29/11 ÖÖ 3:00 03:00 – 29/11 ÖS 10:00 22:00
Yellow wind warning for land areas: Northern Lapland, Fri 5.00 - Sat 0.00 Wind warning for land areas: Probability for strong winds from west to southwest is 20% from Friday morning to the night between Friday and Saturday. Wind gusts can exceed 20 m/s.
FMI Open DataUyarı
30/11 ÖS 10:00 22:00 – 1/12 ÖS 10:00 22:00
Yellow traffic weather warning: Lapland, Sun 0.00 - Mon 0.00 Traffic weather warning: From the night between Saturday and Sunday to the night between Sunday and Monday, probability for bad road conditions is 30% because of snow and rising temperature.
FMI Open DataÖnümüzdeki 24 saat
Bugün dünya hava durumu
+17° 63°
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En sıcak ve en soğuk
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+41.3° 106°
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+41.3° 106°
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-13.2° 8°
Kittilä, Финландия
-18.7° -2°
Berdigestyakh, Русия
-31.5° -25°
Arctic Village, Съединени щати
-33.9° -29°
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-35° -31°