Uyarılar, Malozučke Livade

Kar yağışlı

11/2 ÖS 11:00 23:00 – 12/2 ÖS 11:00 23:00

Local freezing rain/drizzle Problems in local traffic (to possible traffic blockade), problems in electric power supply - possible damages in electric transmission systems, pedestrian injuries, trees damage ( forest damage, damage of trees in parks and individual trees (some branches break off trees especially in combination with strong wind). The adverse effect of deposition and the icing on the electric railway systems, ski lifts, TV towers and other antenna towers.


Kar yağışlı

12/2 ÖS 11:00 23:00 – 13/2 ÖS 11:00 23:00

Glaze or icing on wet areas Problems in traffic and transport (slippery road condition). The adverse impact of freezing on transmission lines (lines for the transmission of electricity), electric railways, ski lifts, TV towers and other antenna towers.


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