Düşük sıcaklık
3/2 ÖS 0:00 12:00
Morning minimum temperature is predicted to drop by more than 15°C than the previous day to below 3°C and lower by 3°C compared to the climatological normal year. Morning minimum temperatures of -15°C or less is expected for more than 2 days. Serious damage is expected over a wide range of areas due to rapid temperature drop.
3/2 ÖÖ 1:00 01:00
Wind speed exceeding 14m/s or wind speed of moment exceeding 20m/s are expected on land. But, wind speed exceeding 17m/s or wind speed of moment exceeding 25m/s are expected in mountain areas.
4/2 ÖÖ 1:00 01:00
Effective humidity of 35% or less is expected for at least 2 days.
KMAÖnümüzdeki 24 saat
Bugün dünya hava durumu
+14° 57°
+9° 48°
-1° 30°
+6° 43°
+7° 45°
+14° 57°
+3° 37°
+3° 37°
+3° 37°
+27° 81°
En sıcak ve en soğuk
Salaga, Ghana
+36.6° 98°
Sansanné-Mango, Togo
+36.4° 98°
Reconquista, Argentinien
+35.5° 96°
Savé, Benin
+33.6° 92°
Saqqaq, Grönland
-21.7° -7°
Starr School, Vereinigte Staaten
-24.4° -12°
Ulaangom, Mongolei
-28° -18°
Genhe, China
-35.2° -31°
Grande Cache, Kanada
-39.9° -40°