24/11 ÖS 7:00 19:00 – 25/11 ÖS 3:00 15:00
Yellow wind warning for sea area: Locally on all sea areas, Sun 21.00 - Mon 17.00 Wind warning for sea areas: From Sunday evening to Monday evening, probability for south gale-force winds is 80%. Areas: Eastern Gulf of Finland, Northern Bay of Bothnia, Sea of Archipelago, Sea of Åland, Southern Bay of Bothnia, The Quark, Western Gulf of Finland
FMI Open DataSel
24/11 ÖS 10:00 22:00 – 28/11 ÖS 9:59 21:59
Flood centre/SYKE: Rainfall and snow melt cause urban flooding and flooding of rivers.
SYKEÖnümüzdeki 24 saat
Bugün dünya hava durumu
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