Uyarılar, Tarogongmuka


14/11 ÖÖ 0:00 00:00

Alert Status Jawa Barat, Dki Jakarta dan Banten The road is wet, slippery, or visibility is reduced; Small-scale and short-term disruptions in clean water, electricity, and gas services; Small-scale and short term disruptions to school and hospital operations; Landslides or rock avalanches occur on small scale; Pool of water in coastal areas or lowlands on a small scale.; There is a small scale flow of debris, lava, or mud.; Floods inundated parts of the streets and settlements.; Flood flow disrupts community activities on a small scale. Stay calm and alert.; Share / exchange information with neighbors around the house.


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Şurası için hava durumu Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta