School (historical)
C W Harris Elementary School
Cady-Lee House
Cadys Alley Shopping Center
Cafritz Building
Cairo Apartment Building
Caldwell Hall
Caldwell House (historical)
Calomiris YMCA Program Center
Calvary Baptist Church
Calvary Chapel Episcopal Church
Calvary Christian Academy
Calvary Christian Church
Calvary Gospel Church (historical)
Calvary Protestant Episcopal Church
Calvary-Casa Del Pueblo United Methodist Church
Calvert School (historical)
Calvert Station Post Office
Calvin Coolidge High School
Camalier House
Cameron House
Cameron Row (historical)
Camp American University (historical)
Camp Barker (historical)
Camp Frieze (historical)
Camp Fry (historical)
Camp Hill
Camp Leach (historical)
Camp Meigs (historical)
Camp Ohio (historical)
Camp Simms (historical)
Camp Tennally (historical)
Campbell African Methodist Episcopal Church
Campbell Building
Campbell Hospital (historical)
Canaan Baptist Church
Canaan Baptist Church Coalition for the Homeless
Canadian Legation Building
Canal Warehouse
Cannon House Office Building
Cannon Station Post Office
Cantilever Bridge
Capital Bicycle Club (historical)
Capital Childrens Museum
Capital City Primary Charter School
Capital Garage (historical)
Capital Memorial Adventist Church (historical)
Capital Traction Company Powerhouse (historical)
Capital View Baptist Church
Capital View Skilled Nursing Home
Capital Wesleyan Church
Capitol Assembly of God Church
Capitol Baptist Church
Capitol City Child Development Center
Capitol Heating Plant Building
Capitol Hill
Capitol Hill
Capitol Hill Baptist Church
Capitol Hill Cooperative Nursery School
Capitol Hill Day School
Capitol Hill Hospital (historical)
Capitol Hill Medical Clinic
Capitol Hill Parks
Capitol Hill Presbyterian Church
Capitol Hill Seventh Day Adventist Church
Capitol Hill United Methodist Church
Capitol Kids II
Capitol South Railway Substation
Capitol Temple Church of God in Christ
Capitol View
Capitol View Branch Library
Capitol View Plaza
Capper Recreation Center
Captain Nathan Hale Sculpture
Capuchin College
Car Barn (historical)
Carbery House (historical)
Carbery School (historical)
Cardinal Hall
Cardinal James Gibbons Statue
Cardoza Playground
Cardozo Education Campus
Carlin Hall
Carlos Rosario Adult Education Center
Carlos Rosario International Primary Charter School
Carlos Rosario International Public Charter School
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Carnegie Geophysical Laboratory
Carnegie Institution Building
Carnegie Institution of Washington Geophysical Laboratory
Carnegie Library (historical)
Carnegie Terrestrial Magnetism Laboratory
Carolina Missionary Baptist Church
Carpenters Building
Carriage House
Carroll Daly House
Carroll Manor Nursing and Rehabilitation Center
Carroll Prison (historical)
Carroll Row (historical)
Carroll Senior Citizens Center
Carron Baptist Church
Carter G Woodson House
Carter G Woodson National Historic Site
Carver Hospital (historical)
Carver Terrace Child Development Center
Carver Theater (historical)
Casa Del Alfarero Asambleas de Dios
Casanave House (historical)
Casimir Pulaski Building
Castle Gatehouse
Cathedral Heights
Cathedral Mansions
Catholic Sisters College
Catholic University of America
Catholic University Post Office
Celebration In Learning Child Development Center
Celestial Church
Centennial Baptist Church
Center for Academic Reinforcement
Center for Sickle Cell Disease
Center For Student Mission
Center for Urban Ecology
Central Baptist Church
Central Detention Facility
Central Guard House (historical)
Central Heating Plant (historical)
Central National Bank
Central Northeast
Central Post Office
Central Presbyterian Church
Central Receiving
Central Union Baptist Church
Central Union Mission (historical)
Central Union Mission Clinic
Centronia at Harvard Street Day Care Center
Centronia Day Care Center
Centurion Statue
Ceres Statue
Cesar Chavez Primary Charter School for Public Policy Capitol Hill Campus
Cesar Chavez Primary Charter School for Public Policy Parkside Campus
Cesar Chavez Public Policy Public Charter School
Chain Bridge
Chain Bridge Road School (historical)
Chamberlain Career Development Center
Chamberlain School (historical)
Champlain Apartment Building
Chancery of Iraq
Chantelles Quality Child Care Center
Chapel Hall - Gallaudet University
Chapel of Notre Dame
Chapel of the Sacred Heart
Chapin Bear Cub Sculpture
Charity Baptist Church
Charles Drew Elementary School
Charles E and Laura E Phillips Hall
Charles E Smith Center
Charles Evans Hughes House
Charles Hart Middle School
Charles Kraemer House
Charles R Drew Hall
Charles Richard Drew Bridge
Charles S Pryor Fellowship Hall
Charles Sumner School
Charlotte Forten Grimke House
Chase House (historical)
Chauncy T Cooper Hall
Cherry Hill
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Monument
Chesapeake and Ohio Trail
Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company
Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company Main Building Addition
Chester Arthur Building
Chevy Chase
Chevy Chase Arcade
Chevy Chase Baptist Church Childrens Center
Chevy Chase Circle
Chevy Chase Community Center
Chevy Chase Community Day Care Center
Chevy Chase Heights
Chevy Chase Lake Shopping Center
Chevy Chase Pavilion Shopping Center
Chevy Chase Playground
Chevy Chase Plaza Childrens Center
Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church
Chevy Chase Recreation Center
Chevy Chase Theater
Chief Justice John Marshall Statue
Children First of Washington District of Columbia
Children Studio School Public Charter School
Children'S Hospital
Children's National Medical Center
Childrens Adams Morgan Health Center
Childrens Health Center at Childrens Hospital
Childrens Health Center at Good Hope Road
Childrens Hospital Heliport
Childrens House of Washington
Childrens Hut Day Care Center
Childrens National Medical Center
Childrens National Medical Center - Adolescent Health Center
Childrens Shaw Health Center
Childrens Studio School Primary Charter School
Childs House (historical)
Childtime Learning Center
Chillum Place Carrier Annex Post Office
Chillum Station
Chinese Community Church
CHOICE Academy
CHOICE Academy Middle School
CHOICE Academy Senior High School
Christ Child Society Building
Christ Church
Christ Church Capitol Hill
Christ Church Georgetown
Christ Church of Washington
Christ Church Rectory
Christ Episcopal Church
Christ House Health Center
Christ Lutheran Church
Christ Our Redeemer African Methodist Episcopal Church
Christ United Methodist Church
Christian Hauge House
Christian Heurich Brewery (historical)
Christian Heurich House
Christian Heurichs Lager Beer Brewery and Tavern (historical)
Christian Love Baptist Church
Christian Reformed Church
Christian Reformed Church Senior Citizens Center
Christian Science Reading Room
Christian Science Reading Room
Christian Science Reading Room
Christian Science Reading Room
Christian Tabernacle Child Development Center
Christian Tabernacle Church of God
Christopher Columbus Memorial Fountain
Church of Christ
Church of Christ of the East Capitol
Church of God
Church of God of Prophecy
Church of Jesus Christ
Church of Jesus Christ Child Development Center
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ of Washington District of Columbia
Church of Our Savior
Church of Scientology
Church of the Acsension and Saint Agnes
Church of the Ascension
Church of the Covenant (historical)
Church of the Disciples
Church of the Epiphany
Church of the First Born
Church of the Healing Christ
Church of the Holy City
Church of the Incarnation
Church of the Incarnation (historical)
Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of Apostolic Faith
Church of the Pilgrims
Church of the Redeemer Presbyterian Church
Church of the Reformation
Church of the Savior
Church of Two Worlds
Church Row (historical)
Circle Hospital (historical)
City Collegiate Primary Charter School
City Hospital (historical)
City Lights Primary Charter School
City Lights Public Charter School
City of Washington Museum
City Post Office
Citywide Community Development Center
Civil War Nurses Memorial
Civil War Sailors Statue
Clara Muhammad School
Claridge Towers Geriatric Health Center
Clark Elementary School
Clark Griffith Stadium (historical)
Clark Hall
Clark Mills Foundry (historical)
Clark Mills House (historical)
Clendenen Gymnasium
Clerc Hall
Cleveland Abby House
Cleveland Elementary School
Cleveland Park
Cleveland Park Branch Library
Cleveland Park Congregational United Church of Christ
Cleveland Park Kinderhaus
Cleveland Park Post Office
Clifburne Hospital (historical)
Clifton Terrace
Cloyd Heck Marvin Center
Cloyd Heck Marvin House
Codman-Davis House
Cogswell Temperance Fountain Memorial
Cole Residence Hall
Colfax School (historical)
College Hall - Gallaudet University
College of Preachers
Colombian Legation Building
Colonel John Cox House
Colonial Apartments
Colonial Village
Colony Hill
Colorado Building
Columbia Armory (historical)
Columbia College General Hospital (historical)
Columbia Heights
Columbia Heights Christian Church
Columbia Heights Education Campus
Columbia Heights Post Office
Columbia Heights Recreation Center
Columbia Hospital for Women (historical)
Columbia Island
Columbia Island Marina
Columbia Law School (historical)
Columbia Railway Company Car Barns (historical)
Columbia Road Health Services Center
Columbian Legation Building
Columbian Preparatory School (historical)
Columbian School
Columbus Plaza
Columbus School of Law
Commerce Department Child Care Center
Commercial National Bank
Commissioners Wharf (historical)
Commodore John Barry Statue
Commodore John Paul Jones Memorial
Commonwealth Building
Community Academy Primary Charter School-Amos 2 Campus
Community Academy Primary Charter School-Amos Elementary Campus
Community Academy Primary Charter School-Butler Bilingual Campus
Community Academy Primary Charter School-Rand Campus
Community Academy Public Charter School
Community Child Development Center
Community Clinic-Southeast
Community Day Care Center
Community Holiness Church
Community House
Community of Hope Church
Community of Hope Health Center
Community Resource and Referral Center (CRRC)
Community United Methodist Church
Conaty Hall
Concentrated Care Center
Concordia German Evangelical Church (historical)
Concordia United Church of Christ
Conduit Road Schoolhouse
Congress Heights
Congress Heights Clinic
Congress Heights Playground
Congress Heights Post Office
Congress Heights Recreation Center
Congress Heights School
Congress Park
Congress Street Methodist Protestant Church (historical)
Congressional Cemetery
Connecticut Connection Shopping Center
Consolidated Headstart School
Constitution Gardens
Contee African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
Contrapposto Sculpture
Convent Carmelite Sisters
Convent of Bon Secours
Convent of Mercy
Convent of the Visitation Monastery
Cooke's Row
Cookes Park
Coolidge Recreation Center
Copley Hall
Corcoran and Riggs Bank Building
Corcoran Carriage House (historical)
Corcoran Gallery of Art
Corcoran Hall - George Washington University
Corcoran Lions Statue
Corcoran Office Building (historical)
Corcoran School (historical)
Corcoran School of Art
Corcoran Square Market
Cordell Hull Statue
Corinthian Baptist Church
Cornell in Washington
Cornerstone Bible Church School
Cornerstone Community School
Correctional Treatment Facility
Cosmos Club
Count Jean Baptiste Rochambeau Statue
Covenant Baptist Church
Covenant-First Presbyterian Church (historical)
Covington Kids-An Early Learning Center
Cox's Row
Crabapple Hill
Cramton Auditorium
Cranch School (historical)
Crandalls Apollo Theatre (historical)
Crawford-Cassin House
Crough Center
Crummell School
Cuban American Friendship Urn
Cuban Embassy Building
Cubi XI Sculpture
Curley Court
Curley Hall
Curtis School (historical)
Custom Service Building
Customs House
Customs House Post Office
Cutts-Madison House
Cuvilly Hall
Czechoslovakian Legation Building
Dahlgren Chapel of the Sacred Heart
Dahlgren Medical Library
Daily Grill
Daily Grill - Georgetown
Dakota Playground
Dalecarlia Parkway
Dalecarlia Reservoir Grounds
Danforth Chapel (historical)
Daniel Carroll House
Daniel Webster Statue
Danish Legation Building
Dante Statue
DAR Constitution Hall
Darnall Hall
Daughter of Zion Baptist Church
Daughters of the American Revolution Memorial Continental Hall
David Walker House (historical)
David White House
Davids Stars Child Development Center
Davis Elementary School
Davis Performing Arts Center
Davis-Hodgkins House
Dawes House - Gallaudet Research Institute
Dawn To Dusk Child Development Center
De La Roche-Jewell Tennant House
Dead Letter Office Building (historical)
Dean Estate (historical)
Deanwood Kiosk
Deanwood Recreation Center
Debre Selam Kidist Mariam Ethiopian Orthodox Church
Decatur Carriage House (historical)
Decatur House
Decatur-Gunther House
DeKrafft House (historical)
Del Vaell Jose Cecilo Memorial
Delaware Avenue Baptist Church
Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities
Deliverance Miracle Temple
Demonet Building
Denison House
Dennis Mullanys Saloon (historical)
Dennison School (historical)
Dent School
Dent Springhouse
Department of Agricultural Extensible Building
Department of Agriculture Administration Building
Department of Agriculture Building
Department of Agriculture Post Office
Department of Agriculture South Building
Department of Education
Department of Energy
Department of Health and Human Services Building
Department of Housing and Urban Development
Department of Justice Building
Department of Labor Building
Department of Labor Day Care Center
Department of Living Animals (historical)
Department of State Post Office
Department of the Interior South Building
Department of the Treasury Building
Department of Washington (historical)
Departmental Auditorium
Deutoronomy Missionary Baptist Church
Devereux Childrens Center
Devils Chair Bridge
Devon and Blakely
Devore-Chase House
Dewey House
Diplomatic Reception Rooms Museum
Diplotots Day Care Center
Dirksen Senate Office Building
Discobolos Statue
Discovery Creek Children's Museum
Distric of Columbia Citywide Welfare Rights Organization Child Development Cente
District of Columbia Academy High School
District of Columbia Alternative Learning Academy
District of Columbia Alternative Learning Academy
District of Columbia Alternative Learning Academy
District of Columbia Apprenticeship School
District of Columbia Armory
District of Columbia Armory (historical)
District of Columbia Bilingual Primary Charter School
District of Columbia Board of Child Care Building
District of Columbia Center for Therapeutic Recreation
District of Columbia Chartered Family Health Center
District of Columbia Court of Appeals Building
District of Columbia Crematorium (historical)
District of Columbia Fire and Emergency Medical Services - Fire Prevention Divis
District of Columbia Fire and Emergency Medical Services - Training Academy
District of Columbia Fire and Emergency Medical Services Engine Company 1
District of Columbia Fire and Emergency Medical Services Engine Company 10
District of Columbia Fire and Emergency Medical Services Engine Company 11
District of Columbia Fire and Emergency Medical Services Engine Company 12
District of Columbia Fire and Emergency Medical Services Engine Company 13
District of Columbia Fire and Emergency Medical Services Engine Company 14
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District of Columbia Fire and Emergency Medical Services Engine Company 24
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District of Columbia Fire and Emergency Medical Services Engine Company 30
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District of Columbia Fire and Emergency Medical Services Engine Company 32
District of Columbia Fire and Emergency Medical Services Engine Company 33
District of Columbia Fire and Emergency Medical Services Engine Company 4
District of Columbia Fire and Emergency Medical Services Engine Company 5
District of Columbia Fire and Emergency Medical Services Engine Company 6
District of Columbia Fire and Emergency Medical Services Engine Company 7
District of Columbia Fire and Emergency Medical Services Engine Company 8
District of Columbia Fire and Emergency Medical Services Engine Company 9
District of Columbia Fire and Emergency Medical Services Engine Company Fire Boa
District of Columbia Fire and Emergency Medical Services Headquarters and Admini
District of Columbia Fire and Emergency Medical Services Payroll
District of Columbia Fire and Emergency Medical Services Public Affairs
District of Columbia General Ambulatory Care Center
District of Columbia General Hospital
District of Columbia General Hospital ACCC Heliport
District of Columbia Industrial School (historical)
District of Columbia Jail
District of Columbia Morgue (historical)
District of Columbia Municipal Center
District of Columbia Paper Manufacturing Company
District of Columbia Police Warehouse
District of Columbia Preparatory Academy Primary Charter School
District of Columbia Public Library - Langston Community Branch
District of Columbia Public Library - Northeast Branch
District of Columbia Public Library - Parklands-Turner Community Branch
District of Columbia Public Library - R L Christian Community Branch
District of Columbia Public Library - Shepherd Park Branch
District of Columbia Public Library - Sursum Corda Community Branch
District of Columbia Public Library-Anacostia Interim Branch Library
District of Columbia Public Library-Benning Interim Library
District of Columbia Public Library-Capitol View Neighborhood Branch
District of Columbia Public Library-Chevy Chase Neighborhood Branch Library
District of Columbia Public Library-Cleveland Park Branch Library
District of Columbia Public Library-Deanwood Kiosk
District of Columbia Public Library-Francis Gregory Neighborhood Branch
District of Columbia Public Library-Garnet C Wilkinson Library
District of Columbia Public Library-Georgetown Neighborhood Branch
District of Columbia Public Library-Juanita E Thornton/Shepherd Park Branch Libr
District of Columbia Public Library-Lamond-Riggs Neighborhood Library
District of Columbia Public Library-Martin Luther King Jr Memorial Library
District of Columbia Public Library-Mount Pleasant Neighborhood Branch
District of Columbia Public Library-Palisades Neighborhood Branch
District of Columbia Public Library-Petworth Neighborhood Branch
District of Columbia Public Library-Southeast Neighborhood Branch
District of Columbia Public Library-Southwest Neighborhood Branch
District of Columbia Public Library-Takoma Park Neighborhood Branch
District of Columbia Public Library-Tenley-Friendship Interim Branch
District of Columbia Public Library-Washington Highlands Neighborhood Branch
District of Columbia Public Library-Watha T Daniel-Shaw Interim Branch
District of Columbia Public Library-West End Neighborhood Branch
District of Columbia Public Library-Woodridge Neighborhood Branch
District of Columbia Street Academy Senior High School
District of Columbia Superior Court Child Care Center
District of Columbia Teachers College
District of Columbia Visitor Information Center
District of Columbia War Memorial
District of Columbia World War Memorial
Divine Love Baptist Church
Dixon Hall
Doctor Benjamin Rush Statue
Doctor Samuel Hahnemann Memorial
Dodge Warehouses
Dominican House of Studies
Dominican Legation Building
Don Quixote Statue
Donohoe Building
Dot Child Development Center
Dougall House
Douglas House (historical)
Douglas Memorial Methodist Church
Douglas Row (historical)
Douglass Community Center
Douglass Dwellings
Douglass Hospital (historical)
Douglass Junior High School
Douglass Junior Recreation Center
Douglass Memorial Home
Douglass Pool
Douglass Recreation Center
Dr Benjamin Stephenson Grand Army of the Republic Memorial
Draper Elementary School
Drew Elementary School
Duke Ellington Memorial Bridge
Dumbarton Bridge
Dumbarton House
Dumbarton Oaks Estate
Dumbarton Oaks Museum
Dumbarton Oaks Park
Dumbarton Theater
Dumbarton United Methodist Church
Dumblane Garage
Dunbar Aquatic Facility
Dunbar High School
Dunbar Hotel (historical)
Dunbarton College
Dunblane Building
Duncanson-Cranch House
Dupont Center Corcoran Gallery of Art
Dupont Circle
Dupont Circle Building
Dupont Circle Fountain
Dupont Park
Dupont Park Adventist School
Dupont Park School
Dupont Park Seventh Day Adventist Church
E L Haynes Primary Charter School
E Street Baptist Church (historical)
Eagle Academy Primary Charter School
Eagle Child Care Center
Eagle House (historical)
Earles Female Seminary (historical)
Early Childhood Academy Primary Charter School
Early Childhood Development Center
Earnest E Just Hall
Easby House (historical)
Easby Point
Easbys Wharf
East Campus Quadrangle
East Capitol Community Center
East Capitol Street Car Barn
East Central
East End
East Executive Park
East Friendship Baptist Church
East Front Fountains
East of The River Health Center
East Potomac Maintenance Building
East Potomac Park
East Potomac Park Golf Course
East Potomac Pool
East Public School (historical)
East River Park Shopping Center
East Seaton Park
East Washington Heights
East Washington Heights Baptist Church
East Washington Methodist Protestant Church
Easter Seal Society Building
Eastern Academy
Eastern Cemetery
Eastern High School
Eastern Market Shopping Center
Eastern Methodist Cemetery (historical)
Eastern Presbyterian Church (historical)
Eastland Gardens
Eaton Elementary School
Ebbitt House (historical)
Ebenezer Baptist Church
Ebenezer United Methodist Church
Eckington Hospital (historical)
Eckington Presbyterian Church
Eckington Recreation Center
Eckington School
Eckles Memorial Library
Edes House
Edgewater Riding Academy (historical)
Edgewood (historical)
Edgewood Baptist Church
Edgewood Child Development Center
Edgewood Playground
Edgewood Recreation Center
Edgewood Terrace
Edgewood Terrace Early Care and Education Center
Edgewood Terrace Recreation Center
Edison - Friendship Public Charter School
Editors Building
Edmonds School
Edmund Burke School
Edmund Burke Statue
Education Strengthens Families Primary Charter School
Edward C Mazique Municipal Child Development Center
Edward C Mazique Parent Child Center
Edward C Mazique Parent Child Center
Edward J Kelly Park
Edward J Pryzbyla University Center
Edward Miner Gallaudet Memorial Building
Edward Miner Gallaudet Statue
Edward R Murrow Park
Edward Simon Lewis House
Effingham Apartments
Egg Head Row
Eight Hundred Block of F Street NW Buildings
Eighteen Hundred Block Park Road Buildings
Eisenhower Theatre
Eldbrooke Methodist Church
Eleventh Street Bridge
Eliot - Hine Middle School
Eliot Recreation Center
Elizabeth Arden Building
Elkins House (historical)
Ellington School of the Arts
Elliott Coues House
Ellipse Visitor Pavilion
Elsie Whitlow Stokes Community Freedom Primary Charter School
Elsie Whitlow Stokes Community Freedom Public Charter School
Elstad Auditorium
Ely Center
Emancipation Monument
Embassy Building Number 10
Embassy Gulf Service Station
Embassy of Antigua and Barbuda
Embassy of Australia
Embassy of Austria
Embassy of Barbados
Embassy of Belgium
Embassy of Belize
Embassy of Bolivia
Embassy of Brazil
Embassy of Burkina Faso
Embassy of Canada
Embassy of Chile
Embassy of Colombia
Embassy of Costa Rica
Embassy of Ecuador
Embassy of El Salvador
Embassy of Ethiopia
Embassy of Finland
Embassy of France
Embassy of Ghana
Embassy of Granada
Embassy of Greece
Embassy of Guatemala
Embassy of Guyana
Embassy of Haiti
Embassy of Honduras
Embassy of Iceland
Embassy of India
Embassy of Indonesia
Embassy of Ireland
Embassy of Israel
Embassy of Italy
Embassy of Jamaica
Embassy of Japan
Embassy of Kenya
Embassy of Korea
Embassy of Lebanon
Embassy of Luxembourg
Embassy of Malaysia
Embassy of Malta
Embassy of Mauritius
Embassy of Mexico
Embassy of Morocco
Embassy of New Zealand
Embassy of Nicaragua
Embassy of Pakistan
Embassy of Panama
Embassy of Papau New Guinea
Embassy of Paraguay
Embassy of Peru
Embassy of Portugal
Embassy of Romania
Embassy of Saint Kitts and Nevis
Embassy of Saint Lucia
Embassy of Saudi Arabia
Embassy of Sierra Leone
Embassy of Singapore
Embassy of South Africa
Embassy of Spain
Embassy of Sweden
Embassy of Switzerland
Embassy of Thailand
Embassy of the Arab Republic of Eygpt
Embassy of the Argentine Republic
Embassy of the Central African Republic
Embassy of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas
Embassy of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic
Embassy of the Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria
Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Madagascar
Embassy of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
Embassy of the Dominican Republic
Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
Embassy of the Federal Republic of Nigeria
Embassy of the Federated States of Micronesia
Embassy of the Gabonese Republic
Embassy of the Gambia
Embassy of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania
Embassy of the Kingdom of Lesotho
Embassy of the Kingdom of Swaziland
Embassy of the Lao Peoples Democratic Republic
Embassy of the Netherlands
Embassy of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh
Embassy of the Peoples Republic of China
Embassy of the Peoples Republic of Mozambique
Embassy of the Peoples Republic of the Congo
Embassy of the Philippines
Embassy of the Republic of Afghanistan
Embassy of the Republic of Benin
Embassy of the Republic of Botswana
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria
Embassy of the Republic of Burundi
Embassy of the Republic of Cameroon
Embassy of the Republic of Cape Verde
Embassy of the Republic of Chad
Embassy of the Republic of Cote d'Ivoire
Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus
Embassy of the Republic of Djibouti
Embassy of the Republic of Fiji
Embassy of the Republic of Guinea
Embassy of the Republic of Hungary
Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia
Embassy of the Republic of Liberia
Embassy of the Republic of Mali
Embassy of the Republic of Namibia
Embassy of the Republic of Niger
Embassy of the Republic of Poland
Embassy of the Republic of Rwanda
Embassy of the Republic of Senegal
Embassy of the Republic of Sudan
Embassy of the Republic of Suriname
Embassy of the Republic of the Marshall Islands
Embassy of the Republic of Togo
Embassy of the Republic of Turkey
Embassy of the Republic of Yemen
Embassy of the Republic of Zaire
Embassy of the Republic of Zambia
Embassy of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Embassy of the Somali Democratic Republic
Embassy of the State of Bahrain
Embassy of the State of Brunei Darussalam
Embassy of the State of Kuwait
Embassy of the State of Qatar
Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman
Embassy of the Syrian Republic
Embassy of the Union of Myanmar
Embassy of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Building
Embassy of the United Arab Emirates
Embassy of the United Republic of Tanzania
Embassy of Trinidad and Tobago
Embassy of Tunisia
Embassy of Uruguay
Embassy of Venezuela
Embassy of Western Samoa
Embassy of Zimbabwe
Embassy Park
Emergency Hospital
Emerson Preparatory School
Emery Elementary School
Emery Recreation Center
Emery Shelter Clinic
Emily J Wilkins House
Emmanuel Baptist Church
Emmanuel Church of God in Christ
Emmanuel Presbyterian Church (historical)
Emory Methodist Church
Emory United Methodist Church
Energy Child Development Center
Engelhard Hall
Engine Company Number 24 (historical)
English Renaissance Sculpture
Englishs Female Seminary (historical)
Enid A Haupt Garden
Enon Baptist Church
Ephesus Adventist Church (historical)
Epiphany Catholic Church
Episcopal Center for Children
Episcopal Church House
Episcopal Heritage Church
Episcopal Hospital (historical)
Equitable Co-operative Building
Ernie's Place
Eternal Faith Baptist Church
Ethel B Yancy Child Development Center at Gethsemane Baptist Church
Ethiopian Rophodox Tewahedo Church
Evangelical Church La Pena de Horeb
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer
Evangelical Missionary Baptist Church
Evans Middle School
Evans Point
Evans Recreation Center
Evans-Tibbs House
Evening Star Building
Evergreen Baptist Church
Evermay House
Exchange Bank (historical)
Exodus Missionary Baptist Church
Explorers Hall
Ezras Israel Temple
F Street Club
F Street Post Office
F Street Rowhouses (historical)
Fairbrother Elementary School (historical)
Fairchild Building
Fairfax Village
Fairfield Inn & Suites Washington. Dc Downtown
Fairlawn Recreation Center (historical)
Fairview Hill
Faith and Deliverance Bibleway Church
Faith and Hope Full Gospel Church
Faith Day Care Center
Faith Moravian Church
Faith Tabernacle of Prayer Church
Faith Tabernacle United Holy Church of America
Faith United Church of Christ
Faith United Missionary Baptist Church
Fala Statue
Family Tree of Hope Sculpture
Fannie Mae Emergency Child Care Center
Farm Credit Administration Building
Farragut Post Office
Farragut Square
Farragut Square
Father Godfrey Schilling Statue
Father Patrick Healy Memorial
Fay House
Federal - American National Bank
Federal Aviation Administration Building
Federal Bureau of Investigation Building
Federal Center SW Metro Station
Federal City Shelter Clinic
Federal Home Loan Bank Board Building
Federal House
Federal Reserve Annex
Federal Reserve Board Building
Federal Trade Commission Building
Federal Trade Commission Child Care Center
Federal Warehouse
Fellowshp Baptist Church
Female Union Band Society Burying Ground (historical)
FERC Child Development Center
Ferebee - Hope Elementary School
Ferebee-Hope Recreation Center
Fernwood Farm
Field House
Fifteenth Street Christian Church (historical)
Fifteenth Street Presbyterian Church
Fifth Baptist Church
Fifth Christian Science Church
Fillmore Art Center Elementary School
Fillmore Arts Center School
Finding Dreams in Children Child Care Center
Fingerprints Child Development Center
Finnish Legation Building
Fire Company Number Five (historical)
Firemans Insurance Company (historical)
First Adventist Church
First Baptist Child Development Center
First Baptist Church
First Baptist Church of Deanwood
First Baptist Church of Deanwood Child Development Center
First Baptist Church of Georgetown
First Baptist Church of Marshall Heights
First Baptist Church of the City of Washington
First Baptist Church of Washington (historical)
First Baptist Church Senior Center
First Brethren Church
First Christ Apostolic Church
First Church of Christ Holiness
First Church of Christ Scientist
First Church of the Nazarene
First Congregational Church
First Division Monument
First Genesis Baptist Church
First Haitian Baptist Church of Washington District of Columbia
First Jericho Baptist Church
First Methodist Protestant Church (historical)
First Mystery Church of God
First National Baptist Church
First New Hope Baptist Church
First Presbyterian Church (historical)
First Reformed Church
First Rising Mount Zion Baptist Church
First Rising Mount Zion Child Development Center
First Rock Baptist Child Development Center
First Rock Baptist Church
First Rock Baptist Church Child Development Center
First Rock Baptist Church Christian School
First Seventh Day Adventist Church
First Street Health Center
First Trinity Lutheran Church
First Unitarian Church (historical)
First United Church of Christ Apostolic
First United Methodist Church of Bradbury Heights
Fish Commission Building (historical)
Fisherman of Men Church
Fishing Shore
Flamingo Fountain
Flather Hall
Fletcher Chapel
Fletcher Johnson Education Complex
Fletcher-Johnson Recreation Center
Fletchers Colorama Estate (historical)
Floral Library
Florena Crittenden House
Florence Hollis Hand Chapel
Florida Avenue Baptist Church
FOB-10A 800 Independence Avenue Heliport
Foggy Bottom
Foggy Bottom Post Office
Folger Park
Folger Shakespeare Library
Folger Theatre
Fondo del Sol Visual Arts Center
Food and Drug Administration Building
For Love of Children Learning Center
Foraker House (historical)
Force School (historical)
Ford Station Post Office
Ford's Theatre National Historic Site
Fords Opera House (historical)
Foreign Mission Seminary of Holy Cross
Forest Hall
Forest Hills
Forest Hills Playground
Forrest Hall
Forrest-Marbury House
Forrestal Building
Forsythia Hill
Fort Baker (historical)
Fort Bayard (historical)
Fort Bayard Park
Fort Bunker Hill
Fort Bunker Hill
Fort Carroll (historical)
Fort Chaplin (historical)
Fort Chaplin Park
Fort Circle Park
Fort Davis
Fort Davis
Fort Davis (historical)
Fort Davis Post Office
Fort Davis Recreation Center
Fort DeRussy (historical)
Fort Dupont
Fort Dupont Activity Center
Fort Dupont Golf Course
Fort Dupont Park
Fort Dupont Park Skating Rink
Fort Dupont Playground
Fort Dupont Pool
Fort Dupont Summer Theater
Fort Gaines (historical)
Fort Greble (historical)
Fort Greble Recreation Center
Fort Kearny (historical)
Fort Lesley J McNair
Fort Lincoln (historical)
Fort Lincoln New Town
Fort Lincoln Recreation Center
Fort Mahan (historical)
Fort Mahan Park
Fort McNair
Fort on Kennedys Hill (historical)
Fort Reno (historical)
Fort Reno Park
Fort Saratoga (historical)
Fort Sedgwick (historical)
Fort Slemmer (historical)
Fort Slocum (historical)
Fort Slocum Park
Fort Snyder (historical)
Fort Stanton (historical)
Fort Stanton Childrens Museum
Fort Stanton Park
Fort Stanton Pool
Fort Stanton Recreation Center
Fort Stevens (historical)
Fort Stevens Monument and Marker
Fort Stevens Park
Fort Stevens Recreation Center
Fort Thayer (historical)
Fort Totten (historical)
Fort Totten Park
Fort Wagner (historical)
Founders Library
Founders of the Daughters of the American Revolution Statue
Foundry Branch Valley Park
Foundry Church
Foundry Mall
Foundry Methodist Church (historical)
Foundry United Methodist Church
Foundry United Methodist Church Day Care Center
Fountain Four
Fountain Memorial Baptist Church
Fourth Church of Christ Scientist
Fourth Presbyterian Church (historical)
Fourth Presbyterian Church (historical)
Fowler Hall
Fox Ferry (historical)
Fox Theatre (historical)
Fox Valley Technical College Washington, D.C. Criminal Justice Center
Foxall House (historical)
Foxall-McKenney House
Foxhall Crescent
Foxhall Playground
Foxhall Square
Foxhall Terrace
Foxhall Village
Frances Perkins House
Frances Perkins House
Frances Scott Key Hall
Francis A Gregory Branch Library
Francis Asbury Methodist Church
Francis Asbury Statue
Francis Case Memorial Bridge
Francis Dodge House
Francis G Newlands Park
Francis Perkins Station Post Office
Francis Playground
Francis Pool
Francis Scott Key Memorial
Francis Scott Key Memorial Bridge
Francis Wheatley House
Franciscan Monastery and Memorial
Franklin D Roosevelt House
Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial
Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial
Franklin House (historical)
Franklin McPherson Square
Franklin Park
Franklin School House (historical)
Franklin Terrace (historical)
Franz Bader Gallery
Fraser Mansion
Frederick B Culver House (historical)
Frederick Douglass Child Development Center Phase II
Frederick Douglass Home
Frederick Douglass Home Visitor Center
Frederick Douglass Infant Toddler Center
Frederick Douglass Memorial Bridge
Frederick Douglass National Historic Site
Frederick Douglass Post Office
Fredrick Douglass Memorial Hall
Freedmans Bank (historical)
Freedmen Memorial
Freedom Baptist Church
Freedom Plaza
Freedom Statue
Freemasons Hall (historical)
Freer Gallery
Freer Gallery of Art
Frelinghuysen University
Friends Meeting House (historical)
Friends Meeting House (historical)
Friendship Baptist Church
Friendship Heights
Friendship Heights Shopping Center
Friendship House
Friendship House Association Child Development Center
Friendship Place
Friendship Playground
Friendship Post Office
Friendship Primary Charter School Blow Pierce Junior Academy Campus
Friendship Primary Charter School Chamberlain Elementary Campus
Friendship Primary Charter School Collegiate Academy at Carter G Woodson School
Friendship Primary Charter School South East Elementary Academy
Friendship Primary Charter School Woodridge Campus
Friendship Public Charter School
Friendship Recreation Center
Friendship Settlement House
Fron Bridge
Fruit of the Spirit Baptist Church
Fuel Administration Building (historical)
Fulbright Hall
Full Gospel Tabernacle Church
Full Gospel Tabernacle Church Child Development Center
Fuller House
Funger Hall
Future Statue
G A R Monument
G-Dub Java
Gadsbys Hotel (historical)
Gage Eckington Elementary
Gala Hispanic Theater
Galatians Baptist Church
Galbraith African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
Gales School
Galilee Baptist Church
Gallaudet Thomas Hopkins and Alice Cogswell Statue
Gallaudet University
Gallaudet University Child Development Center
Gallery of Art - Howard University
Gallery Row
Gangplank Marina
Gap Community Child Care Center
Garden Memorial Presbyterian Church
Garfield Elementary School
Garfield Heights
Garfield Hospital (historical)
Garfield Monument
Garfield Park
Garfield Terrrace Senior Citizens Center
Garfinckel's Department Store
Garnet - Patterson Junior High School
Garrison Elementary School
Garth Fountain
Gaston Hall
Gateway to Heaven Pentecostal Holiness Church
Gearing Bungalow
Gelman Building
General Accounting Office
General Artemas Ward Statue
General Federation of Womens Clubs
General Federation of Womens Clubs Headquarters
General Frederick Baron Von Steuben Statue
General Hancock Statue
General John J. Pershing Statue
General Jose de San Martin Memorial
General Jose Gervasio Artigas Statue
General Lafayette Statue
General Meade Statue
General Noble Redwood Tree House (historical)
General Philip H Sheridan Statue
General Post Office (historical)
General Scott Statue
General Service Administration Building
General Service Administration Regional Office
General William Mitchell Hall
General William Tecumseh Sherman Monument
George Fraser House
George Hewitt Myers House
George Mason Memorial Bridge
George Peabody School
George W Cook Hall
George W Johnson Center
George Washington Equestrian Statue
George Washington Memorial Building (historical)
George Washington University
George Washington University - Foggy Bottom Campus
George Washington University - Mount Vernon Campus
George Washington University at Mount Vernon College
George Washington University Hospital
George Washington University Medical Center
George Washington University Smith Center
Georgetown Baptist Church
Georgetown Branch Library
Georgetown Carrier Annex Post Office
Georgetown College Villa
Georgetown Commercial Buildings
Georgetown Custom House (historical)
Georgetown Day High School
Georgetown Day School Lower Middle Campus
Georgetown Heights
Georgetown Hill Child Development Center
Georgetown Hill Early Childhood Center
Georgetown Law Early Learning Center
Georgetown Lutheran Church
Georgetown Market Shopping Center
Georgetown Montessori School
Georgetown Park Shopping Center
Georgetown Playground
Georgetown Post Office
Georgetown Preparatory School Main Academy Building
Georgetown Preparatory School Monastery South Wing
Georgetown Presbyterian Church
Georgetown Recreation Center
Georgetown Tobacco Warehouse
Georgetown Town Hall and Mayors Office (historical)
Georgetown University Astronomical Building
Georgetown University Hospital Helistop
Georgetown University Hoya Kids
Georgetown University Law Center
Georgetown University Post Office
Georgetown University Shops
Georgetown Üniversitesi
Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School
Georgetown Visitation School
Georgetown Visitor Center
Georgetown Waterfront Park
German Church Saint Paul
German Evangelical Lutheran Church
German Evangelical Lutheran Church (historical)
German Orphan Home
German-American Friendship Garden
Germond Crandall Building
Gervase Building
Gethsemane Baptist Church
Gewirz Hillel Center
Giant Anteater Sculpture
Gibbons Hall
Gibbs Elementary School
Giddings School
Gideon Baptist Church
Giesboro Point
Girl Scout Little House (historical)
Glen Hurst
Glenwood Cemetery
Glenwood Cemetery Chapel
Glenwood Cemetery Mortuary Chapel
Global Environment Facility
Globe Theatre (historical)
Glover Park
Glover Parkway and Children's Playground
Glover-Archbold Trail
Godey House
Goding Elementary School (historical)
Golden Rule Child Development Center
Goldies Child Development Center
Goldies Child Development Center II
Gompers (Samuel) Memorial Park
Gonzaga College High School
Good Hope
Good Hope Health Center
Good Hope Hill
Good Samaritan Baptist Church
Good Samaritan Hall (historical)
Goode House (historical)
Goodwill Baptist Church
Goose Island
Gordons Warehouse (historical)
Gorman Building
Gorsuch Chapel
Gorsuch Methodist Church (historical)
Gospel Ark Temple Bibleway Church
Gospel Missionary Baptist Church
Gospel Spreading Church
Goszler-Manogue House
Government Mails Annex Post Office
Government Publishing Office
Gowan Hall
Grace Baptist Church
Grace Episcopal Church
Grace Lutheran Church
Grace Memorial Baptist Church
Grace Presbyterian Church of Washington
Grace Reformed Church
Grace United Baptist Church
Graceland Cemetery (historical)
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Building
Grand Army of the Republic Memorial
Grand Oaks Assisted Living Facility
Grant Circle
Grant Park Care Center
Grant Road Historic District
Grant Road School (historical)
Grant Row
Grants Row (historical)
Grassland (historical)
Gravel Point
Gray Hall
Gray-Payne House (historical)
Greater Deliverance Church of God in Christ
Greater Faith Temple
Greater Fellowship Full Gospel Baptist Church
Greater Friendly Baptist Church
Greater Harvest Baptist Church
Greater Little Ark Baptist Church
Greater Mount Calvary Holy Church
Greater Mount Joy Church of Christ
Greater Mount Pisgah Baptist Church
Greater Mount Zion Baptist Church
Greater New Hope Baptist Church
Greater New Saint Pauls Baptist Church
Greater People Union Baptist Church
Greater Pleasant Grove Baptist Church
Greater Victory Baptist Church
Greek Legation Building
Greek Vases Sculpture
Green Elementary School
Green Valley Senior Citizens Center
Greenleaf Point
Greenleaf Point Golf Course
Greenleaf School (historical)
Greenway Shopping Center
Gregg House
Gres Gallery (historical)
Grimke School
Growing Seeds Child Development Center
GSA Regional Office Building
Guardianship Sculpture
Guatemalan Legation Building
Guggenheim House (historical)
Guglielmo Marconi Statue
Guiding Light Refuge Baptist Church
Guiding Star Baptist Church
Guild Hall
Guildfield Baptist Church
Gunston Hall School (historical)
Gunton Temple Presbyterian Church (historical)
Guthridge Hall
Gutman-Wise Building
Guy Mason Recreation Center
H B Burns Memorial Building
H D Cooke Elementary School
H Street Connection Shopping Center
Habitat Sculpture
Hahnemann Memorial
Hains Point
Haitian Legation Building
Halcyon House
Hale House (historical)
Hall Baptist Church (historical)
Hall Memorial Building
Hall of Government
Halls of the Ancients (historical)
Hamburg Wharf (historical)
Hamburgh Village House (historical)
Hamilton Alternative School
Hamilton Building
Hamilton Center
Hamilton Recreation Center
Hamilton Street Playground
Hamline Church (historical)
Hampilton Building
Hampshire Garden Apartment Building
Hampshire Knolls
Hancock Park
Hannan Hall
Happy Faces Child Development Center Number 2
Happy Faces Child Development Center Number 3
Happy Hollow Playground
Happy Tots Day Care Center
Harbin Hall
Harbor Light Center
Hardy Middle School
Hardy Playground
Hardy Recreation Center
Harewood (historical)
Harmon House
Harmony Cemetery
Harnedy Row Houses
Harriet Tubman Elementary School
Harris and Ewing Photographic Studio
Harris PR Education Center School
Harris Recreation Center
Harrison Apartment Building
Harrison Elementary School
Harrison Playground
Harrison Recreation Center
Harrison School
Harry Thomas Senior Recreation Center
Hart Recreation Center
Hart Senate Office Building
Harvard Street Bridge
Harvest Life Fellowship
Harvey Memorial Baptist Church
Hattie M Strong Hall
Hattie M Strong Residence Hall - George Washington University
Haupt Fountains
Hawthorne High School
Hay-Adams House (historical)
Hayden-Johnson Recreation Center
Hayes School
Health and Human Services and Law and Legal Services Academy
Health Care Institute
Health Human Services Law and Legal Services Academy at Eastern Senior High Scho
Healy Hall - Georgetown University
Hearst Elementary School
Hearst Hall
Hearst House (historical)
Hearst Playground
Hearst Recreation Center
Heavenly Angels Child Care Center
Hechinger Mall Shopping Center
Hecht Company Warehouse
Hedges and Federal House
Hemingway Temple African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
Hendersons Castle (historical)
Hendley Before and After School Center
Hendley Elementary School
Henle Village
Henry Adams Mansion
Henry Foxall Tenant House
Henry McCleery House
Henry Park
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Statue
Hensley Residence Hall
Herewood Hospital (historical)
Heritage Statue
Herron-Moxley House
Heurich Mansion
Hickey Hill
Highway Christian Church of Christ
Hillandale Gatehouse
Hillcrest Northwest Ambulatory Center
Hillcrest Recreation Center
Hillcrest Womens Surgical Center
Hilleary Burrows House
Hillel Foundations Building
Hillwood Museum
Hilton School
Hine Junior High School
Hine Recreation Center
Hippodrome (historical)
Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden
His Church
Historic Georgetown Grist Mill
Historic Georgetown Jail Building
Historic Georgetown Town Hall
Hitt House (historical)
Hoby House (historical)
Hogan and Hartson Emergency Child Care Center
Holmead Manor (historical)
Holmeads Cemetery (historical)
Holocaust Memorial
Holy Comforter Catholic Church
Holy Comforter Episcopal Church
Holy Comforter School
Holy Congregation Church of Jesus Christ
Holy Cross College
Holy Mountain of God Church
Holy Name Catholic Church
Holy Name College
Holy Name Elementary School (historical)
Holy Redeemer Catholic Church
Holy Redeemer Catholic School
Holy Redeemer College
Holy Redeemer School
Holy Rood Cemetery
Holy Rosary Catholic Church
Holy Rosery Church
Holy Temple Child Development Center
Holy Temple Christian Academy
Holy Temple Church of Christ
Holy Trinity Baptist Church
Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Holy Trinity School
Holy Trinity Theatre
Holy Trinity United Baptist Church
Holy Way of the Cross Church of Christ
Holyway Baptist Church
Home Away From Home Child Development Center
Home for Incurables
Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency District of Columbia
Homeopathic Hospital
Homer Building
Hooe Iron Building (historical)
Hoover Hill
Hoover Playground
Hope Christian Church
Hope Community Primary Charter School
Hopkins-Miller House (historical)
Horace Gray House (historical)
Horace Mann Elementary School
Horizons Theatre
Horse Center
Hortense Amsterdam
Hospital Square
Hospitality Public Charter School
Hotel Washington
House East Fountain
House of Representatives Page School
House of Ruth Clinic
House of Ruth Kidspace Infant Program Child Develoment Center
House of the Temple
House of the Temple Museum
House Office Building Annex 1
House Office Building Annex 2
House West Fountain
Houston Elementary School
Howard Hall
Howard Playground
Howard Plaza Towers
Howard Road Academy Primary Charter School
Howard Theater
Howard University Center
Howard University Early Learning Programs
Howard University Hospital
Howard University Hospital Family Health Center
Howard University Law School
Howard University Middle School for Math and Science Primary Charter School
Howard University Museum
Howard University Park (historical)
Howard University Post Office
Howard University School of Divinity
Howe House (historical)
Hubert Humphrey Building
Huckle Berry Cheesecake Child Development Center
Hughes Child Development Center
Hughes Hall
Hughes Memorial Methodist Church
Human Ecology Building
Humpty Dumpty Child Development Center
Hungarian Legation Building
Hungarian Legation Chancery Building
Hunt Place Community Health Center
Hurst Building
Hurst Home for the Blind
Hyde - Addison Elementary School
Hyde House
Hyde Leadership Primary Charter School
Hyde Leadership Public Charter School
I Am Temple Church
I-Care Child Development Center
I. King Jordan Student Academic Center
Iconium Baptist Church
Idea Public Charter School
Ideal Academy Primary Charter School
Ideal Academy Public Charter School
Ideal Alternative School
Ideal Child Care Development Center
Ideal Learning Center
Iglesia Bautista de Washington
Iglesia de DIOS El Jardin Del Eden
Iglesia Luterana Santa Maria
Iglesia Pentecostal Emmanuel
Imani Temple
Immaculata Dunblane Elementary School
Immaculata Seminary
Immaculate Conception Academy (historical)
Immaculate Conception Boys School
Immaculate Conception Catholic Church
Immaculate Conception Convent
Immaculate Conception Rectory
Immaculate Conception School
Immigration and Naturalization Service Building
Imperial Building
Inabel Burns Lindsay Hall
Inclusion Early Learning Child Development Center
Indian House (historical)
Indian Rock Terrace
Indiana Building
Industrial College of the Armed Forces
Industrial Home School (historical)
Infinity Sculpture
Ingleside Presbyterian Retirement Home
Ingram Memorial Congregational Church
Inlet Bridge
Inlet Gates
Institute of Diplomacy
Institute of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Child Development Center
Integrated Design and Electronics Academy Primary Charter School
Inter-American Defense Board Building
Inter-American Development Bank Cultural Center
Intercultural Center Auditorium
Internal Revenue Service Building
International Athletic Park (historical)
International Communications Agency Building
International Deliverance Church of God
International Eastern Star Temple
International Graduate University
International Monetary Fund Building
International Spy Museum
International Square
International Visitors Information Center
Interstate Commerce Commission Building (historical)
Intown Play Group Child Development Center
Ira Aldridge Theatre
Irda Post Office
Iron Bridge
Isaac Pierce House (historical)
Isaac Tenney House
Isabella Sojourner Truth Hall
Islamic Center
Isle of Patmos Baptist Church
Isle of Patmos Christian Learning Center
Israel Baptist Church
Israel Baptist Church Child Development Center
Israel Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church (historical)
Israel Methodist Episcopal Church (historical)
Israel Metropolitan Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
Issac Tiny Tots
Italian Baptist Church
Ivory Towers
Ivy City
Ivy City Railway Substation
J B Johnson Nursing Center
J Edgar Hoover Federal Bureau of Investigation Building
J O Wilson Elementary School
J O Wilson Recreation Center
Jackie Robinson Center
Jackie Robinson Center School
Jackson Hall (historical)
Jackson Hill
Jackson Hotel (historical)
Jackson House (historical)
Jackson School
Jacob Burns Library
Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis Hall
James Abram Garfield Memorial
James Buchanan Memorial
James Cardinal Gibbons Statue
James Creek Marina
James G Blaine House
James Hooe House
James Madison Memorial Building
James Memorial Baptist Church
James Monroe Park
Jane A Delano and the Nurses Who Died in Service in World War I Memorial
Janney Elementary School
Japanese American Memorial
Japanese Lantern
Japanese Pagoda Memorial
Jean Monnet Plaque
Jeanne Jugan Residence Home
Jefferson Apartment Building
Jefferson Davis Residence
Jefferson Memorial
Jefferson Middle School Academy
Jefferson Pier Marker
Jefferson Place Gallery (historical)
Jefferson Recreation Center
Jenkins Hill Child Development Center
Jenny Waelder Hall Center Child Development Center
Jeremiah Sullivan Building
Jerusalem Baptist Church
Jewels of Ann School
Jo Wilson Before and After Day Care Center
Joan of Arc Memorial
Johenning Baptist Center
Johenning Baptist Church
Johenning Child Development Center
John A Wilson Building
John Adams Building
John Burr Gymnasium
John C Nalle Elementary School
John Davidson House
John Ericsson National Memorial
John F Cook Elementary School
John F Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
John F Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
John F Kennedy Recreation Center
John Hurley House
John Lutz House
John Marshall Place Park
John Mason House (historical)
John Philip Sousa Middle School
John Phillip Sousa Bridge
John Quincy Adams House
John R McLean House (historical)
John S Thomas Memorial Baptist Church
John Stoddert Haw House
John Tyler Elementary School
John W Ross Elementary School
John Walker House
John Wesley African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
John Wesley Church (historical)
John Wesley Methodist Church
John Wesley Statue
John Williamson House
John Witherspoon Statue
Johns Hopkins University Center for Immunization Research
Johns Hopkins University Paul H Nitze School of Advanced International Studies
Johnson Memorial Baptist Church
Johnson Middle School
Joint Base Anacostia–Bolling Heliport
Jones Memorial Methodist Church
Jones School (historical)
Jose Cecilio del Valle Statue
Joseph Beale House
Joseph Beale House II
Joseph Carlton House
Joseph Cole Recreation Center
Joseph Cooper House
Joseph Curseen Junior and Thomas Morris Junior Processing and Distribution Cente
Joseph Darlington Fountain
Joseph Gales School (historical)
JOZ-ARZ Academy Primary Charter School
Judiciary Square
Judiciary Square
Judiciary Square Hospital (historical)
Judiciary Square Metro Station
Judiciary Square Rowhouses (historical)
Juenemanns Lager Beer Brewery (historical)
Jules Jusserand Memorial
Julia Caldwell Frazier Hall
Julia Ward Howe Memorial
Julius Lansburgh Furniture Company
Junior League of Washington
Just Us Kids Child Development Center
Justice William O Douglas Statue
K C Lewis Recreation Center
K Street Bridge
Kaiser Permanente-North Capitol Medical Center
Kalorama Estate (historical)
Kalorama Heights
Kalorama Hospital (historical)
Kalorama Park
Kalorama Post Office
Kalorama Recreation Center
Kalorama Triangle
Kamit Institute for Magnificent Achievers
Kasier Permanente-West End Medical Center
Kay Spiritual Life Center
Kaz Sushi Bistro
Keane Hall
Keene Elementary School
Keene Recreation Center
Keiths Theatre (historical)
Keller Memorial Lutheran Church
Kellogg Office Building (historical)
Kelly Miller Middle School
Kelly Miller Pool
Kelly Miller Recreation Center
Kemeys Bear Cub Sculpture
Kendall Baptist Church
Kendall Demonstration Elementary School (KDES)
Kendall Hall
Kenilworth Elementary School
Kenilworth Park and Aquatic Gardens
Kenilworth Parkside Day Care Center
Kenilworth-Parkside Recreation Center
Kennedy - Warren Apartment Building
Kennedy Child Development Center
Kennedy Hall
Kennedy House (historical)
Kerby Hall
Kesher Israel Georgetown Synagogue
Ketcham Elementary School
Ketcham Recreation Center
Key Elementary School
Key House (historical)
Khalil Gibran Memorial
KIPP District of Columbia AIM Academy
KIPP District of Columbia KEY Academy
Kiddie City Day Care Center
Kiddies Kollege
Kids Are Us Learning Center
Kids Are Us Learning Center
Kids Corner Day Care Center
Kids Place Bilingual Center Number 2
Kids Place Bilingual Child Development Center
Kids Universe Child Development Center
Kidspace House of Ruth Child Development Center
Kimball Elementary School
Kimball Playground
King Emmanuel Baptist Church
King-Greenleaf Recreation Center
Kingdom Hall of Jehovahs Witnesses
Kingdom of Zion Baptist Church
Kingman Boys Club
Kingman Park
Kings Picture Gallery
Kingsbury Day School
Kingsman Elementary School (historical)
Kipp DC Academy - Webb Campus
Kirkwood House (historical)
Kirov Academy of Ballet
Klingle Ford Bridge
Klingle Mansion
Klingle Valley Park
Knickerbocker Theater (historical)
Knollwood Hospital For Sick Children Nursing Home
Knowledge Learning Corporation Childrens Discovery Center
Knowledge Learning Corporation World Bank Child Development Center
Knox Hill Dwellings
Kober Cogan Building
Kogod Building
Kongre Kütüphanesi
Korean War Veterans Memorial
Kossuth Lajos Memorial
Kramer Middle School
Kreeger Building
Kreeger Museum
Kreeger Theatre
Kutz Bridge
Kuumba Learning Center
L'Enfant Plaza
L'Enfant Plaza Metro Station
L'Enfant Plaza Shopping Mall
L'Enfant Square
La Clinica Del Pueblo
La Petite Academy
La Salle Before and After School
Lady Bird Johnson Memorial Park
Lafayette Apartment Building
Lafayette Building
Lafayette Elementary School
Lafayette Hall
Lafayette Recreation Center
Lafayette Square
Lafayette Square Historic District
Laird-Dunlop House
Lammond-Riggs Station Post Office
Lamond Playground
Lamond Recreation Center
Lamond Riggs
Lamond-Riggs Branch Library
Lane Memorial Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
Langdon Elementary School
Langdon Park
Langdon Park Recreation Center
Langdon Pool
Langley Junior High School
Langley Recreation Center
Langston Community Library
Langston Golf Course and Driving Range
Langston Playground
Langston Terrace Dwellings
Lanier Heights
Lasalle Elementary School
Latin American Montessori Bilingual Primary Charter School
Latin American Youth Center Youth Build Primary Charter School
Latvian Legation Building
Lauinger Library
Le Droit Building
Leader Theater (historical)
Leading Commandment Church
Leahy Hall
Learning Book Scholastic Shop
Lears Wharf (historical)
Leavey Center
LeBerns New Beginning Early Development Center
Leckie Elementary School
Lederer Environmental Education Center
LeDroit Park
LeDroit Park Post Office
LeDroit Senior Center
Lee House
Lee Memorial Baptist Church
Lees Hill
Legation of Latvia
Legation of Lithuania
Leiter House (historical)
Leiter Mansion (historical)
Lemon Building (historical)
Lenfant Plaza Post Office
Lenox Adult Education Center
Lenox School
Lenthall House
Lenthall Houses
Leonard Hall
Lerner Health and Wellness Center
Les Aspin Center for Government
Les Champs Shopping Center
Letts Hall
Lewis Elementary School
Liberty Baptist Church
Liberty Bell Memorial
Licking Banks
Lieutenant General George Washington Statue
Lieutenant General Winfield B Scott Statue
Lieutenant General Winfield Brevet Scott Statue
Lieutenant General Winfield Scott Statue
Lieutenant Joseph P Kennedy Junior Institute
Life Cycle Institute
Lighthouse Full Gospel Mission Church
Lillian and Albert Small Jewish Museum
Lillian S Lynch Number 1 Early Child Development Center
Lillian S Lynch Number 2 Early Child Development Center
Lincoln Anıtı
Lincoln Capper Walk to Learn Pool
Lincoln Hall (historical)
Lincoln Heights
Lincoln Hospital (historical)
Lincoln Memorial Circle
Lincoln Middle School
Lincoln Park
Lincoln Park
Lincoln Park United Methodist Church
Lincoln Playground
Lincoln Road Methodist Church
Lincoln Temple United Church of Christ
Lincoln Theater
Lincoln Westmoreland Child Development Center
Lindsay House (historical)
Linnean Hill
Linnean Hill
Linnean Playground
Linthicum House
Lipton Corporate Child Care Center Number 1
Lipton Corporate Child Care Center Number 2
Lisner Auditorium
Lisner Auditorium - George Washington University
Lisner Hall
Lisner Louise Home
Litchfield House (historical)
Lithuanian Legation Building
Little Angels Child Care Center
Little Falls Church (historical)
Little Flower Montessori School
Little Folks School
Little Indian Rock Terrace
Little Island
Little Jewels Child Development Center
Little Mount Zion Holiness Church of God
Little Rock Church of Christ and Hope for Life Centers
Little Samaritan Child Development Center
Little Samaritan Child Development Center II
Little Workers of the Sacred Heart Child Development Center
Living Stage
Lloyd Gymnasium
Lock 1
Lock 2
Lock 3
Lock 4
Lock House
Lockkeepers House
Logan Building
Logan Circle
Logan Circle
Logan School
Lombardi Cancer Center
Lone Sailor Statue
Long Bridge
Longs Hotel (historical)
Longworth House Office Building
Longworth Station Post Office
Loomis Park
Lothrop Mansion
Loughborough-Patterson House - Junior League
Louis Daguerre Statue
Louis Stokes Health Sciences Library
Louise home (historical)
Love and Care Child Development Center
Love and Care Child Development Center
Lovejoy School
Loving Care Day Nursery
Loving Care Day Nursery
Lowell School
Lowery House (historical)
Loyola Hall
Lucinda Cady House
Ludlow - Taylor Elementary School
Ludlow School (historical)
Ludlow/Taylor Recreation Center
Luke C Moore High School
Luke Moore Academy Senior High School
Luke Moore Academy Senior High School at Evans
Lulu V Childers Hall
Luther Place Memorial Church
Luther Statue
Lutheran Church of the Holy Comforter
Lutheran Church of the Reformation
Lutheran English Church (historical)
Lutheran Volunteer Corporation
Luzon Apartment Building
Lyndon Baines Johnson Memorial Grove on the Potomac
Lynn Carols Academy of Early Learning
Lyons Mill (historical)
M L King Recreation Center
M Street Bridge
M Street High School (historical)
Mabel Thurston Hall
MacArthur Theater
MacArthur Theater (historical)
Macedonia Baptist Church
Macedonia Community Church
Macedonia Holy Church on the Rock
MacFarland Middle School
Mackall Place
Mackall Square
Mackall-Worthington House
Mackey Building
Mackin High School
Macomb Playground
Macomb Recreation Center
Mades Hotel (historical)
Madison Hall
Madison School
Magazine Wharf
Magner House
Maguire Building
Maguire Hall
Main Hall - Trinity University
Main Navy and Munitions Buildings (historical)
Maine Avenue Armory (historical)
Maine Lobsterman Memorial
Major General Comte Jean De Rochambreau Statue
Major General Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben Statue
Major General George B McClellan Statue
Major General George Thomas Statue
Major General John A Logan Statue
Major General John A Rawlins Statue
Major General Nathanael Green Statue
Major General Winfield Scott Hancock Statue
Major Walter Reed Memorial
Malawi Embassy
Malcolm X Day Care Center
Malcolm X Elementary School
Malcolm X Recreation Center
Mall Skating Rink
Maloney Hall
Mamie D Lee Before and After School Center
Mamie D Lee Special Education School
Man Controlling Trade Sculpture
Man Pushing the Door Sculpture
Manassas Panorama Building (historical)
Manassas Rgnl/Harry P Davis Fld
Manhattan Laundry East Building (historical)
Manhattan Laundry South Building (historical)
Manhattan Laundry West Building (historical)
Manor Park
Mar De Plata
Maranatha Chapel Fellowship Church
Marbury Point
Maret School
Margaret Washington Senior High School
Margaret Wetzel House
Maria L Baldwin Hall
Marian Scholasticate
Marie H Reed Recreation Center
Marie Reed Elementary School
Marine Barracks
Marine Corps Barracks
Marine Corps Commandants House
Marine Corps Museum and Historical Center
Marine Hospital (historical)
Marine Hospital Square (historical)
Marine Science Building
Marinis Hall (historical)
Marion Park
Marist Annex
Marist College
Marist Hall
Marist Seminary
Marjorie Webster Junior College (historical)
Market at Columbia Plaza Shopping Center
Market Bridge (historical)
Market Square
Market Square
Market Street Chapel (historical)
Marriott Hospitality Primary Charter High School
Marshall Education Center
Marshall Heights
Martha H Winston Elementary School
Martha Washington Seminary
Marthas Table Child and Parent Center
Marthas Table Child Development Center II
Martin Luther King Jr Memorial
Martin Luther King Junior Elementary School
Martin Luther King Junior Memorial Library
Martin Luther King Junior Post Office
Martin Luther Statue
Marvin Center Theatre - George Washington University
Marvin Gaye Recreation Center
Mary Ann Shadd Cary House
Mary Church Terrell House
Mary Church Terrell Recreation Center
Mary E Switzer Building
Mary Graydon Center
Mary Livingston Ripley Garden
Mary McLeod Bethune Council House
Mary McLeod Bethune Council House National Historic Site
Mary Mcleod Bethune Hall Annex
Mary McLeod Bethune Primary Charter School
Mary McLeod Bethune Statue
Mary Surratt House
Maryland Avenue Baptist Church
Maryland House (historical)
Marys Center
Masonic Lodge
Masons Ferry (historical)
Massachusetts Avenue Bridge
Massachusetts Avenue Heights
Matthews Memorial Baptist Church
Matthews Memorial Baptist Church Child Development Center
Maury Elementary School
Maury Recreation Center
Mausoleum Square
Maxwell Woodhull House
May-Smallwood House (historical)
Maya Angelou Public Charter School
Maya Angelou See Forever Primary Charter School Evans Campus
Maya Angelou See Forever Primary Charter School Shaw Campus
Mayfair Mansions
Mayflower Hotel
Mays Building (historical)
Mazza Galleria Shopping Center
McCabe Hall
McCarthy Hall
McCleery House
McCormick Apartments
McCort-Ward Building
McDonald House
McDonough Gymnasium
McDowell Hall
McGill Building (historical)
McGogney Elementary School
McGregor Building
McKendree Chapel (historical)
McKendree United Methodist Church
McKenney House
McKenny House
McKeown Hotel (historical)
McKinley Building
McKinley Technology High School
McLachlen Building
McLean Gardens
McLean Playground
McMahon Hall
McMillan Park (historical)
McNeir Auditorium
McPherson Post Office
McPherson Square
McPherson Square Metro Station
McSherry Building
Meadowbrook Riding Stable
Media and Public Affairs Building
Medical and Dental Annex
Medical and Dental Building
Medlantic Center
Medlink Nursing Center
Medstar Georgetown Univ Hosp Helistop
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
Medstar Manor at Lamond Riggs
MedStar National Rehabilitation Hospital
MedStar Washington Hospital Center
Medstar-Georgetown Medical Center
Meeting House of the Friends Meeting
Meigs House (historical)
Melvin C Hazin Park
Melvin Gelman Library
Mercantile Savings Bank
Meridian Hall
Meridian Hill Baptist Church
Meridian Hill Park
Meridian House International
Meridian Manor
Meridian Mansions
Meridian Primary Charter School
Meridian Public Charter School
Merrill Learning Center
Merritt Educational Center
Merritt Elementary School
Merriweather Residence Hall
Methodist Cemetery (historical)
Methodist Home
Methodist Protestant Church
Methodist Protestant Church
Metropolis Bank (historical)
Metropolis View
Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church
Metropolitan Baptist Church
Metropolitan Club
Metropolitan Complex Heliport
Metropolitan Day School
Metropolitan Memorial United Methodist Church
Metropolitan Methodist Church
Metropolitan Methodist Church Nursery School
Metropolitan Police Boys and Girls Clubs
Metropolitan Police Boys and Girls Clubs
Metropolitan Police Boys and Girls Clubs
Metropolitan Police Boys and Girls Clubs
Metropolitan Police Boys and Girls Clubs
Metropolitan Police Boys and Girls Clubs
Metropolitan Police Boys and Girls Clubs
Metropolitan Police Department Fourth District Substation
Metropolitan Police Department Harbor Patrol
Metropolitan Police Department Headquarters
Metropolitan Police Department Patrol Services and School Security Bureau
Metropolitan Theatre (historical)
Metropolitan Wesley African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
Metrotone Baptist Church
Metzerott Hall (historical)
Mexican Cultural Institute
Meyer Elementary School
Michigan Park
Michigan Park Christian Church
Michler Place
Mid City Post Office
Mid-Campus Quad
Miles Memorial Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
Military Road School
Millennium North Hall
Millennium South Hall
Miller Cabin
Miller Cottage
Miller House
Mills Building
Miner Elementary School
Miner Hall (historical)
Miner Normal School (historical)
Miner Teachers College (historical)
Minute Man Statue
Miracle Temple Non Denominational Church
Miss Lydia Englishs Female Seminary (historical)
Miss Lydia Englishs Seminary (historical)
Missionaries of Africa
Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate School
Mitchell Park
Mitchell Park Recreation Center
Mitchells Boys School (historical)
Model Cities Center
Model Secondary School for the Deaf (MSSD)
Mohandas K Gandhi Statue
Monroe Hall
Monroe House (historical)
Montana Terrace Recreation Center
Montello Child Development Center
Montessori School of Chevy Chase
Montessori School of Washington
Montgomery Blair Portal
Montgomery Elementary School
Montgomery Tavern (historical)
Montrose (historical)
Montrose Park
Montrose Post Office (historical)
Moore House
Moorland Spingarn Research Center
Moran Building
Mordecal Johnson Administration Building
Morgan School
Mormon Temple
Morning Star Baptist Church
Morningstar Pentecostal Church
Morris and Nicholson Wharf
Morris House
Morrison-Clark Inn
Morse School
Morsell House
Mosque of the American Fazl
Moten Before and After School Care
Moten Center
Moten Elementary School
Motion Picture Association Building (historical)
Mott Theatre (historical)
Mount Alto
Mount Alto Hospital (historical)
Mount Bethel Baptist Church
Mount Calvary Holy Church
Mount Calvary Holy Church Child Development Center
Mount Calvary Holy Church of Deliverance
Mount Carmel Baptist Church
Mount Gilead Baptist Church
Mount Hamilton
Mount Horeb Baptist Church
Mount Joy Baptist Church
Mount Lebanon Baptist Church
Mount Olive Baptist Church
Mount Olivet Cemetery
Mount Olivet Lutheran Church
Mount Paran Baptist Church
Mount Pleasant
Mount Pleasant (historical)
Mount Pleasant Army Hospital (historical)
Mount Pleasant Baptist Church
Mount Pleasant Congregational Church (historical)
Mount Rona Missionary Baptist Church
Mount Saint Alban
Mount Saint Sepulchre
Mount Sinai Baptist Church
Mount Vernon Place United Methodist Church
Mount Vernon Row (historical)
Mount Vernon Square
Mount Vernon Square
Mount Vernon Square-University of the District of Columbia Metro Station
Mount Vernon Theater
Mount Vernon United Methodist Church
Mount Zion Cemetery (historical)
Mount Zion Church Parsonage
Mount Zion Methodist Church
Mount Zion Pentecostal Church
Mount Zion United Methodist Church
Mount Zion United Methodist Community House
Mountjoy Bayly House
Mourayo Restaurant
Mpd 2nd
MPD 2nd Heliport
Mpd 3rd District
MPD 3rd District Heliport
Mpd 5th
MPD 5th Heliport
Ms Bunnys Child Development Center
Muhammads Mosque
Muhammed Mosque
Mule Hospital
Mulledy Building
Mullen Library
Mullen Memorial Library
Mullett Rowhouses
Munitions Building (historical)
Munson Hall
Murch Elementary School
Murphy's of DC
Museum of Contemporary Art District of Columbia
Museum of Modern Latin American Art
Myer House (historical)
Myrene Apartment Building
Nancy Hanks Center
Nannie Helen Burroughs School
Nassif Building
Nathanael Greene Statue
Nation House Watoto School
National Academy of Sciences and Engineering
National Aeronautical Space Administration Building
National Air and Space Museum
National Aquarium of Washington District of Columbia
National Arboretum
National Archives Building
National Association of Broadcasters Building
National Bank of Washington
National Baptist Memorial Church
National Benefit Association Building (historical)
National Bureau of Standards Building
National Capital Parks - Central
National Capital Parks - East
National Capital Parks Central Headquarters
National Capital Parks East Headquarters
National Capital Parks Headquarters
National Capitol Post Office
National Cathedral School for Girls
National Child Research Center
National Childrens Center
National Christmas Tree
National City Christian Church
National Council of Negro Womens Headquaters
National Defense University
National Education Association Building
National Endowment for the Arts Building
National Gallery of Art - East Building
National Geographic Society Building
National Green House (historical)
National Guard District of Columbia Rifle Range (historical)
National Guard Heritage Gallery
National Guard Memorial Building
National Headquarters Building
National Headquarters of the United States Daughters of 1812
National Headquaters of National Society of Colonial Dams of America
National Home for Destitute Colored Women and Children (historical)
National Hotel (historical)
National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial
National Lutheran Home for the Aged
National Mall
National Mall
National Metropolitan Bank Building
National Museum of African Art
National Museum of American Art
National Museum of American History
National Museum of Crime and Punishment
National Museum of Health and Medicine
National Museum of History and Technology
National Museum of Natural History
National Museum of the American Indian
National Museum of Women in the Arts
National Philatelic and Postal History Museum
National Portrait Gallery
National Postal Museum
National Presbyterian Church
National Presbyterian Church (historical)
National Presbyterian Church Heliport
National Presbyterian Church School
National Presbyterian School
National Press Club Building
National Saving and Trust Company
National Science Foundation Building
National Sculpture Garden and Ice Rink
National Society of Daughters of American Revolution, Headquarters and Museum
National Theatre
National Trade and Professional School
National Training School for Boys (historical)
National Training School for Women and Girls (historical)
National Trust for Historic Preservation
National Union Building
National Visitor Center
National Womens Party Building
National World War II Memorial
National Zoological Park
National Zoological Park Administration Building
Nationals Park
Nativity Catholic Academy
Nativity School
Naval Gun Factory (historical)
Naval Lodge (historical)
Naval Lodge Number 4 Masonic Hall (historical)
Naval Museum of Hygiene (historical)
Naval Research Laboratory
Naval Research Laboratory Post Office
Navy and Marine Memorial
Navy Art Gallery
Navy Building
Navy Bureau of Medicine and Science
Navy Department Library
Navy Magazine
Navy Medical Command Building
Navy Memorial Museum
Navy Yard Metro Station
Navy Yard Pier 1
Navy Yard Pier 2
Navy Yard Pier 3 (historical)
Navy Yard Pier 4 (historical)
Navy Yard Wharf (historical)
Naylor Gardens
Naylor Road School
Naylor Road School Annex
Nazareth Baptist Church
Nehemiah Shopping Center
Neighborhood Park
Neighborhood Park
Netherlands Legation Building
Neval Thomas Elementary School
Nevils Building
New Abundant Life Missionary Baptist Church
New Beginning Way of the Cross Church
New Bethany Baptist Church
New Bethel Baptist Church
New Bethel Church of God in Christ
New Bethels Howards Preschool
New Birth Baptist Church
New Birth Missionary Baptist Church
New Commandment Baptist Church
New Community Child Development Center
New Community Child Development Center II
New Creation Child Development Center
New Executive Office Building
New Grove Baptist Church
New Hall
New Hope Freewill Baptist Church
New Horizon Child Development Center
New Horizon Child Development Center II
New Image Child Development Center
New Image Community Baptist Church
New Macedonia Baptist Church
New Macedonia Early Learning Center
New McLachlan Building
New Morning Star Baptist Church
New Mount Calvary Baptist Church
New Mount Carmel Freewill Baptist Church
New Mount Olive Baptist Church
New National Aeronautical Space Administration Building
New Navy Building (historical)
New North Building
New Playwrights Theatre
New Redeemer Baptist Church
New Research Building
New Saint John Missionary Baptist Church
New Samaritan Baptist Church
New Second Baptist Church
New South
New Temple Baptist Church
New United Baptist Church
New United Christian Academy
New York Avenue Day Care Center
New York Avenue Playground
New York Avenue Presbyterian Church
New York Avenue/Dunbar Recreation Center
New York Station Shopping Center
New Zion Pentecostal Church
Newborn Pentecostal Church of God
Newcomb Child Development Center
Newcomb Day Care and Learning Center
Next Step Public Charter School
Next Step-El Proximo Paso Primary Charter School
Nia Community Primary Charter School
Nicholas Hedges House
Nichols Avenue School
Nineteenth Street Baptist Church
Nineteenth Street Baptist Church (historical)
Ninth Street Christian Church (historical)
Noble House (historical)
Nordlinger Building
Normanstone Parkway
North Carolina Avenue Methodist Church
North Cleveland Park
North Gate
North Michigan Park
North Michigan Park Recreation Center
Northeast Boundary
Northeast Branch Library
Northeast Holy Trinity Church
Northeast Station Post Office
Northeastern Presbyterian Church
Northeastern Presbyterian Church Child Development Center
Northminster Presbyterian Church
Northumberland Apartments
Northwest Church Family Network
Northwest Health Care Center
Northwest Rectangle
Northwest Settlement House
Northwest Settlement House Infant Child Development Center
Northwest Station Post Office
Norwegian Legion Building
Notley Young Wharf (historical)
Notre Dame Academy
Notre Dame Chapel
Notre Dame Convent
Noyes Armillary Sphere
Noyes Elementary School
Noyes Playground
Noyes Recreation Center
Nugent Hall
Numa P G Adams Medical School Building
Nuns of the Battlefield Monument
Nursing-Biology Building
O'Boyle Hall
O'Donovan Dining Hall
Oak Grove Post Office (historical)
Oak Hill (historical)
Oak Hill Cemetery
Oak Hill Cemetery Chapel
Oak Hill Cemetery Gatehouse
Oakcrest School
Obelisk Gallery (historical)
Oblate College (historical)
Octagon House
Octagon Museum
Octagonal House (historical)
Odd Fellows Hall (historical)
Odeon Theatre (historical)
Office of Personnel Management Building
Office of the U S Trade Representative
Officer Kevin J Welsh Memorial Bridge
Ola C Franks Child Development Center
Old Adas Israel Synagogue (historical)
Old Brick Capitol (historical)
Old British Legation Building (historical)
Old Capitol Prison (historical)
Old City Hall
Old Cosmos Club (historical)
Old Engine Company Number 6
Old Executive Office Building
Old Fire Company Number 5 (historical)
Old French Embassy
Old General Post Office
Old Holy Trinity Church
Old Hungarian Embassy (historical)
Old Main (historical)
Old Main Building
Old Masonic Hall
Old Methodist Burying Ground (historical)
Old National Museum (historical)
Old Naval Hospital
Old Naval Observatory
Old North Building
Old Post Office Pavilion Shopping Center
Old Providence Hospital (historical)
Old Providence Market (historical)
Old Rose Special Education School
Old South Building (historical)
Old Stone House
Old Stone House
Old Toll Gate Site (historical)
Old Vat (historical)
Old Way Baptist Church
Olive Grove Baptist Church
Olive Risley Seward Statue
On Leong Chinese Merchants Association Building
Open City
Open Door Baptist Church
Options Primary Charter School
Options Public Charter School
Orbit Sculpture
Orchard Hill
Orchard Hill (historical)
Organization of American States
Organization of American States Annex
Original Patentees of District of Columbia Memorial
Orr Recreation Center
Osborn Building
Oscar S Straus Memorial Fountain
Oscar W Underwood House
Oswego and Exeter Apartments
Our Children Infant Care and Preschool
Our Lady of Lebanon Maronite Seminary
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church
Our Lady of Perpetual Help School
Our Lady of Victory Roman Catholic Church
Our Lady of Victory School
Our Lady Queen of Peace School
Our Lady Queen of the Americas Roman Catholic Church
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church
Our Redeemer Preshool and Infant Center
Outlet Bridge
Outlet Gates
Owl School
Owls Nest
Oxon Run Parkway
Oxon Run Pool
Oyster - Adams Bilingual School - Adams Campus
Oyster - Adams Bilingual School - Oyster Campus
Oyster Bilingual Before and After School Center
P Street Bridge
Palais Royale Building (historical)
Palisades Branch Library
Palisades Community Church
Palisades Park
Palisades Playground
Palisades Post Office
Palisades Recreation Center
Palmer House (historical)
Pan American Annex
Pan American Health Organization
Pan American Union
Panama Legation Building
Pangborn Hall
Paradise Early Childhood Center
Paramount Baptist Church
Paramount Baptist Church Center
Paramount Baptist Church Child Development Center
Parish House
Park Place
Park Road South Side Historical Buildings
Park Terrace Nursery
Park Tower
Park View
Park View Elementary School
Parklands-Turner Community Library
Parkmont School
Parkside Playground
Parkview Playground
Parkview Recreation Center
Parrotts Woods
Pasquerilla Healthcare Center
Passport Office Building
Past Sculpture
Patrick Henry Building
Patriotic Bank (historical)
Paul Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library
Paul Junior High School
Paul Primary Charter School
Paul Robeson Center
Paul Robeson School
Payne Before and After School Center
Payne Cemetery
Payne Early Childhood Center
Payne Elementary School
Payne Playground
Payne Recreation Center
Peabody Conservatory of the Johns Hopkins University
Peabody Elementary School
Peabody Recreation Center
Peabody Street Mennonite Church
Peace Baptist Church
Peace Lutheran Church
Peace Monument
Peace Statue
Peaches N Cream Child Development Center
Peacock Cafe
Peale House (historical)
Pebble Dash Bridge
Pebble Garden Fountain
Peet Hall
Pegasus and Bellerophon Sculpture
Peikoff Alumni House
Peirce Barn
Peirce Distillery
Peirce Springhouse and Barn
Peirce Still House
Pelham Residence Hall
Pendletons Palace of Fortune (historical)
Penguin Fountain
Penn Adult Education Center
Penn Branch
Penn Branch Shopping Center
Penn Center
Pennsylvania Avenue Baptist Church
Pennsylvania Avenue Hights
Pennsylvania Avenue National Historic Site
Pennsylvania Avenue Seventh Day Adventist Church
Pennsylvania Railroad Eagle Sculpture
Pension Building (historical)
Pentacle Child Development Center
Pentagon Ahp
Pentecostal Church of God
Pentecostal Holiness Church (historical)
Peoples Congregational Church
Perry Building
Perry Family Health Center
Perry Lions Sculpture
Pershing Park
Pershing Victory Arch (historical)
Peter J. Fine Health Center
Peter Muhlenberg Memorial
Peter Pan School
Peter Square
Peters Grove (historical)
Peters Hill
Peters Point
Petersen House
Petworth Baptist Church
Petworth Branch Library
Petworth Elementary School
Petworth Playground
Petworth Post Office
Petworth Recreation Center
Petworth United Methodist Church
Phelps Architecture - Construction and Engineering High School
Philadelphia Row
Philip T Berry House
Phillips Collection
Phillips Flagship
Phillips Row (historical)
Phillips School (historical)
Phoenix Center
Phyllis Wheatley Hall
Phyllis Wheatley YMCA
Pierce School
Pilgrim African Methodist Episcopal Church
Pilgrim African Methodist Episcopal Outreach Church
Pilgrim Baptist Church Child Development Center
Pine Crest Manor
Pinehurst Circle
Pinehurst Parkway
Piney Branch Park
Piney Branch Portal
Planned Parenthood
Plaza Dining Hall
Plaza Fountain
Pleasant Grove Baptist Church
Pleasant Lane Baptist Church
Plummer Before and After School Center
Plummer Elementary School
Plymouth Congregational Church (historical)
Plymouth Theater
Point Reno
Ponce de Leon Apartment Building
Poor House (historical)
Pope Branch Park
Pope John Paul II Cultural Center
Poplar Point
Portal Building
Porters Lodge (historical)
Portiuncula Chapel
Potomac Appalachian Trail Club
Potomac Boat Club Building
Potomac College
Potomac Gardens Recreation Center
Potomac Heights
Potomac Lighthouse Primary Charter School
Potomac Lodge (historical)
Potomac Masonic Lodge No. 5
Potomac Palisades Parkway
Potomac Railroad Bridge
Potomac Riding School (historical)
Poulton Hall
Powell Elementary School
Powell Recreation Center
Pre-Clinical Science Building
Pre-Engineering School Within a School at Dunbar
Pre-engineering School-within-a-School Charter - Dunbar
Preece Riding School (historical)
Premier Ambulatory Center
Premier Building
Preparatory School For Early Learning
Preparatory School of the District
Presbyterian Graveyard (historical)
Presbyterian Retirement Home
President Andrew Jackson Memorial
President James Garfield Memorial
President Lincoln and Soldiers' Home National Monument
President Ulysses S Grant Memorial
President's Building
President's House - Gallaudet University
Presidents Offices - George Washington University
Presidents Park
Primary Hall Gallaudet College (historical)
Prince Hall Masonic Temple
Proctor Alley Livery Stable (historical)
Prodigal Son Statue
Professor Joseph Henry Statue
Progress of Railroading Statues
Prometheus Statue
Promised Land Baptist Church
Prospect Hill Cemetery
Prospect House
Prospect Learning Center
Prospect Learning Center
Protestant Episcopal Cathedral Foundation
Providence Baptist Church
Providence Church
Providence Hospital
Prudence Crandall Hall
Psychiatric Institute of Washington
Ptomaine Row (historical)
Public Health Administration Building
Puck Fountain
Pulaski Park
Pullman House
Purdy Court (historical)
Purity Baptist Church
Purity Baptist Church Child Development Center
Quality Hill
Quarters A - Washington Navy Yard
Quarters B - Washington Navy Yard
Queen Isabella I Statue
Quickie Becky Child Care Development Center
Quinn House
R H Terrell Elementary School
R L Christian Community Library
Rabaut Junior High School (historical)
Rabaut Park
Rabaut Recreation Center
Railroad Retirement Board
Raleigh Hotel (historical)
Ralph Bunche House
Ralph J Bunche International Affairs Center
Rammed Earth House
Randall Building
Randall Day Care Center
Randall Hyland Private School
Randall Junior High School
Randall Memorial Baptist Church
Randall Memorial United Methodist Church
Randall Pool
Randall Recreation Center
Randall Station Post Office (historical)
Randle Circle
Randle Highlands
Randle Highlands Elementary School
Randle Highlands Recreation Center
Randle Post Office
Rapids Bridge
Rawlins Park
Rayburn House Office Building
Raymond Education Campus
Raymond Playground
Raymond Recreation Center
Rear Admiral Charles H Stockton Hall
Rear Admiral Samuel Francis Dupont Memorial
Reardon House
Reckert House
Reconstruction Finance Corporation Building
Red Cross Men and Women Killed in Service Statue
Red Lion Row
Red Top (historical)
Red Wood Estate (historical)
Redemptorist Fathers School
Reed Alumni Residence
Reeves Center Municipal Building
Regan Hall
Regency Row
Reggio Emilia School
Rehoboth Baptist Church
Rehoboth Baptist Church Child Development Center
Reiss Science Building
Renwick Gallery
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Republic Saving and Building Company (historical)
Research Resource Facility
Reserve Officers Memorial
Reservoir Playground
Resurrection Church of God in Christ
Revelation Knowledge Christian Church
Revival Temple Church
Reynolds Barracks (historical)
Reynolds Hall
Rhema Christian Center Church
Rhema Christian Center School
Rhode Island Avenue Center Shopping Center
Rhode Island Avenue Methodist Church
Rhode Island Avenue Residential Building
Rhode Island Plaza Shopping Center
Rhodes Tavern (historical)
Richard Brevard Russell Office Building
Richard H Townsend House
Richardson Elementary School
Richmond Hotel (historical)
Riddell Building
Ridge Playground
Ridge Recreation Center
Riggs Building
Riggs LaSalle Recreation Center
Riggs Library
Riggs Memorial Library
Riggs Park
Riggs Road Playground
Riggs Shopping Center
Riggs-LaSalle Playground
Riggs-Riley House
Riggs-Tompkins Building
Righteous Church of God
Riley Spring Bridge
Ringgold House (historical)
Ringgold-Carroll House
Ripps Island (historical)
Rising Sun Baptist Church
River Horse Statue
River Park Nursery School
River Terrace
River Terrace Education Campus
River Terrace Post Office
River Terrace Recreation Center
Riverside Hospital
Riverside Stadium (historical)
Robert A Taft Memorial and Carillon
Robert Emmet Statue
Robert F Kennedy Memorial Stadium
Robert Francis Kennedy Memorial
Robert H and Clarice Smith Hall of Art
Robert P Dodge House
Robert Peters Houses
Robert S McCormick House
Robert Simpson Woodward House
Rochambeau Memorial Bridge
Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway
Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway Terminus
Rock Creek Baptist Church
Rock Creek Cemetery
Rock Creek Childrens Center
Rock Creek Church Yard
Rock Creek Gardens
Rock Creek International School
Rock Creek Manor Nursing Center
Rock Creek Park
Rock Creek Park Bike Trail
Rock Creek Park Box Office
Rock Creek Park Exercise Course
Rock Creek Park Headquarters
Rock Creek Park Horse Center
Rock Creek Park Maintenance Yard
Rock Creek Park Nature Center and Planetarium
Rock Creek Park Orienteering Course
Rock Creek Park Police Stables
Rock Creek Park Police Substation
Rock Creek Park Public Golf Course
Rock Creek Park Trail Center
Rock Creek Post Office (historical)
Rock Creek Stable
Rock Creek Valley Stable
Rockwood Building
Rodgers House (historical)
Rolling Meadow Bridge
Romanian Legation Building
Rome Baptist Church
Ronald Brown Middle School
Ronald H Brown Middle School
Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center
Ronald Reagan Washington Ntl
Roosevelt Adult Education Center
Roosevelt Apartment Building
Roosevelt High School - McFarland Campus
Roosevelt Mansion
Roosevelt School To Aid Youth
Roots Activity Learning Center
Roots Primary Charter School
Roots Public Charter School
Roper Hall
Roper Recreation Center
Rose Park Playground
Rose Park Recreation Center
Rose School
Rose School
Rosedale Day Care Center
Rosedale Methodist Church
Rosedale Playground
Rosedale Recreation Center
Rosemont Cemetery (historical)
Rosemont Center
Rosemount Park (historical)
Rosewood Cemetery
Ross and Getty Building
Ross Hall
Round Hill
Rousseau House
Royal Danish Embassy
Royal Nepalese Embassy
Royal Norwegian Embassy
Ruben Dario Sculpture
Rudolph Elementary School
Rudolph Playground
Rudolph Recreation Center
Rush Barracks (historical)
Rush House
Russell A Dixon Building
Russell A Dixon Hall
Russell Senate Office Building
Russian Embassy
Russian Orthodox Church of Saint John the Baptist
Russian Orthodox Church of Saint Nicholas
Ryan Gymnasium
Ryan Hall
Ryder Hall
Ryders Castle
Ryland Chapel (historical)
Ryland Epworth United Methodist Church
Ryland Epworth United Methodist Church
S J Bowen School (historical)
Sacred Heart Adult Education Center
Sacred Heart Church
Sacred Heart School
Sacred Heart Seminary
Safe and Sound Day Care Center
Saint Albans Bridge
Saint Albans Church Rectory
Saint Albans Early Childhood Center
Saint Albans Episcopal Church
Saint Albans School for Boys
Saint Aloysius Gonzaga Church (historical)
Saint Aloysius School
Saint Andrews Mission House
Saint Ann's Academy
Saint Anns Church
Saint Anns Infant Asylum (historical)
Saint Anselm's Abbey School
Saint Anselms Abbey
Saint Anthonys Catholic Church
Saint Anthonys High School
Saint Augustine Catholic School
Saint Augustines Episcopal Church
Saint Benedict the Moor Catholic Church
Saint Benedict the Moor School
Saint Bernadette Statue
Saint Bonaventure Hall
Saint Bonaventures Convent
Saint Cecilias High School
Saint Charles Baptist Church
Saint Charles Hotel (historical)
Saint Christopher Statue
Saint Columbas Episcopal Church
Saint Columbas Episcopal Church Nursery School
Saint Cyprians Catholic Church
Saint Cyprians School (historical)
Saint Davids Episcopal Church
Saint Dominic Statue
Saint Dominics Church
Saint Elizabeth's Hospital
Saint Elizabeths Hospital Cemeteries
Saint Elizabeths School
Saint Francis and the Turtledoves Statue
Saint Francis De Sales Catholic Church
Saint Francis de Sales School
Saint Francis DeSales Catholic Church
Saint Francis DeSales Cemetery (historical)
Saint Francis Xavier Catholic Academy
Saint Gabriel School
Saint Gabriels Catholic Church
Saint Georges Episcopal Church
Saint Georges Syrian Orthodox Church (historical)
Saint Gertrudes School
Saint James Apostle Church
Saint James Baptist Church
Saint James Episcopal Church
Saint Jerome the Priest Statue
Saint John Baptist Church of Marshall Heights
Saint John United Baptist Church
Saint John's Church of God
Saint Johns Cemetery
Saint Johns Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
Saint Johns College High School
Saint Johns Collegiate Institute (historical)
Saint Johns Community Services
Saint Johns Episcopal Church
Saint Johns Episcopal Church
Saint Johns Little Angels Day Care Center
Saint Johns Parish House
Saint Johns Preschool
Saint Johns Primitive Baptist Church
Saint Joseph Baptist Church
Saint Josephs Catholic Church
Saint Josephs Home
Saint Josephs School (historical)
Saint Josephs Seminary
Saint Judah Spiritual Baptist Church
Saint Lucille African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
Saint Luke Baptist Church
Saint Lukes Episcopal Church
Saint Lukes United Methodist Church
Saint Margarets Episcopal Church
Saint Marks Baptist Church
Saint Marks Episcopal Church
Saint Martins Catholic Church
Saint Martins School
Saint Mary Armenian Apostolic Church
Saint Mary Orthodox Church
Saint Mary's Hall
Saint Marys Catholic Cemetery
Saint Marys Catholic Church
Saint Marys Episcopal Church
Saint Marys Roman Catholic Church (historical)
Saint Marys School (historical)
Saint Matthews Baptist Church
Saint Matthews Catholic Cemetery (historical)
Saint Matthews Church
Saint Matthews Church Rectory
Saint Matthews Lutheran Church
Saint Matthews Roman Catholic Church (historical)
Saint Monicas Episcopal Church
Saint Patricks Catholic Cemetery (historical)
Saint Patricks Catholic Church
Saint Patricks Cemetery (historical)
Saint Patricks Chapel Episcopal Church
Saint Patricks Episcopal Day School
Saint Patricks School (historical)
Saint Paul African Methodist Episcopal Church
Saint Paul Baptist Church
Saint Paul Temple Church of God In Christ
Saint Pauls Catholic Church
Saint Pauls Church
Saint Pauls College
Saint Pauls Episcopal Church
Saint Pauls Lutheran Church
Saint Pauls Lutheran Church Nursery School
Saint Peter School
Saint Peters Catholic Burial Ground (historical)
Saint Peters Catholic Cemetery (historical)
Saint Peters Catholic Church
Saint Philips Child Development Center
Saint Philips Episcopal Church
Saint Phillips Baptist Church
Saint Rose Pentecostal Church
Saint Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral
Saint Stephen and the Incarnation Episcopal Church
Saint Stephen Church of God In Christ
Saint Stephens Baptist Church
Saint Stephens Catholic Church
Saint Stephens Lutheran Church
Saint Stephens School
Saint Teresa of Avila Anglican Catholic Church
Saint Teresa School
Saint Theresas Catholic Church
Saint Thomas Apostle Catholic Church
Saint Thomas Apostle School
Saint Thomas Church
Saint Thomas Episcopal Church
Saint Thomas More Elementary School
Saint Timothys Child Development Center
Saint Vincent De Paul Catholic Church
Saint Vincent de Paul Chapel
Saint Vincent De Paul School (historical)
Saint Vincent De Paul Statue
Saint Vincents Home and School
Saint Vincents Orphan Asylum (historical)
Saints Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church
Salem Baptist Church
Salve Regina Hall
Samson Hall
Samuel D Gross Memorial
Samuel Gompers House
Samuel Gompers Memorial
Samuel M Bryan House
Samuel P Langley IMAX Theater
Sanitarium Mission Hospital (historical)
Sankofa Fie School
Sarah Rittenhouse Armillary Sphere
Sargent House (historical)
Sargent Memorial United Presbyterian Church
Satterlee Hall
Savage Square (historical)
Savoy Before and After School Center
Savoy Playground
Savoy Recreation Center
Savoy Theater (historical)
Scenes From Shakespeare Sculpture
Schenley Hall
Schneider House (historical)
School for Arts In Learning Primary Charter School Lower Division
School for Arts in Learning Primary Charter School Upper Division
School for Arts in Learning Public Charter School
School For Friends
School of Education
School of Educational Evolution and Development Primary Charter School
School of International Service
School of International Service Annex
School Within a School at Peabody School
School Without Walls at Francis - Stevens
School Without Walls High School
Schuetzen Park (historical)
Scotch Row
Scott Building
Scott Circle
Scott Circle
Scott Montgomery Day Care Center
Scott-Grant House
Scottish Rite Supreme Council Building
Sea Captains House
Seafairers Marina
Sears, Roebuck and Company Department Store
Seaton Elementary School
Seaton Hall (historical)
Seaton Hotel (historical)
Seaton Playground
Second Baptist Church
Second Baptist Church
Second Baptist Church (historical)
Second Baptist Church Day Care Center
Second Division Memorial
Second National Bank
Second New Saint Paul Baptist Church Child Development Center
Second Refreshing Spring Church
Second Union Baptist Church
Securities and Exchange Commission
Sedgwick Garden Architectural Sculpture
Seed Public Charter School
Senate Heights
Senate Page School
Senate Terrace Fountain
Senator Francis Newlands Statue
Senator J William Fulbright Hall
Senator Theater
Septima Clark Primary Charter School
Serenity Statue
Seton Wing
Settlers of the District of Columbia Memorial
Seventh Presbyterian Church (historical)
Seventh Street Park
Sevier Place
Sewall-Belmont House National Historic Site
Seward Square
Shadd Elementary School
Shaed Before and After School Center
Shaed Elementary School
Shahan Hall
Shakespeare Theater
Sharon Baptist Church
Sharpe Health Before and After School Center
Sharpe Health School
Shaw Junior High School
Shaw Recreation Center
Sheperd Parkway
Shepherd Building (historical)
Shepherd Centenial Building (historical)
Shepherd Elementary School
Shepherd Park
Shepherd Park Community Church of God
Shepherd Playground
Shepherd Recreation Center
Shepherd Statue
Shepherds Row
Sheridan Circle
Sheridan Hall (historical)
Sheridan School
Sheridan Statue
Sheriff Road Seventh Day Adventist Church
Sherman Circle
Sherman Hall
Sherman North Building
Sherwood Playground
Sherwood Presbyterian Church
Sherwood Recreation Center
Shilo Baptist Church (historical)
Shiloh Baptist Church
Shiloh Day Nursery
Shipley Terrace
Shoomakers Tavern (historical)
Shops At Georgetown Park Shopping Center
Shops At National Place Shopping Center
Shops At Union Station Shopping Center
Shoreham Hill Bridge
Short Line Railroad Association Building (historical)
Shrine of the Immaculate Conception
Shrine of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Shubert Theater (historical)
SIS Annex
Siamese Legation Building
Sibley Meml Hospital
Sibley Memorial Hospital
Sidwell Friends School
Simms-Lihault House
Simon Before and After School Center
Simpson Methodist Church (historical)
Simpson-Hamline United Methodist Church
Sims House
Single Oak
Sir William Blackstone Statue
Sir Winston Churchill Statue
Sister Helen Sheehan Library
Sisters Academy (historical)
Sisters Public School (historical)
Sixteenth Steet Bridge
Sixth and I Synagogue
Sixth Church of Christ Scientist
Sixth Presbyterian Church
Skyland Shopping Center
Slater-Langston Elementary School (historical)
Slidell House (historical)
Slowe Elementary School
Small Business Administration Building
Smallwood School (historical)
SMART Program Adult Education Center
Smith Row
Smith-Bruce House
Smith-Morton Row House
Smiths Park (historical)
Smithsonian Associates Theatre
Smithsonian Castle
Smithsonian Early Enrichment Center East
Smithsonian Early Enrichment Center Natural History
Smithsonian Early Enrichment Center West
Smithsonian Enstitüsü
Smithsonian Institution Arts and Industries Building
Smithsonian Metro Station
Smithsonian S. Dillon Ripley Center
Smothers Elementary School
Soapstone Valley Park
Social Security Building
Society of the Cincinnati Headquarters Building
Solar Building
Soldiers Home Annex
Soldiers Home Main Building and Tower
Soldiers Home Post Office
Soldiers Home Quarters Number 1
Soldiers Home Quarters Number 2
Somers Residence Hall
Sonny Bono Statue
Sons of the American Revolution Building
Sorensen Language and Communications Center
Soul Saving Center Church of God
Source Main Stage
Source Warehouse Theatre
South Capitol Street
Southeast Academy of Scholastic Excellence
Southeast Branch Library
Southeast Federal Center
Southeast Hebrew Temple
Southeast Station Post Office
Southeast Tennis and Learning Center
Southeastern University
Southern Aid Society Building
Southern Baptist Church
Southern Building
Southern Railway Building (historical)
Southwest Branch Library
Southwest Child Development Center
Southwest Community Health Center
Southwest Station Post Office
Southwest Waterfront Park -Titanic Memorial
Southworth College (historical)
Spalding Hall
Spanish Catholic Center
Spanish Education Development Center
Spanish Education Development Center Number 1
Spellman Hall
Spencer Carriage House and Stable
Spingarn Center
Spingarn School to Aid Youth
Spingarn Senior High School Child Development Center
Spingarn Stay High School
Spingarn-Langston Recreation Center
Spirit of the Lord Baptist Church
Spirit Of Washington
Spirit of Washington Heliport
Spring Grotto
Spring Valley
Spring Valley Montessori Academy
Spring Valley Park
Spring Valley Shopping Center
Springfield Baptist Church
Springfield Baptist Church Child Development Center
Springland House
Square 38
St. Elizabeth's Hospital
Stan Saloon
Stanford in Washington
Stanton Elementary School
Stanton Hospital (historical)
Stanton Park
Stanton Park
Stanton Road Health Center
Star of Bethlehem Church of God in Christ
Staughton Hall
Stead Playground
Stead Recreation Center
Stephen A Douglas House (historical)
Steuart Building (historical)
Steuart Office Pad
Stevens Elementary School
Stevens Playground
Stevens-Billings Houses
Stewart Lee Udall Department of the Interior Building
Stewarts Castle (historical)
Stockton Hall - George Washington University
Stoddard Baptist Nursing Home
Stoddert Elementary School
Stoddert Playground
Stoddert Recreation Center
Stoddert Terrace Day Care Center
Stone House (historical)
Stott Company Building (historical)
Strayer University
Strong John Thomson Elementary School
Stuart - Hobson Middle School
Student Health & Fitness Center
Student Resource Center
Student Union Building
Studio Theater
Sulgrave Club
Sulpician Seminary
Summer House
Summy House (historical)
Sunrise at Thomas Circle Nursing Home
Sunshine Early Learning Center
Superior Court of the District of Columbia - Crime Victims Compensation Program
Superior Court of the District of Columbia - Criminal Division
Superior Court of the District of Columbia - Moultrie Courthouse
Superior Court of the District of Columbia- Clerk of the Court
Supreme Court
Supreme Learning Center
Sursum Corda Community Library
Susan Wheeler Decatur House
Sushi Taro
Sutton Place
Swamp Trail
Swartzell Rheem and Hensey Building
Sweeney-Plowman House
Swiss Legation Building
Sylvan Theatre
Syphax Elementary School (historical)
Syracuse University Greenberg House
T Street Station Post Office
Tabernacle Baptist Church
Tabernacle Baptist Church Child Development Center
Tabor Presbyterian Church (historical)
Taft Junior High School
Taft Recreation Center
Taft School
Taft Stable
Takoma Aquatic Facility
Takoma Childrens School
Takoma Education Campus
Takoma Elementary Recreation Center (historical)
Takoma Park Baptist Church
Takoma Park Branch Library
Takoma Playground
Takoma Recreation Center
Talmud Torah Synagogue (historical)
Taras Shevchenko Statue
Tariff Commission Building
Taste of India
Taylor House (historical)
Teatro Goldoni
Techworld Post Office
Techworld Public Charter School
Temperance Fountain Sculpture
Temple Baptist Church
Temple Baptist Church
Temple Heights Post Office
Temple Sinai Nursery School
Templeman House
Ten Buildings (historical)
Tenallytown Post Office (historical)
Tenley Circle
Tenley House
Tenley-Friendship Branch Library
Tennally-Lightfoot House (historical)
Tennallys Tavern
Tenth Precinct Station House
Tenth Street Baptist Church
Tenth Street Mall Bridge
Terra Cotta
Terrace Theatre
Terrace Top
Terrell Junior High School
Terrell Recreation Center
Tete Du Pont
Textile Museum
Thales Statue
Thankful Baptist Church
The 56 Signers of the Declaration of Independence Memorial
The American Forestry Association Building
The Arcadia Building (historical)
The Arts of War Statue
The Bakeoven (historical)
The Bridges Academy
The Brookings Institute
The Burghers of Calais Sculpture
The Causeway
The Cedars (historical)
The Center For Mental Health
The Chamberlain
The CHILD Center
The Child Development Center of the First Baptist Church of Washington
The Children's House of Washington
The Church of God
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
The Church of the Ascension and Saint Agnes
The Cloisters
The Community Preschool of The Palisades
The Contemplation of Justice Sculpture
The Court of Neptune
The Court of Neptune Fountain Sculpture
The Dakota
The Ellipse
The Expanding Universe Fountain
The Field School
The Field School
The Franklin Montessori School
The French Maternal School
The George Washington University Inn
The George Washington University Smith Center
The Glorious Church
The Greater First Baptist Church of Mount Pleasant Plains
The Gwenfritz Sculpture
The Hall on Virginia Avenue
The Heights Shopping Center
The Henry and Anne Hurt Home for the Blind
The Highlands Building
The Hill Preschool
The House of God Church Keith Dominion
The House Where Lincoln Died
The HSC Pediatric Center
The HSC Pediatric Center
The Jacqueline Kennedy Garden
The Jewish Primary Day School of the Nation's Capital
The Lab School of Washington
The Learning Academy
The Lindens
The Majesty of Law Sculpture
The Mall
The Mole
The New Life Baptist Church
The Old Pentecost Church
The Old Post Office
The Olympia
The Owl School
The Palisades
The Plymouth
The Prime Rib - Washington D.C
The Prophet Daniel Statue
The Rest
The River School
The Robert H and Clarice Smith Hall of Art
The Scripture Cathedral Day Care Center
The Seven Buildings
The Shops at 2000 Penn Shopping Center
The Six Buildings
The Specialty Hospital of Washington
The Spirit of Justice Park
The Temple Church of God in Christ
The United Church
The Washington International School
The Way of the Cross Church of Christ
The West End
The White House
The White House Visitor Center
The Whole Truth Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith
The World Bank
Theatre Church (historical)
Themis Statue
Theodore Hagans Cultural Center
Theodore Roosevelt House
Theodore Roosevelt Island
Theodore Roosevelt Island Park
Theodore Roosevelt Memorial
Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Bridge
Theological College
Theological College
Third Baptist Church
Third Church of Christ Scientist
Third Street Church of God
Thirkield Science Hall
Thirteenth Street Church of Christ
Thomas Beall House
Thomas Circle
Thomas Circle
Thomas Circle
Thomas Cramphin Building
Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet Statue
Thomas House
Thomas Jefferson Building
Thomas Law House
Thomas Main House
Thomas Nelson Page House
Thomas Parrot House
Thomas Robertson House
Thomas Sim Lee Corner
Thompsons Bridge (historical)
Three Servicemen Statue
Three Sisters Islands
Thurgood Marshall Academy Primary Charter School
Thurgood Marshall Elementary
Tidal Basin Boathouse
Tidewater Lock
Tifereth Israel Temple
Tiger Bridge
Tiny Findings Day Care Center
Tiny Tots Day Care Nursery
Tivoli Theatre
Todd Building
Tompkins Hall of Engineering
Torch of Learning Sculpture
Tots Developmental School
Tots Nursery School
Tourist Information Center
Toutorsky Mansion
Tower Building
Town and Country Club (historical)
Town Center Park
Townhouse Row
Towpath Row
Trades Hall
Trans-Lux Building (historical)
Trans-Lux Theatre (historical)
Transpoint Building
Treasury Annex
Treasury Square Rowhouses (historical)
Tree of Life Community Primary Charter School
Tri-Community Primary Charter School
Triangle Park
Triangle Park - Pablo Benito Juarez Statue
Triangle Park - Simon Bolivar Statue
Triangle Tots
Trinidad Adventist Church
Trinidad Baptist Church
Trinidad Playground
Trinidad Recreation Center
Trinity African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
Trinity Church (historical)
Trinity College
Trinity Episcopal Church
Trinity Religious Temple Church
Trinity Square Shopping Center
Trinty Center
Triumphant Christian Church
True Gospel Baptist Church
True Holiness Church of Christ
True Reformer Building
Truesdell Education Campus
Trumbull Row (historical)
Truxton Circle
Truxton Park
Truxtun-Decatur Museum
Tuburculosis Hospital
Tucker Day Care Center
Tudor Hall
Tudor Place
Tuition Grant School
Tunnicliffs Tavern (historical)
Turkey Thicket Playground
Turkey Thicket Recreation Center
Turner Before and After School Center
Turner Elementary School
Turner Memorial African Methodist Episcopal Church
Turner Playground
Tuttle House (historical)
Twelfth Street Christian Church
Twelfth Street YMCA Building
Twentieth Street Post Office
Twin Oaks
Twin Oaks Garden Recreation Center
Twin Oaks Playground
Twining School (historical)
Twining Square
Two Rivers Primary Charter School
Tyler House (historical)
Tyler House Child Development Center
Tyler Vision Program
U S Kids Child Development Center
U S Soldiers and Airmens Home Golf Course
U.S. Capitol Visitor Center
U.S. Department of the Interior Museum
Ujamaa School
Ukranian Catholic National Shrine
Ukranian Catholic Seminary
Uline Arena
Ulusal Sanat Galerisi
Ulusal Yapı Müzesi
Unanue House
Uncle Beazley Sculpture
Union Bethel Methodist Episcopal Church
Union Center Plaza North Building
Union Center Plaza South Building
Union Chapel
Union Fire Company (historical)
Union Hotel (historical)
Union Market
Union Methodist Church
Union Multi-Care Medical Center
Union Plaza Dormitories (historical)
Union Square
Union Station
Union Station Plaza
Union Station Post Office
Union Station Shopping Center
Union Tavern (historical)
Union Temple Baptist Church
Union Temple Baptist Church Day Care Center
Union Trust Company
Union Wesley African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
Union Wesley Chapel
Unique Child Care Center
United Brick Corporation Brick Company
United Cerebral Palsy of Washington and Northern Virginia
United Church of Christ
United House of Prayer
United Medical Center
United Min Workers of America Building
United Planning Organization Number 1
United Planning Organization Number 5
United States Botanic Garden
United States Branch Bank (historical)
United States Capitol Historical Society
United States Chamber of Commerce Building
United States Coast Guard Headquarters Building
United States Court House
United States Court of Claims
United States Court of Military Appeals
United States Department of Commerce Building
United States Department of State Building
United States Department of the Interior Museum
United States Department of the Treasury Building
United States Government Causeway (historical)
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
United States Hotel (historical)
United States Information Agency
United States Marine Corps Band Hall
United States Marine Corps Barracks and Company
United States Naval Observatory
United States Navy Memorial
United States Park Police Eagles Nest Heliport
United States Park Police Headquarters - Anacostia Park
United States Park Police Headquarters - East Potomac Park
United States Postal Service Building
United States Reform School Farm (historical)
United States Research Laboratory
United States Signal Service Building (historical)
United States Soldiers Home Library (historical)
United States Soldiers' and Airmen's Home National Cemetery
United States Tax Court Building
United States Weather Bureau Building
Unity Baptist Church
Universal Building
Universal Holiness Church
Universalist National Memorial Church
University Garage
University Heights
University of California Washington Center
University of The District Of Columbia
University of the District of Columbia International Center
University Yard
Unversity Garage
Upland Trail
Upshur Pool
Upshur Recreation Center
US Capitol Gatehouses and Gatepost
US Capitol Gatehouses and Gatepost
US National Arboretum
Us Park Police Eagle'S Nest
USO Lafayette Square Club (historical)
Valley Trail
Van Buren School (historical)
Van Buren United Methodist Church
Van Ness Elementary School
Van Ness Mansion (historical)
Van Ness Mausoleum
Vanguard Building
Vaquero Statue
Varick Memorial African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
Varnum Hotel (historical)
Vees Child Development Center
Venilation Towers
Venilation Towers
Vermont Avenue Baptist Church
Veterans Administration Building
Veterans of Foreign Wars Memorial
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Building
Viatorian Seminary
Victims of Communism Memorial
Victor Building
Victory Christian Baptist Church
Victory Church of Jesus Christ
Vietnam Şehitleri Anıtı
Vietnam Women's Memorial
Vigilant Firehouse
Village A
Village C
Village Learning Center Public Charter School
Virginia Avenue Playground (historical)
Virginia Avenue Recreation Center
Visitor's Center
Voice of America Building
Volta Bureau Building
Volta Laboratory (historical)
Volta Laboratory and Bureau Building
Volta Street Playground
Von Steuben Statue
W B Hibbs and Company Building
W B Patterson Elementary School
W H Penland and Company Building
W J Bryan Statue
W Taylor Birch House
W W Corcoran Store
Waggaman House
Walker - Jones Education Campus
Walker House (historical)
Walker Jones Clinic
Walker Memorial Baptist Church
Walker School (historical)
Walkins Building
Wallace Memorial Presbyterian Church
Wallach School (historical)
Walsh Building
Walsh Stable
Walsh-McLean House
Walt Whitman Park
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Walter Reed Army Medical Center
Walter Reed Army Medical Center
Walter Reed Army Medical Center (historical)
Walter Reed Emergency Heliport
Walter Reed Station Post Office
Walton House
WAMU-FM (Washington)
War Camp Community Service Club (historical)
Ward Circle
Ward Circle
Ward Circle Building
Ward Hall
Ward Memorial African Methodist Episcopal Church
Ward Place Post Office
Warder Building
Warder-Totten House
Wardman Court Child Development Center
Wardman House (historical)
Wardman Park Annex and Arcade
Wardman Row
Warner Theatre
Warring Barrel Company Warehouse (historical)
Wartime Information Center Building (historical)
Warwick Building
WASH-FM (Washington)
Washburn Arts Building
Washington - Dix Street Academy
Washington Academy of the Visitation
Washington Academy Primary Charter School - PABC Campus
Washington Academy Primary Charter School Castle Campus
Washington Academy Primary Charter School Kingsman Campus
Washington Anıtı
Washington Area Law Enforcement Officers Memorial
Washington Armory (historical)
Washington Arts Club Building
Washington Asylum (historical)
Washington Auditorium (historical)
Washington Bank (historical)
Washington Board of Trade
Washington Brick Machine Company (historical)
Washington Building
Washington Canoe Club
Washington Cathedral
Washington Cathedral Library
Washington Center
Washington Center For Aging Services
Washington Chamber of Commerce Building
Washington Circle
Washington City
Washington City Brethren Church
Washington Club
Washington Coliseum
Washington College of Law (historical)
Washington Community Fellowship Church
Washington DC REI
Washington DC VA Medical Center
Washington DC Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Washington Design Center
Washington District of Columbia Fire - Radio Shop
Washington District of Columbia Free Clinic
Washington District of Columbia Houses
Washington District of Columbia Main Office Post Office
Washington District of Columbia Police Chief Headquarters
Washington District of Columbia Police Department
Washington District of Columbia Police Department - Explosive Ordinance Disposal
Washington District of Columbia Police Department - Medical Services Section
Washington District of Columbia Police Department - Narcotics Investigations
Washington District of Columbia Police Department - Patrol Services and School S
Washington District of Columbia Police Department - Patrol Support Branch and Fa
Washington District of Columbia Police Department - Recruitment
Washington District of Columbia Police Department - Special Operations and Honor
Washington District of Columbia Police Department - Training
Washington District of Columbia Police Department - Youth Investigations and Fam
Washington District of Columbia Police Department District 1
Washington District of Columbia Police Department District 1 Substation
Washington District of Columbia Police Department District 2
Washington District of Columbia Police Department District 3
Washington District of Columbia Police Department District 4
Washington District of Columbia Police Department District 5
Washington District of Columbia Police Department District 6
Washington District of Columbia Police Department District 6 Substation
Washington District of Columbia Police Department District 7
Washington Dolls' House and Toy Museum
Washington Dulles Intl
Washington Ethical High School
Washington Female Orphan Asylum (historical)
Washington Hebrew Congregation Cemetery
Washington Hebrew Congregation Child Development Center
Washington Hebrew Congregation Education Center
Washington Hebrew Temple (historical)
Washington Heights Presbyterian Church (historical)
Washington Heliport
Washington Highland Recreation Center
Washington Highlands
Washington Highlands Branch Library
Washington Home
Washington House (historical)
Washington Hunt Club Building (historical)
Washington Institute Mouth Facility
Washington International School - Tregaron Campus
Washington Jail (historical)
Washington Latin Primary Charter School
Washington Library (historical)
Washington Loan and Trust Branch Riggs National Bank
Washington Lodge Number 15
Washington Marina
Washington Math/Science/Technology Public Charter School
Washington Mathematics Science and Technology Primary Charter School
Washington Meeting House
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Headquarters
Washington Navy Yard
Washington Navy Yard Finance Station Post Office
Washington Nursing Facility
Washington Post
Washington Post Building
Washington Post Heliport
Washington Riding Academy (historical)
Washington Science and Technology Academy
Washington Seventh Day Baptist Church
Washington Square
Washington Square Post Office
Washington Surgical Center
Washington Theater Comique (historical)
Washington Theatre (historical)
Washington Theological Union School
Washington Tourist Center Building
Washington Ulusal Katedrali
Watergate Complex
Watergate Post Office
Watergate Shopping Center
Waterside Mall
Watha T Daniel Branch Library
Watkins Elementary School
Watkins Gallery - American University
Watkins Potomac Child Development Center
Watkins Recreation Center
Watterston House
Watts Branch Parkway
Watts Branch Playground
Watts Branch Recreation Center
Waugh Chapel
Waugh Methodist Church
Way of Truth and Life Church of God in Christ
Wayland Seminary
WDCA-TV (Washington)
WDCU-FM (Washington)
Weather Bureau (historical)
Weatherless Elementary School (historical)
Webster School
Wee Wisdom Child Development Center
Weightmans Row
Wes Public School (historical)
Wesley Chapel (historical)
Wesley Church
Wesley Heights
Wesley Heights Community Club
Wesley Heights Park
Wesley Seminary of American University
West Education Campus
West End
West End Branch Library
West End Post Office
West Georgetown School (historical)
West Over View
West Potomac Golf Course (historical)
West Potomac Park
West Seaton Park
West Washington Baptist Church
Western High School (historical)
Western Presbyterian Church
Western Ridge Trail
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Westmoreland Circle
Westmoreland Congregational United Church of Christ
Westmoreland Terrace
Westory Building
Westover Estate (historical)
Westover Place
WETA-TV (Washington)
Wetzell-Archbold Farmstead
WFTY-TV (Washington)
WGAY-FM (Washington)
WGMS-FM (Washington)
WHC Heliport
Wheat Row
Wheatley Elementary School
Wheatley Playground
Wheatley Recreation Center
Wheatley Town House
White Friars Hall School
White Horse Trail
White House Basketball Court
White House Post Office
White House Rose Garden
White-Gravenor Hall
White-Meyer House
Whitehaven Parkway
Whitehaven Plantation
Whitelaw Hotel
Whitman House
Whitman Walker-Elizabeth Taylor Clinic
Whitman-Walker Clinic
Whitney Young Memorial Bridge
Whittemore House
Whittier Education Campus
WHMM-TV (Washington)
WHUR-FM (Washington)
WHUT-TV Station
Wibble Wobble Child Development Center
Wilkinson Elementary School
Wilkinson Recreation Center
Willard Hall (historical)
Willard Hotel
Willard Office Building (historical)
William E Doar Junior Primary Charter School for the Performing Arts
William F Allen
William H Crawford Hall
William H Greene Stadium
William H Rumsey Aquatic Facility
William H Tenney House
William Howard Taft Bridge
William Howard Taft House
William Knowles House
William Thornton House (historical)
Williams House (historical)
Williams-Addison House
Wilmer Cutler and Pickering Child Development Center
Wilson Memorial Methodist Church
Wilson Pool
Wilson School
Winder Building
Windsor Lodge
Wisconsin Avenue
Wisconsin Avenue Bridge
Wisewell Barracks (historical)
WJLA-TV (Washington)
WJZE-FM (Washington)
WKYS-FM (Washington)
WMAL-TV (historical)
WOL-AM (Washington)
Wolfington Hall
Womens History and Resource Center
Woodbridge Church of Our Lord
Woodhull House
Woodland Terrace Family Clinic
Woodland Terrace Recreation Center
Woodlawn Cemetery
Woodley (historical)
Woodley Bridge (historical)
Woodley Park
Woodley Park
Woodley Playground
Woodridge Branch Library
Woodridge Community Health Center
Woodridge Day Care Center
Woodridge Elementary School
Woodridge Pilgrim Church
Woodridge Post Office
Woodrow Wilson High School
Woodrow Wilson House
Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge
Woods Trail
Woodson High School
Woodson Junior Recreation Center
Woodson Senior Recreation Center
Woodward and Lothrop Building
Woodward and Lothrop Service Warehouse
Woodward Apartments
Woolly Mammoth Theatre
Word of God Baptist Church
World Bank
World Bank Childrens Center
World Mission Society Church of God
World Public Charter School of Washington
Wormley School (historical)
Wormleys Hotel (historical)
Worthington-Kearney House
WPFW-FM (Washington)
WRC-TV (Washington)
Wrestling Bears Sculpture
WRQX-FM (Washington)
WTTG-TV (Washington)
WUSA-TV (Washington)
WUST-AM (Washington)
WWDC-AM (Washington)
WWDC-FM (Washington)
WWRC-AM (Washington)
WYCB-AM (Washington)
WYCB-AM (Washington)
Wylie House (historical)
Wyoming Apartments